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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. okay, you do the talking and I'll just stand there looking at him - and trying to gauge his exact height
  2. I wouldn't dare even speak to him let alone measure him
  3. you shall! if you wait a t the stage door with me You can hold the book and make sure Mika has got his heels against the wall, and that he isn't cheating...
  4. I want this argument settled once and for all - do you think Mika'd mind if I took a tape measure with me to Manchester?? Get him up against the wall with a book on his head...
  5. Well if you are, then so am I I think we all just want Mika to SUCCEED. Sometimes we see success as mass recognition and approval - which in some ways it is, but you can be 'successful' without that of course. He is loved and admired by so many like us so that is success..but it's human nature to want to see him recognised by others.. But often, I really dislike the music industry in general and particularly the MTV culture thing. Do I really want Mika to be part of all that, and to be recognised by all that?? I don't know. It's confusing.
  6. I've just had a little rant on your Sun thread Marilyn I felt like letting off steam. I also posted a comment on the article 'Amy and Pete Storm EMAs'. I'm Gata - (I think you could have worked that out eh??) Right that's me off my soap box for today
  7. I annoy myself with these Award thingies... I always slag them off to everyone - husband etc. - saying they are worthless, backslapping events for the in-crowd...and then when Mika gets nominated I'm all "YES!!! A nomination!! I hope he wins!!' and I really want him to win...and then when he doesn't I'm all cynical and disappointed and I go back to the award-ceremonies-are rubbish stance. I anyone else feel like this? Hypocritical, I mean? He should have won though
  8. Thanks Vix, I missed it too, very much appreciated
  9. I find Avril so humourless. I saw her interviewed once here in UK (I think it was on C4's Transmission or maybe Popworld) and she just didn't GET anything the presenters said. None of their jokes. Nothing. I may be wrong of course but I think she's a boring person! Or perhaps an android. PS Her new single is AWFUL. That's not sour grapes. It just is.
  10. This is well confusing, on the video I'm watching he has just lost out to Avril with the Most Addictive Song (grrr), are we all watching this in different time frames? Anyways I missed his performance
  11. I think Perez is funny and probably a nice guy but...too camp for Mika, I think. Scott Mills. Deffo. I can just ....see it. If you get my drift...
  12. Sorry about that..That's ridiculous, isn't it supposed to be MTV EUROPE Awards?? Isn't there an equivalent site for other countries?
  13. I haven't listened to that for ages, it was so funny. Love the way Mika tries to copy Scott's accent. And what about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBZJKBpD-e4
  14. Well I don't know, of course, but I get the feeling Mika and Scott would just click. I already think there's a bit of a mutual attracton there...you know, in my opinion, allegedly, etc ( ). And Scott has a great sense of humour and also isn't into spreading his private life around the tabloids, like Mika, so we know he'd be very discreet Maybe Scott is already spoken for Anyway I hope when Mika does hook up with someone he/she isn't particularly gorgeous. Don't know why. I'm just weird like that
  15. You can watch it online tonight, just realised. Good. Although I can't really be glued to my screen all evening and knowing my luck I'll manage to miss all the Mika bits
  16. I think so, try this link: http://www.mtv.co.uk/overdrive/news/id/68066/emas_2007_%7C_live_show I'll be trying it anyway.
  17. Hello did someone say Mika and stubble?? Scrape me off the floor please :mf_lustslow: Where can I see this??? I don't have MTV
  18. Good point..... Mine is 6'6". As they say, a few inches more makes all the difference. Sorry
  19. I can see why you fell for him, he certainly romanced you didn't he?? Thing is, if he was a student there, what was he doing in the 'local' pubs? Students and locals rarely mix and even less so in Salford! I used to walk home late at night through Salford when drunk after a night out in Manchester. I cringe now when I think of it. The things you do as a youngster...but I'm still here in one piece thank God!
  20. Aww, if I meet Mika I will ask him to go to Estonia soon....
  21. I wouldn't mind knowing Mika's moves. All that jumping up and down and pogo-ing, it would ruin my mattress springs though
  22. It's only the other side of the Irwell river from central Manchester (hang on you know that, you are local aren't you?). The Uni is great - or was, 20 years ago but other areas are still not too salubrious! I'm staying in Salford the night of the gig, at my friend's, she lives really near the MEN Arena, pity Mika isn't playing there (one day...).
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