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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Hmm. My local paper. What a rubbish review. And unfair I think. Leo Sayer Lord give me strength!!!!! And the age-old Scissor Sisters thing. Stereotyping Mika fans again!! Sheesh. I'd like to invite Mr. Meads to the Apollo with me on Monday, see if 'curly' ( patronising git) can change his mind.
  2. temperature's risin' barometer's gettin' low according to all sources... MFC's the place to goooo....... .........
  3. Skinny Mika! As my dad would say, he looks like a racing snake.. I think he has def put on weight since that. Thanks for posting
  4. I like HMDYLM but I do hope the second album isn't full of songs just like it. I hope it will be diverse, like LiCM, and have some quirkier stuff on it to balance the pure pop (like HMDYLM). Much as I like the track, I couldn't stomach 45 minutes of it. There is more to Mika than do-do-do-do-do after all
  5. Men? on MFC???? Have the floodgates finally opened?? We need more, more, more! I knew they would come
  6. Thanks for posting that, I enjoyed it Perez has grown on me. I think he must genuinely like/have a lot of respect for Mika, up to now he's been pretty loyal to him..hope it lasts. While some of his comments are bitchy and nasty I do think we need more people writing about Celebs like this - there is far too much a**elicking of Celebs for my liking, especially in this country. *hopes M never becomes a Celeb.*
  7. :roftl: I know. I haven't got the DVD yet, but I've seen that clip on Youtube... I know exactly what you mean, lol.
  8. Yes, this keeps cropping up too frequently for it to be wrong now. I agree with your theory. Mika has said that his Dad wanted him to also be called Michael, as is not uncommon in American families/dynasties, whatever. But he said his Mother wasn't keen at all on the idea of Michael Jr. ,so they settled on Mica. But I wonder if his Dad got his own way officially , ie on his birth certificate, but his Mum got her way by insisting he be known as Mica right from the start. It makes sense. That's my interpretation/guess.
  9. Aw sorry! Don't let us stop you! I've got some cat ears I might wear. That doesn't really count as dressing up though does it. Yeah well if I was 18 I'd go as a bumble bee too
  10. How could she lose something so precious!?! I hope it turns up! As for my preparations...I had good intentions of wearing something bright - well purple but for me that's bright but guess what, I've been a cop out and I'll be in black. But with bright jewellry (heart themed) and my new pink boots! Ah well my excuse is I didn't want to show my friend up too much (she will definitely not be extravagantly dressed, but I will FORCE a flashing heart on her, don't worry!). I had my first major butterflies-in-stomach moment last night
  11. I understand! It's strange isn't it, but I can't believe I once never knew who Mika was. It feels like I was born knowing him I can't comprehend that less than 11 months ago, there was no Mika in my daily existence. I'll celebrate my 1 year Mikaversary on January 3rd 2008. I think I'll bake a cake. Happy 6 month Mikaversary lollipop monkey!
  12. What a superb idea. I have found my vocation in life at last!!
  13. Thank you. Saturday night? Good. I can stay up and watch it then. To get me in the mood for next Monday (as if I need getting in the mood, ahem! ).
  14. Nice flowers. Really, I'm looking at the flowers My God his bum looks gorgeous in those trousers
  15. Leona's song has grown on me since I first heard it and she does have a great voice (if you like that sort of Mariah thing:blink: I don't, really..) and she seems to be a sweet enough girl, but she has the personality and charisma of a carrot, in my opinion. And no sad/poor background that I'm aware of. Just a bit dull! She is being shamelessly plugged to death by Simon Cowell. Even so, I'm still surprised how many copies that record has sold already. Hmmm.
  16. I'm watching now - all the Z-Listers are rolling up in their limos - it's sad, really. Oh no Anna Ryder-Richardson is in it, I can't abide her!!!
  17. Good for you, it's the best way!! But you've got to love Ant 'n' Dec though...I watch it for them mostly!
  18. I'm terrible with stuff like this, I always swear I won't watch it, but always end up hooked (except for the last Big Brother, which was too awful even for me!!). Shame Malcolm McClaren quit, I was looking forward to him Is it on right now? *looks at clock*
  19. Yes. HALLELUJAH! shock, horror, newsflash! Mika isn't camp! Don't tell The Sun though, you'll just confuse them
  20. Does anyone else feel sad inside that Leona and Rihanna's songs are above GK in single sales now. ? I knew it was inevitable but still......... But, LiCM back up to 10, that is brilliant.
  21. THANK YOU That's quite possibly one of the best things I've read about Mika ALL YEAR. It is spot on. I absolutely loved reading it, it has made my day. Thanks again
  22. I hope they put plenty of copies in the shops between now and Crimbo! SOMEONE is going to buy me it I hope
  23. You are welcome!! When is the deadline for your ticket bid?? I have my fingers crossed for you.
  24. That's so cute Suzy!! When I draw a simple smiley face on my son's writing or pictures to say I think he has done a good job, he always says "Make it into Mika, Mum!" and I have to put curly hair on it Funny how kids love him isn't it. But not surprising:thumb_yello:
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