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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Salford...is an interesting place, that's for sure. I was a student there and also lived there when I was teaching. My pupils (South Mancs) used to say I was 'dead hard' because I lived in Salford (I am, of course.. ). You definitely would NOT walk through Salford precinct dressed as a fruitcake.
  2. Are you frightened of what the Mancs will say?? We have our fair share of fruitcakes here in Manc but not in the sense you mean, lol. Edit: or maybe that is what you mean?? (?). *digs hole for self *
  3. I can't think of a better excuse for me not to go to more than one night!!! But it is daft isn't it that you get so stressed over outfits for stuff. It's like weddings and the like. I mean who really cares in the end except you. But we all do it! At the moment I am thinking of dyeing stuff purple. Although I'm a bit scared of home dyeing..To say purple is supposed to be 'this season's shade' I can't find bloody anything to wear in that colour. If I were a size 10 it wouldn't be a problem of course..... omg stress.
  4. I'll second that - I am going to try and persuade my friend to get there for as close to 5.30 as possible. She may need some persuading though if it's poor weather.. OMG me neither. It seemed like months away for ages...and now it's nearly here, and I have nothing to wear yet!!! Ahhh panic is setting in! Can't wait though
  5. Yes I think I could be your second in command there dcdeb, just bear it in mind I can be a pedantic PITA over grammar and spelling
  6. Good words. CazGirl, your personality comes across very strongly in your posts - I mean that in a positive sense by the way In fact you could say that about most of the regular posters really. It's interesting. I do think that on the whole the general atmosphere is mature and fair on MFC. It isn't perfect but it's soooo much better and fairer and more mature than 99% of internet forums - even ones where it's mostly adults posting. We should cherish this place, I know I do. it should be given Beacon Forum Status - you know, like they give to schools which are a good example to others
  7. Hi emmylou, just seen that you are from Barnsley - so am I First time I've seen anyone else from Barnsley on here! My hub tries to ignore that I fancy Mika. It's just easier that way I reckon
  8. What, joking that he has shaven, or joking that I fancy him? Sorry, neither! My husband doesn't mind that I fancy Rafa, but he doesn't really like me fancying Mika. Why is that. Men are weird.
  9. My husband says so, he was listening to Liverpool on the radio the other night (he is a Man U fan so he was only listening to gloat... ) and he told me Alan Green had said Rafa had shaven. I fancied him with the beard
  10. Never mind Mika, did you like the pic of Rafa I posted earlier, Sarah?? Shame the goatee has gone.
  11. He does look as if he's about to spit, Sid Vicious-style. I love that facial expression!
  12. It certainly is (if I knew what that meant ). Or WAS - he has shaved it off now. Tragic.
  13. Thanks for trying to help Marilyn but it's the site that won't work for me, no matter what I do, not the actual links (they take me to the site, but the site will not allow me to vote.) Good luck Mika but I've given up trying with this, I have tried everything!!
  14. As I say, gorgeous, but not as zexxy as this: Ingie can you put some nice specs on Q Mika goatee pic to see if he stands up to Rafa??
  15. The first picture, I should make that clear... The grey beard
  16. Sorry to harp back to this sub-topic but couldn't resist. I still think it's very possible he hasn't, ever, with anyone. I think the opposite is more likely, but it doesn't preclude the V possibility. If I remember (and please correct me if I am wrong) he didn't say in that quote that he was in a relationship with that person..he just said that he had been in love before and it was horrible. It could have been an unrequited passion. That wouldn't be so hard to imagine, I don't think - if you think about it There therefore needn't have been any jiggy-jiggy chicken stuff involved. :roftl: I worry about this too!! Have you noticed (well obviously you have, lol) how prominent MFC is in Google search results! We should all watch what we say here. I find 'allegedly' is a good word to bandy around
  17. Yep this is true. I had thought about that. It's a definite stumbling block. Shame, because I think it would be a good single. Though it would need padding out a bit.
  18. Thanks deano, you have prodded me into long overdue PayPal action.
  19. We should both dress as octopuses and have a battle to the death. Imagine all those flailing arms and suckers.
  20. Is there any way I can put my name forward as understudy if this John person gets stagefright or whatever? I will fight you for it Sarah Lollipop!
  21. Deffo. EP in January, with new single - I'm hoping for Holy Johnny - and then full album in April. But yeah, it is too long to have to wait. Come on Mika, prove me wrong .
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