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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I will be watching out for that octopus! Why didn't I hear about this comp? Why was it on a Sunderland radio station when the gig will be in Manchester and presumably mostly filled with North-West dwellers not flippin' Sunderlanders or whatever they are called (sorry Freddie, oh it's okay he's in America ).
  2. I'm going to speculate wildly, with nothing whatsoever to base this on: End of April 2008.
  3. Finnish is another k-friendly language, like Basque! Aren't the two distantly related? *I must look that up. * I just did, and apparantely not.
  4. Thanks Basque is recognisable because of the k thing! I just find it fascinating because it is totally different to any other Iberian peninsula language or dialect, with different and obscure origins. I've been to Spain many times but not the Basque Country, so I've never heard it spoken.
  5. Can anyone help? Or explain?? I've been trying for weeks now, off and on, to vote for this. The ema.mtv site will not work for me, even thoughI have installed Adobe Flash player 9, rebooted, etc etc. It will just not work at all. Obviously I want to vote for Mika. But I can't, at the moment and time is fast running out.
  6. Good idea, I will just buy them for myself too, that solves my problem very well
  7. I'm curious to know, how do you lot make it known to people what's on your Xmas wish list?? Maybe I'm being terribly British but I never hint at what I would like. Maybe I just expect people to telepathically 'know' I really want the calendar and DVD for Xmas but I need a cunning way to let my nearest and dearest know this, without having to say "I want the Mika stuff please" I'm so British Advice please, lol
  8. Quite right, I agree. I think it can take a bit of courage to voice criticism of Mika on here but it is usually well tolerated, as it should be. Imagine what a truly crazy scary place this would be if no-one ever criricised anything Mika did or said or produced. I wouldn't come, for sure!
  9. I spotted a couple of nice little pimples there too lest we think he is too perfect Well sometimes it helps to remind ourselves!
  10. Yes - the MFC Rehabilitation Thread. Then we'd all be stigmatised of course and no-one would come near us ever again...........
  11. Better still, big white floury baps.. That's what I get when I've been baking.
  12. Now I'm scared. I am looking at a close up of Mika's facial hair follicles with strange erotic fascination. I need heeeeelllllp.
  13. *shouts loudly as is sure no-one will read this* DOES ANYONE HERE SPEAK BASQUE (euskara)?? Would just like to know.
  14. MFC is so unique in its politeness and friendliness. I wouldn't touch any other internet forum with a bargepole because most (as deano rightly said) are disgusting places! I'm always fascinated by the social dynamic of this forum - mostly from what I observe, as I am more an observer/reader/lurker/occasional interjector than a big poster. I have only started two thread since I joined in February As a result, like you vixenbbw, I sometimes don't feel a part of the social thing of the forum but I actually don't care about that. I am mainly here to talk about Mika and although I will go into a random or daft thread now and again if it interests me and if it is amusing, I'd rather discuss Mika. If that is perceived as 'not getting into the social thing' then so be it. In real life I am not a particularly extrovert, friend-seeking person so I don't see I should try to be one on a forum. But I do like a lot of the people I 'know' on here, in as much as you can like someone you have never met! I don't like to stay in just one or two threads or become part of a clique because I like to think I can discuss things with anyone, regardless of age or nationality - for example I enjoy exchanging views with some of the younger members of the forum because this is something I wouldn't do in 'real life'; it broadens my horizons! Just one thing: if I left the forum for a while I'd find it very hard to 'get back in'. I'm sure a lot of people feel like that. Maybe there should be a Reintroduction Thread or something for people who for whatever reason feel they have become invisible or isolated or just out of touch with what's going on? Just a thought.
  15. Okay, predicatable cliche coming right up.............. What a waste. If it were true...
  16. I love the word bap. I love it when you see the words 'two large white baps' on the packaging. fnarr fnarr. huffer? that is a new one on me!
  17. I have to admit I have always thought this is a strong possibility. I really can't believe how the tabloids have drawn a blank so far on this. It doesn't add up. There's something fishy about it!
  18. It's great that Happy Ending has made it to #7 here. Unfortunately I don't think it will go any higher now and certainly not get to #1. There are too many singles competing with it, songs that are not yet on released albums etc. by some very big artists. However, when you really stop and think about it, it is impressive enough that Happy Ending has got to even #7. Mika has done NO promo for it at all - it has been on radio playlists, that's all, and of course the video channels. plus of course it's the 4th (proper) release from an album which has already sold almost a million copies in the UK and has been in the Top 20 albums since February (and most of that time in the Top Ten). Amazing and so it doesn't matter it won't be #1. One ceratin thing is that as soon as Mika releases a single not from LICM, it WILL be #1. If any bookmaker can give me odds on that right now I will have a large bet and I am not a betting woman
  19. Yes, I love to see people saying that about Mika. The very, very first time I heard a note of his music - back in early January - I was totally convinced he was going to be a massive star. I will remember that moment fondly for the rest of my life . It really doesn't surprise me at all that it has come true. Just having a little gooey Mika Moment there........
  20. Thanks for posting, I have highlighted in pink my fave bits! Positive stuff on the whole.
  21. Okay, I have a question. What would you call the bread product in this picture (not the filling, just imagine the bread, the round shaped bread thing. It's just ordinary plain bread): In Britain there are around 100 million ( nearly!) different names for it depending on where you live. It causes much confusion! I would call it a teacake, being from Yorkshire. Some call it a bread roll, or a barm cake, or a bap, or a stottie cake. I have had arguments with friends over this!! What about other countries?
  22. That's funny! I see why though. This is where the industrial revolution and textiles industry started (I live near Manchester).
  23. Thanks It's interesting to see the strong Latin influence (I did Latin at school too). I reckon if I put some effort in I could learn this. There are quite a lot of Romanians coming to Britain as immigrants now. I sometimes hear it being spoken in my town! Although it's mostly Polish immigrants in my part of the country.
  24. Romanian - I would like to learn that. I already know French, Spanish and Portuguese and of course Romanian is a little related to these so perhaps I could pick it up?? Could you conjugate a Romanian verb for me? For example, the verb 'to love'? I love , you love, he loves, she loves etc. Just for me to see what it looks like.
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