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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I don't see anything wrong in acting passionately about something which has upset you. Other people in other threads are reacting passionately about things.....
  2. I thought Furious must be you! I'd like to see what you wrote in the comments that weren't posted! I'm still angry about it too though I know I should rise above it. I'm glad I commented. I will continue to challenge c*** like this which has no basis in reality! Opinion is one thing, but this was so wide of the mark as to be laughable. I agree with you, I honestly don't believe he even went to the gig!!
  3. Oh dear. I am gutted but I have to say, we are not good enough!!!!
  4. SORRY!!! So they are. How could I have made that mistake? They are really very good indeed, creep creep:bleh:
  5. Wow Mikafish, great pics - and I can't believe you are HJ's friend How were you dressed on Monday?? Trying to remember who/what I saw on stage for Lollipop, or maybe I was too busy jumping up batting the balloons
  6. Yes that was very Jackish! I do miss Jack, where is she?? There are 8 comments on the site now, all saying the same - how fantastic it actually was.. and they aren't all 'biased' MFCers either! So, we win
  7. :punk: Well my two 'penneth has now been posted on the MEN website. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/entertainment/music/live_reviews/c/1025069_mika__apollo
  8. Thanks!!! I've spent all afternoon watching your other vids.....I absolutely love them, you're a star
  9. Can't be sure but I think he is the same journo (huh) who slagged off LICM in the MEN when it came out. He's obviously a mika Hater - fair enough but he shouldn't have been allowed to review the concert, they should have asked somebody more neutral/open minded to go along. I'm off to look at your comment now
  10. Believe me I know what you mean...! Why am I not going to Donny :sneaky2:
  11. Great review emmylou, glad you enjoyed your 'first time' as much as me. Two satisfied Barnsley people then (at least!) You spoke to him more than I did - I just got lost for words and all I could say was "Thanks Mika!" - how lame is that but he did give me a lovely smile Are you still hyper??? I am. But I'm depressed too coz that's it for me till 2008
  12. I'm going to leave a comment on the website. Ryan can have his own opinion of course but he needs setting straight on a few FACTS!! I think though that I'll wait till I feel calmer before writing it
  13. *sigh* not again.... I do not understand it! Could he not see how much the audience loved it???? Baffling. The MEN just hates Mika, let's be honest.
  14. Thanks for posting! I must say I was unaware of the Shameless thing last night - I never did watch it anyway! But they seemed to have fun!
  15. Hi Ruth , it was lovely to chat to you last night! Sorry I didn't say bye, after I'd got my stuff signed and looked into The Eyes, I was a bit starstruck and dazed and lost sight of you in the scrum...next thing I knew we were half way to Piccadilly! I don't remember walking there - maybe I floated That's a classic story about your friend and Mika! Anyway I need to see these famous pics by Vix Bee....that can be tomorrow's little treat, I am jiggered from last night and need my bed now!
  16. Hi - I think I spoke to you outside the toilets Only at a Mika gig would you approach a complete stranger dressed as a bumble bee . It was a great night.
  17. Yes the finger point at you was How did you sleep last night?? And I noticed the speed-up thing too. I still can't get over the way he totally owns that stage..incredible. My friend said she liked the new songs - and she only likes a couple of LiCM songs. So they must have come across really well.
  18. I admit though that you got a far far better 'look' than me vixen! Jealous? Me?
  19. Yes you were absolutely right! I knew you would be, of course You'll probably think I'm imagining this too, but JUST before he turns and looks straight at you...he was looking straight at me! I was seriously the only person in that part of the audience who was singing along at that point and I made direct eye contact with him. I felt so proud! I need to lie down now.... Thanks for posting the video.
  20. I actually wasn't too bad, but my friend was really cold, I think if he's taken any longer coming out we would have had to go. He was sweet though wasn't he. He really does look you straight in the eye when he talks to you! I thought that was lovely.
  21. Likewise!! Sorry it took me a while to realise who you were..I can only say, I was a little tipsy. Hmmm. But anyway! And I didn't get to 'measure' Mika - is it me or was he stooping a bit while he was signing?? Poor thing, he was freezing!
  22. Yeah well I'd definitely had a few...but paced myself nicely, for a change, thank God! I'm not normally shy after a few drinks but last night I was kind of overcome by everything, can't really explain!
  23. Thanks Vix... I will watch that now (I recognised you last night, with one thing and another I didn't get to speak, sorry!) Well it's the ONLY one I've been to so far so had nothing to compare it to, but it sounds as if I picked a good one.....
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