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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I can't believe I'm daring to post this I look so bad!!!! My friend said "Why are you doing 'jazz hands'??" Well how should I know?? Holy Johnny Mika looking like some kind of Jedi Knight and the back of HJ's head! I'm good at backs of heads!!!!
  2. Andy the Cameraman filming the queue beforehand (he was sweet). Back of Sarah Lollipop's head I believe (sorry Sarah!) Mika doing Happy Ending - at least he stands fairly still so you can snap him! Mika having pics with some people - security man giving me the evils for daring to take a pic
  3. Nice pics Ruth. Mine are sparse and very rubbish, no MFCers on them (well I've got the back of Sarah's head!!) but will post what I have in a bit.
  4. You mean like a top-of-the-head ruffle?? I do that to my son all the time but he is only 5 . Not sure I'd want to touch Mika's hair in quite the same way . After seeing him in the flesh I am really caught between the lust thing and the motherliness thing. Wish I was just that bit older OR younger. I'm stuck-in-the-middle! If I were Mika, I'd be a bit freaked out by the hair touching though...although I understand the urge must've been quite irresistible!!
  5. I've edited my siggy a bit so as to avoid any ambiguity (and possible lawsuits from The Mikster!).
  6. :blush-anim-cl: Oh dear I didn't intend to imply that...you know.... How could anyone think that? Well I called it losing my Mika virginity because honestly, I'd been waiting a looong time and felt kind of virtuous that I'd managed to 'hold off' on the gigs despite being mika-obsessed (though it was more through lack of opportunity than anything else).. But now I feel fully satisfied:bleh: I mean you have to admit girls...need I say more? WHERE = Manchester Apollo WHEN = November 19th DRESS UP? = black and more black, flashing hearts, cat ears WHAT WEARING? = Mika? white and gold:wub2:
  7. Great! Perhaps you have a good point there about eBay....a bit of stress might be worth it to stop that evil! Those of you who have experienced/are still experiencing the stress might not agree...
  8. Thing is (and this is my last word on this subject now), there are now 16 comments on the website about the article, all saying the same: that the concert was fantastic, and the review was unfair. And not all the people who wrote in are hardcore Mika fans. So, justice has at least been done and anyone reading the review will hopefully also read the comments and thus get a proper feel for what the concert was like. Which was what Gary Ryan should have provided in the first place. Me done!
  9. Welcome Niki Were you at Manc Apollo on Monday night? It's just that your MySpace pic looks familiar. Somebody in the queue asked me about my fanclub badge and she looked like you
  10. Ask her at Donny will you? Get the info
  11. LOL - I'm embarrassed for you, trying to think of the possibilities from that era!!! I know, it was Dave from Slade* wasn't it he was hot *hopes it wasn't, anyway you are too young for that:biggrin2: *
  12. Yeah Bab he is churning me up right now!!! I'll get over it
  13. We Don't Care About Freddie's Postman's Sexuality
  14. Note to self: must start to watch Shameless Thanks Marilyn!
  15. Actually I think it is quite offensive in places. I don't like the references to lard eaters. I am a big girl and I do not eat lard .
  16. It was a nice huge essay though, lol. And I agree with all of it. I think it is perfectly possible to be in love with someone you don't really know, because as you say, 'in love' and 'love' can be very different emotions. Still confused here as to what I feel about Mika at the moment! I think I need to go into a buddhist monastery for a few days and meditate on it Spray on the cheese, indeed!! Sparkly I am dying to know who you were in love with from the world of pop way back when...or is it too embarassing now???
  17. Thank God your tix seem to be showing up at last...I've been feeling your stress and angst!!
  18. Wendi and co gave the petition to Mika at Glasgow last weekend..so yes it's a bit late for you. Nice to see you back:thumb_yello: I always think of you when I watch the Graham Norton thing
  19. Don't worry, you don't have to be a 'kid' to have feelings like this! I've just been to my first gig after 11 months of waiting, and I think I recognise the feeling you're talking about. I think it's just part of the process of getting over the excitement of seeing Mika live and meeting him in the flesh. I think about him differently now, though I can't really explain how...I'm still trying to work that one out in my mind I do kind of 'miss' him though - strange isn't it? I just want to go again!!!!!
  20. Thanks. I haven't seen it yet, I know there was a link to it, does anyone have it to save me searching the forums (so lazy:naughty: ).
  21. Probably!! I was actually about 8 'rows' back, on the left hand side (near the toilets, I have a weak bladder ) and it was great because I really was the only person around me who knew HMDYLM and Holy Johnny. I was singing along heartily and everyone was looking at me as if to say, how come you know the words???? It was great! It made me feel a bit special, and Mika did notice... However next time it is definitely front row for me!
  22. With me, it's not just this particular review. It is the feeling that everyone here in Britain is hell bent on backlashing Mika at the moment. I don't mind journos saying they don't like his music. But some go over the top and I think it's a deliberately nasty vibe. But, free speech and all. Doesn't stop me from challenging it and being annoyed by it!!
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