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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Akim, is it me or are you feeling Mika's 'electricity' a lot these past few days??? Could it be you are getting excited?
  2. I think he said that on the Tuesday - I wasn't at that one but saw your video - but even on Monday, I swear he was shouting "COME ON MANCHISTOH !!!!" Deffo too much time with the Shameless lot, lol.
  3. Great review, I wish I'd gone to Newcastle, it sounds like a legendary night!!!! Thanks for posting
  4. These siggy things in the MFC style are great, who has done them???? I'd like one... We should all wear big top hats with these forum name thingies emblazoned on them. Or T-shirts. Or bags like you vanessa!
  5. :roftl: You should be at the Bingo love! (That's what I imagine Mika was thinking when he smiled sweetly and politely at me...)
  6. I'm one of the ones who regrets not making more effort to seek out and say hello to MFCers.... I did say hello to those I recognised and chatted to a couple but wish I'd been more confident to say more to more! It is hard if you are naturally shy but I agree...more effort needed. It's worth it, I'm sure. And a nicer bunch of "strangers" you couldn't possibly hope to meet, really Flashing hearts are good - although there was a lot of flashing stuff around and not all of it hearts so it was confusing at times, especially at a distance!
  7. It is definitely a good idea and the photos look so much more natural when not posed anyway. As long as Mika is okay with it (but Security can s*d off, they are always such miserable gits!!!!)
  8. I want to quote Gary Ryan (spit) from yesterday's Manc Evening News, in his review of Patrick Wolf at the Lowry Centre: "In a world where the phrase idiosyncratic star is devalued by applying it to nostalgia cut-and-paste jobs such as Mika, Patrick Wolf is a rare commodity" He just couldn't resist another dig
  9. I know exactly what you mean When he was stood there in front of me and I had the chance to say something....I opened my gob and..nothing. I suddenly realised, I don't actually know you Mika, so what exactly do I say to you?? And do you care? No, not really
  10. Thanks for all the reports and photos, by all accounts Newcastle officially rocked On the photos/hogging Mika thing: when I went to Manchester last week I actually felt quite intimidated in the signing queue; people were shoving to try and get to Mika and although I was near the front I felt squeezed out. Although I had no intention of having my pic taken with him (because when security/mika was saying NO PICS guess what, I believed them! Stupid me) I was determimed to have my stuff signed and say Thanks to Mika at the very least because this was my first and only gig this year. So I had to be a little pushy (not like me at all) just to get my little two penneth in. Then I stood back and let others go. Plenty of people who are still big fans will only get to one or two gigs and I do think it's important not to hog the Mikster. However...if he wants to chat to you, then so be it. Some are just luckier, or more active fans, than others..but we all love him and need to share if possible!
  11. In Mick Hucknall's defence, they do say that when you meet him in person he is very very charismatic..........I'm not saying any more:mf_rosetinted:
  12. Yeah it always works for me too Goth would be good for me Not that I'm going again for my foreseeable lifetime :sneaky2:
  13. I'm going to have a little self pitying moan. Just a little one!! I wish I wish I could go to another concert on this tour. The Mika Withdrawal is killing me. But I can't, because: a) I have children who need looking after and no babysitters b) they are all in the South, and too far, and mostly weeknights c) no money d) my poor husband would have me committed if I did So I'm fed up and frustrated and aaaaarrrrrrggghhhhhhh. Now I'm done and I will try to be more positive
  14. I know what you mean, but personally I'm just happy to read a nice review at the moment, one which acknowledges Mika's strengths instead of picking him apart. I have my protective mothering head on today Akim
  15. Thanks awaitinf full report later! Now go and see the sights of Toon
  16. Come on Sivan, tell Freddie the sightseeing can wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. New Order and The Smiths are my two favourite bands ever And you are right about Oasis! Mika is definitely not ugly or grungey enough for Manchester. In fact he's just not Northern enough!! Or even English enough! He did fall into a bit of a Manchester accent last week at the concert, but even that hasn't ingratiated him Poor Mika he tried!!
  18. I do agree, actually. It's a very begrudging nod towards the fact that Mika put on two blindingly brilliant, universally acclaimed pop shows in Manchester last week. They can't bear the fact someone so UNCOOL rocked the cool city of Manchester. Heaven forbid!!! I love Manchester and I've loved its music scene down the years with a passion. But nothing annoys me more than Indie Snobbery. And on the Kylie/Madonna comparison...hmmm yes that's unfortunate, especially Kylie, I really don't get her at all (but then as a Mika fan I shouldn't judge eh??? ).
  19. Cannot scan, but yesterday's Manchester Evening News printed the following on its letters page: MIKA MAGIC I attended the Mika concert at the Apollo and a sad, dismal November evening soon became one of the most fantastic sunny experiences I could have wished for. It has to be one of the best concerts I have ever been to, up there with the likes of Madonna and Kylie. Thank you Mika. Sue Wood Is this the MEN's way of acknowledging the 20+ positive comments they have received taking issue with Gary Ryan's half-hearted online review last week??? Shame they couldn't be bothered to put any kind of review of his concerts in the print version of the newspaper .But still.
  20. This sounds like an absolutely awesome night How fab is Mika and MFC Thanks for the reviews and Sparkly your photos are great. You cannot know how I am stuck-in-the-middle of these two extremes right now It isn't right!!!!!!!!!!! I need therapy.
  21. That is fantastic, the quilt looks fab (like the Sonic patch Sparkly, my kids are obsessed with Sonic, I must show them that!! ) Wish I'd got my a**e in gear and contributed. Well done everyone who did
  22. Exactly one week since I was hearing the same in Manchester, the nostalgia is killing me!!!! I can't help it, I'm jealous. Wonder what jacket Meeks is wearing
  23. Mesmerising is the word! His 'French mannerisms' are so cute. I'm still mightily impressed (though strangely not surprised) that my previously Mika-loathing friend has done an about-turn on him since seeing him perform, in the flesh, last week. She says she couldn't take her eyes off him the whole time! She has now admitted she finds him attractive (before, she said some horrible things about him ). And how I wish he'd been around when I was teaching French years ago...I would have bored my students rigid though with endless playings of videos such as this one..!!!
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