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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. This is so true, I have never met a soul from mfc (yet) but I feel as if I have family out in Italy tonight . Mad.
  2. I love this place, it's mad!!! And it just gets madder... I'm a bit late on this thread though!! I'd forgotten tonight is Torino (busy day, too much Real Life ) I see they are queuing - and drinking - hopefully not too much
  3. Right... , too confusing Mika! But thanks for putting me straight
  4. Naughty Mika called it one of his new songs?? It's actually called Missionary man and it's a cover of a Eurythmics song (yes another) - he has been doing it on the European Tour, go to the reviews section and there are a few links for it...
  5. Me too, I got quite excited until I looked at the post dates... Yes avoca, where are you obtaining this secret information???? I know Mika 'said hi' to you but is there something more going on there?
  6. Barry is a fine musician I have funny memories of Barry actually ... I remember coming home from school one day and finding my Mum and her friends all sitting round listening to 'Can't Smile Without You' and sighing and swooning over Barry. I thought, how sad, they are grown ups, they shouldn't be swooning over a singer! :roftl: My Mum would have been about 38/9 then. Same age I am now. HA HA
  7. I hope he doesn't go too mainstream and poppy and ballady...I love SITM and Billy Brown because they are offbeat piano songs, not ballads as such and not 'pop disco' songs and I think they are what make Mika so unique at the moment. Too many slushy ballads would be a turn off for me. I just hope the 2nd album is as varied as LICM - I have faith in Mika that it will be.
  8. Did you know that the guy who appeared on their videos/TV etc isn't the one who sang on the records?? He was just a stooge! They liked him for his dancing and his look. He was the original Milli Vanilli ... or maybe Bez
  9. No it doesn't, but Boney M are classic Personally I think HMDYLM sounds more like Whitney Houston's I Wanna Dance With Somebody: the chorus, that is. Someone pointed that out to me and now I can't stop comparing them.
  10. Here Vanessa, enjoy this slice of classic 70s euro-disco: :biggrin2:
  11. I'm going through all the Boney M songs I know in my head... You mean just a general 'sound'?? *by the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down, yea we we-ept, when we remembered Zion*
  12. He's in the lead!! That's amazing. Quite right too It's true though, we mustn't let it slide. Keep bumping this up.
  13. But which Boney M song Sari??? There are so many classics. Rasputin is my fave. *SINGS LUSTILY Ra Ra Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine, there was a cat that really was gone.....*
  14. I've just remembered what *the routine* reminds me of. Has anyone seen the League of Gentlemen Christmas Special? The bit with the monkey in the shadow puppet theatre Okay, 99.9% of you are not going to know what the hell I'm talking about, never mind...
  15. Thanks Pamette for that really good report - I felt your pain during all the pushing and the vomiting, what people will go through for Mika eh?? I especially like the part quoted below: I got a little tear in my eye reading the Any Other World bit - silly woman that I am Thanks again
  16. *tumbleweed blows across Montpellier gig review thread....* *sound of wind whistling eerily...* *and other similar cliches*
  17. The day Posh gets on stage with Mika is the day I put my ticket on e-bay. indeed! Please Mika tell me that was a joke.
  18. :roftl: I have just remembered that this very Ikea desk at which I sit right now is called MIKAEL - how could I have forgotten!!!!!!??? Thanks for reminding me! I've had it a while, before Mika was known, and it had slipped my ageing mind! (I love my desk even more now )
  19. Zexy in a postmodern kinda way..that's true Maybe I could embroider something cartoonish on them, to appeal more to the Mikster? Not that they wouldn't already appeal...... *thinks hard*
  20. :roftl: Too funny! I want to Mikafy my house! I'm off to IKEA next week, it's only a matter of time before they have a product called MIKA!! Perhaps they already do! Haven't been for ages. Does anyone have a catalogue ?
  21. Exactly!! Winters here have been very mild lately - but it'd be just typical if this year we get the coldest November on record, I can see it happening! So, a pair of gloves, a scarf, a rainhat, I can stuff all those in my bag. But I'm not taking a big coat!! Thermal undies maybe.... then I could throw them on stage later
  22. I'm getting really worried now. I just pray for dry weather, that's all. I can handle the cold, but not the wet. My hair will go all frizzy maybe a hat of some kind is advisable, I'll have to rethink my outfit. *thinks she is too old for this malarkey*
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