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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I told you I was good at backs of heads Can't believe that's you though - I never saw you right there, honestly! And no excuses really because I knew what you looked like. I was so totally spaced out that Mika was 'in the area' that I didn't know what was going on, I don't think I even knew my own name . Either that or I was temporarily dazzled by HJ's hair
  2. I will join, but I totally agree with you on the above. We must always be civil and acknowledge that some people just really don't like his music, and are allowed to voice their opinion. Personal attacks on Mika do vary in seriousness, from snide comments (Manchester Evening News, anyone???) to what verges on incitement to violence on Facebook and our responses need to fit the crimes, so to speak! So yes it's a good idea but it has to be measured.
  3. Me too. I did say "would you sign that to Rachel?" and "Thanks Mika" but nothing meaningful. That was probably my only chance to speak to him, ever. By the time I get round to another gig he'll have about 10 bodyguards and a bag on his head when they smuggle him out.
  4. He's the only man I would cheat on Meeks for. He's my bit on the side, perv wise!
  5. It's a strange one. Obviously made for an American audience but quite entertaining. Actually I only watch it to perv at Jonathan Rhys Meyers
  6. What did you say to him Sarah? I couldn't think of anything. My mind went blank, I was too much in awe (how pathetic..).
  7. That made me gasp out loud!!!!!! And Alice is cute too Aw look at ther face, she's like "Mika is standing next to me........!!!!!". Well I know how she feels..
  8. I picked up on it but just thought, it can't be that 'big'... Is it really big then???? Agh I can't be on here tonight - too much suspense
  9. Hello and welcome to the fanclub!! I was there Monday and I saw a boy (your son, obviously!) dressed as Scooby - it was outside, afterwards, or possibly in the foyer (memory sketchy now). So you were mesmerised too eh he does have that effect doesn't he? Even my friend couldn't take her eyes off him and she thought he was 'ugly and geeky' before the show!!! Anyway it was a fab night, I can't wait to go again...hope he comes back to the Apollo some time.
  10. This is something I'd really like to know. As far as I'm concerned he's British - despite his parentage etc. I think of him as British, as he has grown up here and says he regards London as home, but I'd like to know the official answer. Maybe someone could ask him? Although it's a bit of a strange question and he might not really want to give out info like that. And 'Britishness' is such a confusing subject these days anyway! I suspect he is officially dual American/Lebanese.
  11. Thanks for the great report Mika Mad (if there have been others too I'm sorry, haven't had time to read whole thread yet..) Sounds like you and your daughter had a great time. I'd love to take my kids to see him - it would blow their minds completely!!! And yes - I know what you mean about the Sex God/ sweet & gentle thing .
  12. A night in at yours sounds fun Bab...throw in some Alan Partridge and I'm there..
  13. No it's not C4 he loves, it's just North-West people.
  14. LOL I'm from Barnsley! Get thi booits en thi coit on, wi goooin dahn t'chipoil foruz tea-ah. Who can translate that? Have a go! Yorkshire thread sounds good.
  15. Thanks Marilyn! I will enter! Trust the MEN to get that wrong, though. I am rapidly going off that publication!!!!!
  16. ha ha Doncatraz!!!!!! My dad always call it that. I hope no-one ends up in Doncatraz this weekend
  17. yeah yeah yeah but his ass is cute in those white pants But you are right. Bet he's a stickler for the toilet seat up and the dirty underpants on the bathroom floor.
  18. In my part of Yorkshire we say "She's got the monk on" why monk, do not ask me. I don't make up the rules I'm just from there
  19. It goes all wonky in the middle!!! Still. Great song. Glad he is releasing it properly here.
  20. Agree. Been waiting for this kind of Mika vid for a while, it's here at last!!!!!
  21. Thanks for posting!!!! Exciting! It's been remixed. But not too drastically, thankfully.
  22. I agree he does look/seem younger when you actually see him there in front of you. But I'm the same age as you Christine and I have to say my 'percentages' are probably the reverse of yours, ...although at one point on Monday night I did catch myself thinking (fleetingly) "mmm. son-in-law material" Can't get a handle on my thoughts on this at the moment !!
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