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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. :roftl: Just looked on the Take That forum voting thread - Freddie I can't believe you posted on there!!!!!!! Now they know we are 'onto' it here at MFC, they'll vote even more! What have you done?!?! Only kidding - anything to stop Leona winning, I see what your purpose was
  2. Songs can move up the playlists can't they? Maybe R1 will shunt it up there to A List nearer the release date.
  3. Wow we are up to 20% !!!! That's fantastic!!! KEEP VOTING - we can definitely do this....
  4. I think what we can hope for is that the Take Thatters will get complacent near the deadline and stop voting - then MFC can blast the poll with thousands of last minute votes and overtake This could be our Masterplan When is the deadline? Another week?
  5. Yeah it looks as if Beyonce/Shakira's percentage has gone up a bit which affects the other percentages a bit - I wonder if a bit of tactical voting might work?? What do you think? Or is that morally wrong
  6. Are we being very British this morning and moaning about the weather??? Can i join in? It is depressing, wet, windy, freezing one day and 16 degrees C the next. "You just don't know WHAT to wear" It's crap.
  7. Will Mika still be performing at this given his illness?? I hope so for all of you going - although it would still be worth going to see everyone else I reckon. Fingers crossed for you.
  8. Isn't that the American spelling of travelled?? I think we can let him off then, him being half American and all:naughty: His message has really warmed my cockles this morning What a guy
  9. That's what I meant when I said this morning I'd heard he wasn't 100% last night...I could see this coming.
  10. As far as I can see it's only a small proportion of Mika fans who dress up anyway - I do not count the odd flashy fun accessory by the way (points to avatar....). I was surprised when I went the other week that most Mika fans dress quite normally and dare I say it, as individuals! I expected to see many many more people dressed up. Twas not the case. So it is a bit of a storm in a teacup I think. Anyway they always say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Mika ought to be pleased the Hoosiers are copying him!
  11. I wonder if the tour promoters/ticket agents managed to warn anyone by texting their mobiles? Do they actually bother to do that? They always take a mobile number from you supposedly for this very eventuality... I agree it'll not be nice for people turning up none the wiser...
  12. I hope so too.......that would make a sad situation even sadder.
  13. Sorry for everyone affected - including Mika and the band. Especially for those travelling from abroad... Get well Mika. That is the most important thing.
  14. I thought as much So smile everyone and look pretty
  15. Me neither Tia. Who are these people??? I'm serious. Although my Mum has asked for her CD for Xmas (She can't listen to LICM any more she says because it 'gets in her head and she can't sleep' :roftl: I think we've all been there, done that!)
  16. I will post the link on as many of the (active) Mika Facebook groups as I can. Every vote counts.
  17. Somebody slap me, I've just spent the last ten minutes glued to the TT forum I need to look at some pictures of Mika now to bring me back...*heads to Mikagasmic Thread*
  18. I'm not really a fan of 'green Mika' (especially not the Kermit trousers ) but that green and pink jacket is nice!!!!!
  19. I love my orange page Have you read some of the comments on that TT thread though - they seem to be under the impression their only rival in this poll is Leona Lewis They may be in for a shock
  20. If you wait around a minute between closing the window and opening it again you can vote again and again without deleting cookies. SO COME ON FOLKS NO EXCUSES we can't let Take That fans outdo us!
  21. I dunno - sometimes they show these Radio 2 Music Club things on BBCi. Like the Mika @ Maida Vale thing in February. So you may not be safe from our eagle eyes!!
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