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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Thanks for the link greta. How many jackets does a man need?? I love them all though!
  2. Yep it's been unseasonally dry here in Manc so far this Autumn, we are probably due a downpour..fingers crossed though. I've just finished making my own bootleg Mika Fan Club badge for identification purposes; I had to make one using my daughter's Super Badge It! machine (not so Super, it's crappy!), it's a long story involving tight-fistedness and postal theft maybe I'll tell you about it at the gig but I won't bore you with it here!!! I have (genuine) flashing hearts a plenty though so you won't miss me
  3. Agh not again! But I love this bit: "I don't think we are really that similar to someone who sings songs about Grace Kelly in a high woman's voice in tight white pants" Miaoww!!!!!! Well no-one is like Mika. We know that!!!
  4. You are tall Ioana!!! You are probably the only girl on here who could kiss the Mikster without provoking a chronic neck injury. I hate you. Mind you I once had a boyfriend who was 6'5" and I'm only 5'5" and my neck is fine But that was long ago..
  5. Always and forever Grace Kelly. I'd go as far as to say it's one of my favourite songs ever. As Christine says, I doubt he'll ever top it. I'd like to think he could..but GK'll always be his signature song.
  6. Yes I think you're right. But...I Don't Care I miss the I Don't Care days.. We haven't started caring, have we???
  7. Well I guess you could say that's a slightly different way of answering 'the question' from Mika. If that's what he said. But I don't think it exactly merits the 'je suis bi' title. And as for the photos...
  8. Thanks for posting - I'm squinting desperately to read it!!! What an irresponsible headline though! Unless I'm missing something in the article..
  9. Yes, well said. Objective fact #1: Mika has been THE musical revelation of 2007 and has shifted enormous numbers of records.. This cannot be denied, even by those who for some unfathomable reason are still immune to his wonderfulness Objective fact #2: He has worked his backside off this year! (Is there no award anywhere for Hardest Worker of 2007??)
  10. Aggh that's late - I have to be in bed early that night to get my beauty sleep for Mika the next day . Thanks for the info though.
  11. Metric is slowly taking over here now. My parents can only think in imperial. Me, I was taught metric at school but still think in both. My kids can only think in metric, they don't know what an inch or a pound is!! So soon, we will be fully metric in our habits, I think. As for the Euro - I wouldn't mind having it here but many are dead against it.
  12. Erm I think 6'3" and a bit in metric is about 1.92m It's funny how we Brits think in imperial for some things eg height and metric for others. We have to cope with both. We just can't make our minds up as a nation if we are European or not
  13. So, can we all say what time we will be getting to the queue?? I remember 5.30 being mentioned - any advance on that?? I will have a job on my hands getting there any earlier. But if I don't see you all in the queue, are we meeting up afterwards??
  14. That's great news about the awards!! It's nice for a change to get some unexpected good news awards-wise, rather than building our hopes up so much and then being disappointed (like the EMAs..). Not so good about the laryngitis though What's he gonna do, surely he can't just soldier on regardless? He won't get better that way. Worried.
  15. Well I'm just happy for everyone who went that Mika managed to put on a good show - I have been wondering all day it he would actually cancel, after reading about how hoarse he was last night! Good old Mika, and glad everyone seems to have had a good night
  16. I dunno..I liked the skinniness. But, I do quite like the toned arm muscles. Just don't overdo it Mika - we do not want some musclebound freakshow appearing before our eyes on stage. Personally I don't even really want to see a six pack.. Do you think he'll end up like Elvis though, all flabby and horrible by the time he's 40?
  17. That's just reminded me of something. My Dad says Mika reminds him of Pete Sampras. And although I can't really see it, I always thought of Pete as a kind of big prowling cat, or cheetah, or puma...so maybe you and I have something there Christine..
  18. Well if it looks like a hamster and it sounds like a hamster..... Aww poor Mika. I'm not keen on hamsters!
  19. If I must compare him to an animal I'd say either something in the Big Cat family - maybe a puma - or a beautiful Arabian horse. My friend calls him Hamster Man
  20. I'm gonna disagree - I don't think green is his colour. But it's a nice jacket, in itself. He looks tired on these EMA photos poor thing but still lovely.
  21. :shocked: Moose is about the worst one I've heard yet!! This thread is doing an amazing job of putting me RIGHT OFF Mika physically.
  22. My husband is 6'1''. So if I can get up close enough to Mika - if you know what I mean - I can do a quick calculation. Now I'm sounding like a stalker again
  23. I haven't met him but 6'3'' seems right, and if he says he is that height then well he must be , although I will say that my Dad always told us as kids that he was 5'11 and three quarters and we believed him. He's actually 5'10 and a half. So men do lie about their height
  24. ROTFL Please please please take LOTS of photos!!!! What exactly is the Christmas Monkey? I wish I was going
  25. I'd ask permissio first - "Excuse me Mika, would you mind just getting up against that wall, I want to measure something.." then Security handcuff me and take me away..
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