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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. :shocked: When did Mika take up yogic flying? Either that or he's on those wires again! Surely that's not humanly possible!?
  2. Small Kylie rant: Well, it's a good thing she is good looking because as far as I can see, that's the only thing she has going for her. She has a weak voice and doesn't write her own material (as far as I know). She was an okayish soap actress, she ought to have stuck with that! Yes, she's been incredibly brave in fighting breast cancer and I really wish her well - but I don't understand why that should make her an icon. Thousands of women fight breast cancer. Also, am I the only person in the world who thinks Can't Get You Out Of My Head is boring and very overrated?? It leaves me cold, whereas popular opinion is that it's the greatest pop song ever blah blah. Rant over. PS I didn't mind her duet with Nick Cave. That was okay.
  3. Indeed!! Or maybe even Talent-Free-Zone!! Sorry, cheap shot. I hope no Boyzone fans are reading
  4. I don't think Relax will fare any better in the UK charts than Happy Ending - so many people have LICM now, I think we've probably reached saturation point here with the album - I can't see enough people buying the single to get it to #1 or even Top 5, when anyone who likes Mika now must surely have the album version anyway. Of course I'm not talking here about hardcore fans like us, who will buy everything I always like to be proved wrong though! I really thought HE would get to #1 , and this sounds obvious really but now I think Mika's next #1 will only come when he releases a brand new track. It's unheard of to have a #1 with a fifth album single, at least these days it is.
  5. I agree with you that Mika has a bit of a dilemma on his hands in this respect! On the one hand, he wants to be known primarily as a songwriter - he is always saying this. But if he isn't willing to allow his songs to be successful with other artists, whoever they are and however 'cheesy' they may be, how is he going to make a living from those songs? He may want to preserve his artistic integrity by reserving them only for artists he respects, but that may tag him as elitist and, dare I say it, snobbish. That's not good here in UK, where inverted snobbery reigns supreme. I don't know if I've really got my point across very well there.. not feeling very eloquent today:bleh: .
  6. If the info is correct, I must say I'm disappointed there isn't going to be a previously unreleased track as B-side or something...do we really need more remixes ()? I hope the reason for that is that there is still this mysterious EP in the pipeline..
  7. Macca and Mika, yes! I'd like to hear that. But Kylie...I'm just not a fan of Kylie, sorry. I think she is vastly overrated and I'm not really sure why she is so venerated in this country. But that's just my opinion.
  8. Well it's just a British tradition, I suppose! We make a big deal ot it here, although in recent years it has become something of a farce/foregone conclusion because the X-Factor talent show winner (the show ends about a week before Xmas) always rush-releases a single and it is always #1. The singles are really rubbish, too. Basically, no decent single has a chance of being Christmas Number One any more and so it's losing some of its kudos.
  9. Thanks for posting. I always knew Mika was posh totty
  10. LOL Ruth, I was going to ask her that, but I was afraid of the answer So go on then Sparkly.....we are all ears....
  11. Thanks for that info Bab, how did I miss that, I'm forever glued to Channel 4 text - guess it's Crap Fan Syndrome again Bit surprised though - I really thought he'd done with LICM now. But Relax is too good to not be given its proper chance, so...fairly pleased
  12. I have nothing but absolute total admiration for Mika, when he goes out and performs (not only to go through the motions, but to really put on a great show) when he is obviously ill and suffering with his throat. I think he is amazing, a true pro, just unbelievable. But, I hope he really does know what he's doing..yes he's clever and savvy and trained and everything but he's also super ambitious and eager to please. I hope he isn't permanently damaging his voice because he can't bear to let people down. I would be devastated if he had to cancel the gig I'm going to - I have waited a looooong time for this but if it was a choice between him threatening his future career and me missing out, well there is no argument is there? Please get well Mika and I hope your laryngitis is just transitory!
  13. Nicely put Kata, and I think very true. Feet on the ground, MFC but as you say, we don't love him any less
  14. That's exactly what I mean. That bungled, trumped up 'story' didn't do Mika's reputation much good at the time yet it turned out to be rubbish. (Imagine him supporting Take That now anyway - it would be ridiculous! He's sold far more records than them this year )
  15. Bear in mind, this article was in The Sun. They are, shall we say, sometimes economical with the truth. Best to take the article with a pinch of salt -it may be true but it just as easily may not be!
  16. :roftl: Yes they have printed the pic of Mika where he looks as if he's got a black eye!!! I'm surprised there isn't a caption underneath saying "The flamboyant Mika, after being punched in the face by an irate Ronan Keating"
  17. Thanks - actually, I was in Morrissons today and I had a look in the magazine and saw your letter...the woman standing next to me was looking at me strangely as I must have had a big grin on my face as I was reading it!! Well done! It did have to be said. I'm so sick of Cowell and co. Rhydian - all I can say is, he is the best of a very very bad bunch. Honestly, is it just me, or are they all more rubbbish than normal this year? Or is it the Mika Effect, i.e. that absolutely nothing measures up to him now?
  18. I find this article worrying, and not just because of the content - it's more a suspicion that our glorious media have really got it in for Mika. Especially The Sun and its ilk. It would not surprise me if they have embellished or twisted the facts on this story... If true, it doesn't do Mika any favours in the eyes of the public, many of whom are only too glad to find another excuse to put Mika down . I detest boybands and don't have much respect for anyone who doesn't write their own material, but if Mika is going to put songs out there on the market he really can't have his cake and eat it too... Well he isn't perfect is he, we already know that.
  19. I am dreading the Post-Mika depression already, isn't it ridiculous?? Honestly though I'm starting to have trouble sleeping already...too excited!!
  20. You can't vote in the Brit Awards - they are decided on by 'the industry', except for one category which I think is the Single of the Year award, which is voted for by the public, so hopefully Grace Kelly will be nominated, but you never know here in Britain . Well obviously we'll keep an eye out in January and post a link if Mika gets nominated for that award...
  21. Earls Court - almost literally on Mika's doorstep - party at Mika's house after!!!!!!!!!! Can he fit the whole of MFC in his flat, or will he have to shift out a few hundred toys first??? I just hope he gets a few nominations (I'm sure he will..), but If I'm brutally honest I'll be very surprised if he wins a Brit. Call me cynical but the Brits aren't ready for Mika. Like MTV. PLEASE LET ME BE PROVED WRONG!!! (Remember that year Robbie Williams was nominated loads of times and got nothing???)
  22. How do you shove a CD up sideways??? Sorry I'm being facetious. It's actually a very credible suggestion! I'll volunteer to do it It's a nasty job but somebody ought to.
  23. Well I'm no Sherlock Holmes but looking at the clues and using my awesome powers of deduction I'd guess it's something to do with the DVD release. But, it's still odd!!
  24. I wondered who that was!! I knew it was an MFCer... Oh yes, I am so SICK of Cowell namedropping Leona ALL the time.. In fact I'm fed up of X-Factor, full stop. It has absolutely no meaning any more, not since the advent of Mika. Manufactured pop "acts" are so 2006... I'd like to see your letter Marilyn. Could you post it here??
  25. Parabens Mika!!! Tut, I so need a keyboard with accents on it
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