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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Thanks for the article greta. It confirms what we already suspected European Music Awards? What a joke!
  2. Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjUN7oD8N1k Haven't listened to it for ages, it's so funny. Enjoy
  3. Luke in the background is thinking, "Mika, you liar..."
  4. Is Mika in this list basically because his family is well off? I don't think he'd think much to that. I'm sure he wouldn't want to be seen as some kind of It Boy. But, he is undeniably eligible and gorgeous...
  5. Look at that, it's gorgeous!!! I love cheese, as long as it isn't sitting on stools and vocal harmonising in an Irish accent!
  6. What's the Olympia concert footage like Martine? Is it reasonably unedited? Does it have the in-between-talky-bits in it ?(I just love to hear Mika speaking French to the audience )
  7. I think Sparkly1 (on the right) needs to spread her legs more. That sounds really rude. Sorry!
  8. I get it!! it took me a while though!
  9. Yes, at the end of the day my overriding feeling is that I'm glad he is staying true to himself and retaining some artistic credibility. As long as he didn't actually use the word cheesy with regard to Boyzone (I don't believe he would have) as he must maintain the moral high ground! It may not make him instantly popular - but then, he's in it for the long haul as he is always saying. And he knows that if ever needs a popularity/celeb credibility boost he can go and beat up a few old ladies. Preferably with a spliff in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other.
  10. So it is! Lucky you. My inner teenager is chuffed for yours
  11. OH! Of course - thanks. I saw that yesterday. So what did Luke say?
  12. Let her out!!!! Mine is out and proud these days Which photo is that???
  13. Eeh, there's nowt as queer as fowk - as we say here in the North of England!! I understand how some may not get Mika's music, or his fashion choices. BUT - I can't fathom how anyone can fail to be charmed by his personality in interviews. I just can't understand that. And most of the people I know who don't like Mika's music or image, like him more when they've seen him speak, and seen how he comes across... But alas, it's true - some people just don't like Mika and never will, oh well let 'em get on with it then say I.
  14. I've spent the whole week drumming it into my kids' brains that IF ANYONE ASKS WHAT MUM WANTS FOR XMAS TELL THEM THE MIKA DVD!!!!...but I don't know if I can wait for Crimbo. I might just have to buy it on Monday anyway and risk having 2 copies come Xmas Can't take the risk no-one will buy it me It's a hard life isn't it with these worries and dilemmas
  15. Interesting article, thanks for posting it. Firstly, I thought Patrick Wolf was openly bisexual?? So why include him in the argument? Secondly, I genuinely do not believe Mika is being coy for the sake of sales. Let's face it: most people have already made their own minds up (rightly or wrongly!) about his sexuality. If he declared it openly tomorrow, I do not believe it would have any bearing whatsoever on his sales in any part of the world. Perhaps I am being naive, I don't know. But I do believe Mika's noncommittal stance comes from a genuine conviction he has that pop should be genderless. Thirdly, I absolutely respect and agree with Mika's right to not talk about his private life and sexual orientation but I do think that eventually he WILL have to lighten up about it a little, if only for the sake of his own sanity! It must be hard having to trot out the same old lines to every journalist who asks if he is gay, especially when he must know they have already made up their own minds on that one! I hope eventually he will find the confidence to give out more clues, to relax with himself and with journalists over the issue. That doesn't mean he has to put out a press statement when he hooks up with someone. I actually think he'd do well to follow Kele Okereke's example, eventually, and just relax a little and think "So what??" Does anyone care about Kele's love life now? I don't think so. And they would 'get over' Mika pretty quick too I reckon! But - if he chooses to forever keep schtum on his private life - a la Morrissey - I understand that too. It's his life. And we definitely Do Not Care!
  16. :wub2: Somebody hug that boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. They will find someone else's song to do for their comeback, so really, what is the big deal if M put the kibosh on it? I really don't understand why anyone had to go to the press with this story in the first place unless it was a deliberate attempt to paint Mika as a spoilsport diva. Part of me (the part which can still be objective about Mika ) thinks he shouldn't be so precious with his songs. Another part of me thinks it's his right to maintain artistic control over his work. I don't know which is right, but I DO know that some people have it in for Mika - the whole Build Them Up, Knock Them Down ethos in Britain - and that's what annoys me most. Right I'm off to find a nice lighthearted thread now, are there any nice Mikagasmic pictures today????
  18. Yeah they should. It shouldn't be too difficult - their old fans are so fanatical they would buy anything they bring out as a single anyway - even three minutes-worth of tuneless farting into a microphone would get to #1 if it had Boyzone's name on it. Someone dare tell me this isn't true!!!
  19. This is the thing I don't like about this whole business with Boyzone - rightly or wrongly Mika is going to be painted as the 'bad guy' because a lot of people - like MTV and parts of the British press - just love an excuse to get at him!! I wish we could just hear his half of the story otherwise 'they' will just go on interpreting it as Mika is a Baddie. Take That write their own songs though don't they? - Gary Barlow is actually a decent songwriter himself. I don't like this comeback craze that's going on at the mo but at least Take That have done it with a bit of credibility!
  20. The only time I ever did yoga, I pulled a muscle in my back so badly that I couldn't walk for 6 days. Mika is welcome to it
  21. I got that impression too! I don't know why...just something in his body language... Of course we are probably completely wrong.
  22. I agree avoca - it's so tempting to analyse him isn't it and question his every word, and his inconsistencies, etc etc but it's important to remember he is human and fallible and still very young - and even when you are older, you still are allowed to change your mind on things, or evolve your views, or even modify your personality as you gain more experience in life. Poor Mika, we do analyse him too much sometimes! I'm as guilty as anyone else of this. Poor bloke. He's doing a great job really all things considered!
  23. Aw it's a shame you can't hear it emmylou, it's a classic, classic interview!!!! He just refused to answer the girlfriend/boyfriend question, "My private life is private" etc etc. He said his Mum doesn't like the cold Scandinavian weather - she is there with him, his sisters have gone to the Caribbean for a wedding. He is also asked about the Boyzone thing and it sounds like (from his evasiveness) that it's true. He was amazed the interviewer had got that story already and when he was told it was in the British press already he seemed really shocked! Just classic Mika. I have laughed my a**e off just now at it!!
  24. Aha, good one! Yes Mika must have burst out of a comic book somewhere and he's never managed to find his way back, he is trapped here with us forever. Good.
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