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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Spot on Freddie I'd have no problem taking my kids to see him. Can't say that about a lot of artists.
  2. Bear??? Did someone say Mika was having s....... with bears these days? Now you're talking
  3. Yay!! About the percentages not adding up. Could they all be rounded down? Just a completely random and unmathematical stab in the dark I'm no good at sums me!!
  4. Tut, I don't live near any of Mika's friends.... no casual ingratiating myself with The Mikster for me
  5. I agree with you here Cynthia; it's a perspective Mika might appreciate hearing from such as Chris. I'm sure he would listen and consider the angles. However it's his show and to be fair he has never aimed his show at children has he? And he's unlikely to start doing so now; as you say, his show seems to be maturing if anything..
  6. Firstly, welcome Secondly, Mika is not The Wiggles or Hi-5, it's worth remembering that. Thirdly, most 5 year old children will let 'that' go completely over their heads. It would take more than that to corrupt a child of any age, in my opinion. And there are ways and means of answering any 'questions' kids may have about what they see. Lastly, no-one is forcing you to go to a concert or take anyone with you. But all opinions are welcome here
  7. They are great aren't they?? I gave my daughter one to wear to the school disco. Everyone loved it and asked where she got it. And she told her teacher "my mum is wearing one when she goes to see Mika". Why do I feel slightly odd about a load of 8 year olds at my child's school knowing I'm a Mika Freak?
  8. I can tell you are shocked The coloured font and all You should invite her round to tea, you could be bezzy mates!
  9. Thanks - I think I'm definitely mad enough, it's my non-Mika-fan friend I am worried about Four hours in British November weather - and the dark - in the name of Mika?? I hope she's as good a friend as I think she is........... Must remember the thermal undies, then
  10. Very well said violet sky From what I've seen and heard so far - okay it's only Youtube - she complements Mika quite well in the voice department. I don't see what all the fuss was about As for upstaging Mika, well no-one can do that. Well that's my two-penneth
  11. Well if Mika wants me on stilts I am available..lol I'm thinking maybe 2 hours...but what if it's raining or really really freezing??? Mind you, Mika's worth it *passes the sick bag*, well he is Come on people we need this info. What is the minimum wait time to guarantee front-row status??
  12. GOOD QUESTION Caz. I have been having this very same worry myself Either I find out the answer, or I will have to buy stilts for November Answers/suggestions please!!
  13. 1. smile? - Grace Kelly 2. cry - Happy Ending, How Much 3. feel in love - My Interpretation, Satellite 4. down - ? Relax acoustic version 5. crazy - erm, Love Today 6. wild - erm Love Today 7. angry - Relax - angry towards terrorism 8. feel indescribable - Stuck in the Middle 9. want to eat candy - Lollipop 10. feeling better when you're sad - Grace Kelly
  14. Extract from Yahoo Music chart commentary (by James Masterton) for this week: Up once again goes Mika, with 'Happy Ending' rising 29-16. On the strength of this the single stands a good chance of becoming his fourth Top 10 hit of the year although it will go down in history as a non-consecutive run thanks to album cut 'Lollipop' which has proved oddly popular and has to date spent ten weeks on the Top 75, peaking at Number 59. The fact that this seemingly random track should have had a chart life of its own is all the more strange when you consider the fate of his first UK single 'Relax, Take It Easy' which missed the Top 75 when first released in 2006 and has yet to register this year, despite having topped charts across Europe during the summer. Lollipop 'oddly popular' and 'random' - Mika would probably like that description! And he doesn't realise 'Relax' was a soft release here and never really stood a chance of charting. He needs to do his research And the reason it still isn't charting is because everyone is buying the whole album instead..apart from the strange and 'random' ones who are just downloading Lollipop
  15. Did you really take that yourself???? You should go professional! That's a great photo by anyone's standards! And Mika looks hot
  16. Thanks He supported FRANCE! Well I supposes he had to say that
  17. Only 16? I'm a bit disappointed, I thought it'd be Top 10 on downloads.
  18. yeah, How Much Do you Miss us when we're not there, eh Mika?? = Mika's face at the stage door tonight
  19. bump What number will it be at in the charts tonight??? Any guesses? My guess is: 7
  20. :roftl: I love the idea of Mika being seen as "dangerous" or "a bit of rough" !!! A bit like Russell Brand If you saw him coming down the street towads you looking like that, you'd probably cross over - and then perv secretly from the other side.
  21. Thanks for posting these classic pictures - Mika looks both gorgeous, and rather insane on them. I have laughed and lusted in roughly equal measure!! (it's not often you can say that! )
  22. I do find the idea of a Mika gig without MFCers really weird!! Can I jump on a budget flight to Montpellier tomorrow night just to stand at the stage door after, so Mika feels more at home??? (Wish I could!)
  23. So who do we want, Argies or South Africa??? I think Argentina.
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