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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Ha Christine, what a lovely little trip down fantasy lane for us all It's such a hypothetical question as to be almost ridiculous but that's the beauty of it!! Well I voted 'would think about it' because come on folks be honest, you WOULD. I don't care how fabulous your partner is LOL. But I'm a great believer in 'the grass is always greener' syndrome. If you have something good and real and bonded with another person, you don't throw all that away on the offchance. Although that 'every fibre in my being' quote certainly rings true! And Mika might be a right pain in the a*se, you never know. I'd constantly be thinking, "okay Mika I love you and you are fit, but GROW UP!!! "
  2. I'm native English speaker and to me his accent is a classic mid-Atlantic, and it can sometimes veer towards more British or more American, probably depending on where he is, and who he's talking to. Sometimes he sounds very British, even using the glottal stop (missing the 't' out) which is quite London, other times he has a definite American twang and intonation. As a former languages teacher all I can say is, he is a fantastic role model for British youngsters, as we are famously rubbish as a nation in this department and language teachers in Britain really have a hard time trying to get across to children the importance of trying to speak another language and not being afraid to have a go.. So good on yer Mika!
  3. Hi Marilyn:thumb_yello: Do you mean Number 7, in this week's chart? I agree that HE hasn't had much promo but to still get to #7, with virtually no promo on TV, and it being the FOURTH single from an almost million-selling album is actually an unbelievable feat. Think about it... I do think the media hype over Mika is slowly fading. But that's not necesarily a bad thing. Now people will see that he is much more than a one trick pony when he continues to bring out great songs in the future, which don't need hype to sell them..next year may be a quieter year for Mika in many ways but I think he will really consolidate and surprise a hell of a lot of people including a lot of his (many) detractors. I think he is set to earn the respect of a great many, even though he will never appeal to some.
  4. Thanks everyone for this amazing thread, all the reports and great pictures, parts of it have had me in tears (tut - what's wrong with me? I used to be sensible ) especially when avoca got her hug. That just set me off!!! I could not be more excited for November now (I'm already dreading the day after ). :biggrin2:
  5. I'm afraid I've had to turn it off now, I am too gutted. :boxed:
  6. Ha ha the beginning of this song always makes me
  7. Now what does everyone think of Shayne?? You go first, no you go first, no you go first...
  8. It reminds me of Terry Jacks "Seasons in the Sun" God I'm ancient!!!
  9. They have a Mika filter on it you know. They don't want to hear from Mika fans *spit*.
  10. I was going to say I prefer Joy Division, this is too chirpy for me... but that's kind of the point isn't it? They got me!!
  11. he's just overtaken Barrichello in an amazingly risky way. He is going for it. He'll either do it, or he'll go off.
  12. All Alonso has done all season is throw his teddy out of the cot. Definitely Raikonnen if not Lewis.
  13. Do you mean Feist?? If so then I agree. I've tried to like it but I just can't. It's tuneless.
  14. He's going to be on the phone, presumably when the song is played, it should be in the Top Ten so between 6 and 7pm we think.
  15. If he manages to come back now, he is officially a Godlike Genius....
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