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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. This will be interesting. I'm not sure what else to say at the moment. Who said it was like a parallel universe..was it Christine? I agree .
  2. You always were partial to a drummer weren't you
  3. I see I'm not the only one who was paying particular attention to the drums then . I'm so shallow....LOL
  4. Hi, yes, I live in Wigan but it's quite a big place LOL! I don't know any Jennys or even any Portuguese here (unfortunately) but if I meet her in the supermarket I will say hi from Wonka..lol!! xx

  5. Vicky, those pics are great! I especially love the last one. Thanks to everyone else who has posted pics and video. I only had my rubbishy phone camera with me so I have hardly anything worth posting, though I will double check and see if there's anything half decent once I've put them on my laptop. But don't anyone hold their breath
  6. Brilliant report!! I loved reading it, sounds like you had a great first Mika experience..the first time is unbeatable .
  7. I've been trying to write a little report all flipping day but Real Life keeps getting in the way!! Grrrr!! Well, what can I say? this was my fourth time seeing Mika and each time has been a totally different vibe, which is why I will always come back for more, even though I can't do as many gigs as I would like to in an ideal world.. SO....I queued with ewokwicket from 5pm knowing we wouldn't be front row but would still be fairly close to the front, and to be honest it was just too cold to queue any longer without contracting hypothermia!! We spoke to or at least said hello to various other MFCers, it was really nice to see familiar faces . As ever, I was struck by the diversity of the people queuing up: from squeeing fangirly nine-year-olds to teenagers of both sexes, to students, to middle aged people *ahem* and way beyond, Mika really does have a varied fanbase, which is great to see. As for the show, I was very impressed with the visuals..the giant notebook thing is a great backdrop and helps to tell the story of the songs without ever detracting or distracting too much from Mika himself. The band looked great, I loved David's bit at the beginning, somebody please give this poor guy more credit ..thanks! Mika himself looked relaxed, confident and so assured on stage, less frenetic than I have seen him in the past but still with that incredible energy that just radiates from him and fills the whole venue...I've said it before and I'll say it again, the man oozes star quality and magnetism and anyone who can't see that needs to go to Specsavers...IMHO His voice sounded great, and the show was well paced too. Loved his Dr John coat, thought the puppet was a bit creepy (but it kind of worked in a warped Tim Burtonish way!!) and I liked the twist on the Big Girl/Lollipop girl thing, though I am very glad I didn't volunteer to be one . The M&G afterwards was a very slipshod affair, it was a case of enny meeny miney mo as to which door he was going to come out of, in the end it was slightly comical! When he did come out, he was a little rushed but as pleasant as ever, I managed to get another autograph to replace the one I ruined ..it did descend into a bit of a scrum at the end, but I think most people left satisfied. It is a shame though that some fans can't control themselves a bit more when they are around him, but in a way I think it comes with the territory and will always be thus. Sad to say, but human nature! All in all a great night out, well worth the aching legs, cramped feet and back and frozen extremities. I had a lovely time with Karen (ewokwicket) who has become a really good friend, and it was fab to see some familiar faces from the MFC (you all know who you are, I won't name names as I will only miss someone out!). Can't wait for the next tour!
  8. See you all later everyone. Not getting there till about half four, it's too damn cold to queue and I have a poorly knee so need to pace myself. Can't wait!!!!
  9. Yes.... I am trying to decide what to wear! Layers, I think . I'm hoping the weather will put off a lot of the casual fans from queuing too early.
  10. Not sure. I'll be getting there at 5 though. But, I'm not bothered about being front row or anything; reasonably near the front is ok for me. 4pm sounds very sensible to me but I don't know what the really hardcore people are doing .
  11. Sounds ok to me! I always think it's a shame the Apollo isn't nearer the city centre so there'd be more pubs etc to choose from nearby (not to mention carparks etc). It's a great venue but that's a big drawback really. It's not in the nicest part of town, is it .
  12. I was thinking of getting there around 5pm. Like you say Ruth, if it's freezing then nobody wants to be hanging around any longer than that, surely! And I hear we are in for another cold snap Do you mean the pub down the side of the Apollo near the stage door? Is it ok in there? (I like spit and sawdust pubs, as long as they aren't rough )
  13. I agree with what you say. However he really isn't going to win that Brit this year. If he wins, I will run naked down Gloucester Road. That's how confident I am he will not win. Even so, the nomination is good. It keeps his name in the public consciousness even if his achievements have passed many by this year. Because no doubt at all there will be a lot of people in this country who will see the nomination and say "Mika? What did HE do in 2009?" Bizarre but true. Yes, he was totally robbed in 2008. He really truly deserved that Brit and was the obvious candidate. I was very miffed they gave it to Ronson.
  14. What time are you thinking of queuing from, Sarah? Karen and I don't want to queue for too long, perhaps a couple of hours at the most (like last time, in Nov 07) Great! I take it you have seats?
  15. bump Tickets came this morning woohoo I'm getting excited now. Hope the weather isn't too bad on the 19th
  16. Yes they are! And chips to us are what you call french fries. But you probably knew that .
  17. Should we add Stephen Fry to the list somewhere, given that Mika says Stephen took him out to lunch to tell him he ought to be more appreciated, or words to that effect? (Q article).
  18. I'm still not a big fan of the song, although having said that I find it is stuck in my head a lot of the time lately..but that's Mika for you However the response from Boyzone fans seems to be very positive indeed from what I have seen on Youtube and other forums. This is good news for Mika and whether you think GIAA is truly representative of Mika's songwriting strength or not, the fact is this exposure is going to be good publicity for him. As others have said in this thread, I too feel a little bit guilty for thinking of Mika when the single is all about Stephen Gately really , but I can't help it.
  19. Perhaps I am just feeling strangely formal tonight I think I shall address all MFCers by their full usernames preceded by a suitable title. At least people could pronounce your username, Sadler's Wells was a nightmare for me because hardly anybody could get their tongue round mine ooer missus!
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