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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I am up for that if you are Ruth!! (Just have to convince my Mika-allergic friend! ) As for when and where I dunno yet, I know Manchester but my friend knows it better, I will ask her opinion...
  2. Ooh I 'm getting excited now.. Just about to crack open the first beer of the evening.....
  3. Surprisingly little stick actually, the Wiganers are very friendly to us Yorkies! Where abouts in Donny are you from? The friend who's coming with me to the Apollo is from Doncaster. We should def have a meet up!
  4. BUMP It's going well today so far: Scotland 2-1 Ukraine England 3-0 Estonia Of course it's France v England in the rugby later. Where is Freddie today? I fear I'll be all alone here
  5. Are you sure it isn't: She found another man Who couldn't care at all ? That's just how I hear it, my interpretation It's hard to hear everything though isn't it. The above is pretty good.
  6. :roftl: I knew they reminded me of something!! Now I just need a brain, and the noive...
  7. See my avie. I was in such a giddy mood that day, I remember it well, though it was 36 years ago
  8. If Mika must do covers, I wish he'd cover this: I love it!!
  9. It was the great Pop Decade, when pop was cool, well Mika is making pop cool again. Pop is the new Indie. Who mentioned Erasure? Ah happy memories dancing to Respect at my Uni disco...that's one of the greatest pop songs of all time.
  10. Me too, I've been to Doncaster Dome and it's a good venue plus it's Yorkshire where I am from. I had to toss up between Donny and Manc, and Manc won because I can doss for free at my friend's. It's just easier, and cheaper, all round. But if I'd known there would be such a big meet up at Donny I would probably have chosen that! So no Donny But it'll be nice to meet some MFCers at Manc I can't wait to lose my Mikavirginity I've been waiting for so lo-o-ong. Maybe I'll make it to a BIG meet up next time round
  11. Can you see Mika watching rugby??? Maybe I'm being presumptuous, but..er, no. Unless....NO *runs away*
  12. It certainly is inevitable, for all the reason you say, and I think it's about time everyone in the music industry admitted it, that there is no such thing any more as truly 'original' music, that everything sounds influenced nowadays. I mean, what about all the new indie bands? The Enemy = The Jam Editors= Joy Division. Kaiser Chiefs= Madness. Arcade Fire= Talking Heads. So it does annoy me somewhat when Mika is criticised by some as being 'derivative' - because everyone else is, too! I've been listening to music for 4 decades now (:wheelchair: ) and I can pretty much reference everything new I hear back to something else, so it's really no big deal if Mika sounds like 80s female singers is it he's no worse than anyone else! The trick is to put your own twist on things, which Mika does perfectly.
  13. Thank you Blue Sky! I LOOOOVE that gold jacket - I want it,I want it, I want it......
  14. I can hear the anti-Mika journos now - "Mika rips off Whitney, Cyndi, Annie, Pat, Blondie, Survivor's Eye of The Tiger ( well I hear the intro!!!) - beware, this man is an 80s thief."
  15. I totally agree there is not enough Mika on TV. He should have his own TV show, like Marc Bolan in the 70s (When that happens we'll really know his career has gone belly up!!) But seriously, there really hasn't been much promo for Happy Ending on TV has there. Perhaps 'Mika the 2007 pop phenomenon' just wants to ease off on the public consciousness for a while and let the single sell itself (which it is doing - maybe it's a deliberate soft marketing ploy with this single. And it's true he has the tour to occupy him; given the work overload of earlier in the year I'd say he is wise to not try and take on too much on top of that. I would like to see him on Jonathan Ross though. I can't help but love Jonathan and the two of them together would be
  16. Yes, small and intimate and classy Only for the select few, no rabble allowed Actually I wish I was going to Donny too. But no can do (anyway there are not tix to be had even if I could.)
  17. a) yes me too :wub2: I love how he can make one song into two, just by doing an acoustic version which is just as good, and with a completely different feel. I think that is one of Mika's greatest talents. b) I Wanna Dance With Somebody!! Yes. How many 80s songs have we heard in HMDYLM? so far?? So many.
  18. LOL I heard it!!!! :roftl: okay, so who was it who took along the grumpy and jealous boyfriend/husband....
  19. Thanks so much for this very good news - I'm over the moon GK is still on top, I had just assumed Rihanna had overtaken Mika. You have made my day Mika-wise (and that's saying something, considering today )!!! Oh and the album news too- brilliant:biggrin2:
  20. You can add my name on to the end of this open letter Jack I'm dreading waking up tomorrow morning because I know what's going to be in my head! tuturu turu!
  21. Awww! I bet he's happy to be performing again, with new enthusiasm. That's how it seems. Fresh and happy and rested, he looks gooood. I don't know who the backing singer is but she sounds good and it gives the whole thing a more polished feel. Just first impressions!
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