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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Hope you all enjoy this; I'm a bit sad as I had the chance (thanks to some kind people's offer ) to go to this but just can't make it to London on a weeknight; I will insist on putting my family first (sometimes I wish I could stop doing that and be more selfish, honestly!!! I mean it!) so only myself to blame Oh well what can I say, I'm a crap fan!! Have fun and I will be spotting you if/when they show it on TV.
  2. Too right - well there's nothing wrong with a bit of 'assertive manoeuvering' We are all too British when it comes to queuing and all this polite 'you go first dear' thing!!!!
  3. i know exactly how you feel. don't worry - you are normal!!
  4. yeah I know - we turned up at quarter to six at Manchester expecting to be queuing half way to Stockport already and we were still near the front!!! It seems a bit like masochism to me
  5. lol it's okay for me, it's only unpaid helping out at school although 200 kids do rely on me for their morning tuckshop so maybe I'll have to give the Mikster a miss for the kiddies' sake
  6. I know, she is a pain!!! She's so painfully trendy. She looks at Mika as if he is something she just found on the bottom of her shoe. Grrrr.
  7. Thanks everyone for the reports. The car banging thing has shocked me, yes I really hope it's nobody from MFC I know security can be a pain but if some idiots behave like that then they deserve security* down on top of them like a ton of bricks... Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed it despite the worries over Mika. * or Bab!
  8. Thanks!! I 'work' Wedensday mornings I may have to 'cancel' on this one occasion...
  9. I don't know - I was wondering that too. Poor Welshies!! I would have thought he'd've played Cardiff or Swansea. I hope he does next time for the Welsh fans...
  10. Ooh thank you for that Ruth - I was actually going to ask someone for the set list as I'm having trouble remembering the order now, it's fading a bit from the old memory (sniff ).
  11. Have fun tonight everyone Keep dry!!!! Won't be able to follow this here tonight - am practically banned from the PC in the evenings now :sneaky2: but will look forward to the reports tomorrow
  12. I'm sorry to report that I did not get to see Russell in Manchester yesterday My husband did insist that we had gone there shopping/drinking and NOT to queue up to see a hot guy What are husbands like, spoiling the fun???? So when he was there signing away, I was the other side of town eating a bratwurst. Never mind.
  13. It's okay, I was only joking. I like to pretend to sulk Anyway your Mika-ometer is pretty warm these days, I see you have removed the tw word from your sig so he must be doing something right
  14. Mika is calling big people freaks now??? It's the beginning of the end for me I fear. Well it had to happen sometime:blink:
  15. OMG, when It comes up out of that manhole in the street...............I nearly wet myself:shocked:
  16. I'm going to post some Yorkshire pictures in the Yorkshire Thread. I'm feeling nostalgic for home, it's hard living in enemy territory sometimes
  17. It's black o'er our Bill's!!! Translation: There are some dark clouds in yonder sky...
  18. That's the one!! Thanks. Yes I'd never really thought about the witty/sinister thing clearly before but thinking about it now, that's a major reason why I like Mika.
  19. Hello!!! Or should we be in the Yorkshire Thread? By 'eck the weather is very British today!! (very British way of opening conversation.. )
  20. Remind me of the title, if you would!! And yes, he is very witty too and lots of his darkest stuff is also witty, or black humour. Maybe that's why he 'gets' Mika..? He can appreciate the darker elements in Mika's music.
  21. :shocked: I've just read daisylou's siggy and Russell is signing in Manchester tomorrow and I am going there anyway shopping.........I'll pop in and see him , I'll put a good word in for you all Ooh how exciting!!!! Haaaarrrrrrrri Krishnaa!
  22. My Dad basically told me the same as what you quoted in that book, then said " I can't tell you any more, it's too disturbing...."!!!! one of these days I'll read it.
  23. I would like that bookie wook I've got a thing for Russell at the moment. And he is very funny!! Normally I really hate sexually obvious men but there's just something about Russell...and he's a massive Smiths/Morrissey fan just like me so we'd have something to talk about after we'd done with the chicken
  24. Oh and I know the book you were quoting in white AnnaMariaPetra - I haven't read it but my Dad has, he is a big Stephen King fan and he said it was the scariest book of his he'd ever read!
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