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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Stephen King has written some very scary stuff and some of the film adaptations of his work have been very good. Carrie, The Shining, Misery, to name a few. And did anyone see that mini series "It", with the terrifying clown thing????? Stephen should go and see Mika - I'm sure he'd like Gray Skelly
  2. A pigeonhole, apart from being literally a hole for a pigeon, is also used to mean those boxes/shelves you can have your personal mail sorted into at work or college. So, the term 'to pigeonhole someone' in terms of music has come to mean to assign an artist to a certain 'box' or stereotype, eg, Mika 'must' go in the box marked 'bubblegum pop'. Or James Blunt must be in the box marked 'singer-songwriter balladeer' and so on. What I was getting at here was that Mika fans do not all necessarily like stuff from the same pigeonhole, and Mika's music itself is harder to pigeonhole than some people think.
  3. Great!! Hurrah for eclecticism! This I like to see. No pigeonhole for the Mikster. Stephen King is a man of taste obviously!
  4. Voted and added to my signature to remind me and others!!! This HAS to win. It IS the Record of the Year.
  5. Oh I'm sure she is only going there for Newton Faulkner She won't bat an eyelid at Neil.
  6. I have to admit I'm not too struck on Shameless either, thoughI am trying.. It's a bit TOO 'Manc'. I've spent enough of my life surrounded by real Manc-ness, so it's a bit too close to home (though I don't live on a council estate but you know what I mean).
  7. Mika's front garden?? That'll do for me. And what is miss f doing posting here??????
  8. The extended SITM was my favourite thing from Manchester. Only Mika can get a whole crowd singing scat at the top of their voices! He's a genius. Who called him Pied Piper? That was very apt. Thanks for the nice reports
  9. I just don't know how he does it. Seriously! I know he's young and everything (I know I had much more stamina 14 years ago ) but even so. Although obviously he still looks fantastic you only have to look at pictures/footage of him from early in the year to see that the schedule this year has taken its toll on him. I saw the Koko thing on telly last week and I was shocked to see how young and 'fresh' he looked back then!!
  10. I totally agree. I know it's easy for me to say that because I'm not going to any more gigs, but I always said I'd rather he'd cancel any gig I go to rather than seriously jeopardise his health/voice etc. I stand by that for the future and anyone can bring that back to haunt me at any time!!! Mika, get a good rest over Xmas, cancel everything after 5th Dec. Good boy.
  11. It's funny because my friend and I were totally unaware that the Shameless ppl were there on stage on that night - I don't watch it, and anyway, I was only ever looking at one person on the stage... But outside afterwards my friend kept pointing at this blond woman who was there and saying "That's her from Coronation Street!!" and I was like "Uh?? I don't recognise her". Next day my friend realised she's mixed up her TV dramas in her post-gig euphoria, but I'd've been none the wiser anyway! But I have watched Shameless a bit since then What's good enough for Meeks is good enough for me (though I do draw the line at Hollyoaks ) And sariflor - yes fishnets are the work of the devil, the single most unflattering item of apparel ever invented, unless you quite literally have sticks for legs, and then they just make you look like a prostitute!
  12. Hello you lot (or you few, should that be?? ). Have a great time! Is it freezing???
  13. What a little charmer he is He wouldn't get me in fishnets though... Thanks for posting.
  14. tantastic, what a superb avatar that is!! I'd have to have a Michael Palin one though
  15. Thanks. What can I get in, let's say, South Kensington for 200K??? A shoebox of some kind??
  16. I love this song!!!! A total cheesy-pop classic and now I even have the words, thanks greta Yeah Mika should cover it. I'm sure his Romanian is great:biggrin2:
  17. Why? Was there some 'attitude' there or something? Or just lack of atmosphere?
  18. ROFLMAO I've just clicked on the link, and realised they called him MIKE in the headline! I don't remember editing it when I copied-and-pasted it !!??? Proof that no-one in South Yorkshire had heard of Mika before last Saturday night (and some still haven't...) - as I suspected all along
  19. I haven't been to Whitby since I was a nipper, but I'm always saying I'll take my kids there someday soon. It's got a really special atmosphere, one of those places that are great even in bad weather. Which is just as well!! I used to like the drive through the North Yorkshire Moors to get there...we used to go past the early warning station at Fylingdales (the giant golf balls) and that used to FREAK me out. But it was Cold War era and so I was obsessed with the thought of nuclear war!!!
  20. Posh and Becks at the Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival. England's finest exports And it doesn't get more English than this.
  21. I would love to take everyone from the MFC to Kettlewell in the Yorkshire Dales in August. They have the most amazing, wacky, totally ENGLISH, nutty Scarecrow Festival there every year in August. It's great and as I said, just so English!!! If I lived in Kettlewell I would be doing a Mika Scarecrow this year as my contribution. How good would that be?????
  22. Old news now (after the latest stonking gigs in Newcastle and Bournemouth) but GOOD review: The Dome - Saturday, November 24, 2007 Mika THE audience is young, distinctly female and there's more glitter, feather boas and flashing bunny ears than in Elton John's wardrobe. It's clear this is not going to be your usual night out at The Dome. Entering to the strains of Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 as an angel-winged dancing girl bursts from a huge blue balloon, its clear that this sell-out show is going to be high on spectacle. And you wouldn't expect anything else but glamour, glitz and high camp from Mika, a man who bounds around with endless smiles and energy. Beneath streams of Blackpool illumination lights and against a cartoon backdrop, he kicks off with a spirited rendition of Relax, Take It Easy. A huge inflatable woman cues in a stomping version of Big Girls (You Are Beautiful) and from then on its one headlong, colourful trip through the crazy world of Mika. Want huge lumbering skeleton puppets, glitter cannons, balloons bobbing through the audience and a bloke dressed as a vicar for new track Holy Johnny? No problem. Want a deranged puppet show set to the Teddy Bears Picnic, grown men running around the balcony in bunny costumes, a huge fake snowstorm, a stage bedecked with flowers and a stripped to the waist Mika beating the hell out of a dustbin? Yep, we can do that too. Fortunately, amidst all the kitsch madness and mayhem, the tunes rise head and shoulders above it all. Love Today bops and bounces around, Billy Brown floats around on Beatles melodies and there's even a rocked out version of the Eurthymics' Sweet Dreams. But five week number one Grace Kelly and encore Lollipop are met with the biggest cheers of the night as one, night of happy day-glo pop partying comes to an end. For the scores of kids in attendance, its a show they won't forget in a hurry. But that said, neither will the adults. Mika was magic. * Darren Burke http://www.doncasterfreepress.co.uk/reviews/Mike--Live-Review.3521851.jp :punk:
  23. Thanks for the reports/texts/classic quotes ("I feel so cheap!!" and "Sex on legs" have just given me my first two belly laughs of the day!! ) I think this tour is turning into the stuff of legend But I didn't like the grabbing-at-Mika thing
  24. Yes, he is indeed a t**t. I read that review yesterday and was enjoying it until I got to the cut-and-paste bulls**t and then saw THAT name at the bottom. PAH ! Good PW review though!
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