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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I have paid £18.50 to see a Mika concert with curls included, I think I will want my money back if they cancel
  2. I really cannot wait for Perez's reaction...... :roftl:
  3. I bet he even had Edith Bowman swooning and blushing. Sorry but who would NOT notice THAT walking into a room??????
  4. Peter Gabriel is STILL a fine looking man!
  5. Yes he can't get away with that just by looking gorgeous, it's true. He still has much to learn
  6. Yes he looks about 30 on these pics. Still too young for me but slightly less dodgy and wrong
  7. This is actually a genius bit of marketing from Mika. He will be in every newspaper and magazine now this week because the World will be in awe of the Mikster sans curls, thus his name will be on everyone's lips, and thousands more people will be falling over themselves to download/buy Happy Ending. Am I right or am I right?
  8. It's true, the style really shows off his stunning features, there can be no doubt of his beauty I am going to send these pics to my friend who is always dissing his curly hair and saying he is ugly, and challenge her to not fancy him just a teeny weeny bit NOW He reminds me a bit of a young Anthony Perkins :wub2: always had a thing for him in Psycho
  9. Ok I believe you but while he still has it, he should flaunt it - I want the curls back. Is this his Autumn Tour Look or just a one off?? Thing is, looking at the pic of his Dad, he isn't destined for complete baldness. There is no rush man for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Kate Nash???? *sighs resignedly* Oh well at least we had the Mika hairdo to make this worthwhile
  11. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO Mika!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not listen to Freddie! Honest I've nothing against bald/shaven headed men (I am married to a prime example... ) but NO. Not The Mikster. Anyway he isn't going bald is he??
  12. There is only one thing to say to this thread: OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAWDDDDDD!!!!! :jawdrop:
  13. I was looking on HMV Digital just now for the Happy Ending LA edit download and I found this: MikaHappy Ending: Remix EP http://www.hmvdigital.com/HMV.Digital.WebStore.Portal/Default.aspx?iframeUrl=http://www.hmvdigital.com/HMV.Digital.WebStore.Portal/Home.aspx&WT.ac=downloads_left_home These are obviously going to be the remixes mentioned in the mailing thing. BUT is this the famed EP that was rumoured to be coming out then? If so then I'm really disappointed as I was hoping for some demo releases at least, not a load of remixes of HE (which frankly I can do without). I think we've rather been led up the garden path with this EP rumour. Perhaps just another case of bad communication.. If I'm barking up the wrong tree here please someone clarify for me!!??
  14. Fighting who? PW? Babspanky herself? Definitely - and Jonathan Ross too. Everyone I know always says Mika comes across as very likeable, interesting and intelligent on TV even if they're not fans of his music.
  15. Well I gotta go and sleep so I can get up for Lewis tomorrow. Wish him luck everyone (unless you are Spanish or Finnish I suppose!) or Italian! :biggrin2:
  16. Okay so I meant to say, we aren't so good at it!!!! *gets spade out and digs bigger hole*
  17. That show is legend in our house My husband loved it for Dustin, and I loved it for well need i say?
  18. yeah me too. I don't get these English people who are anti-Scottish. I know lots.
  19. I'm having an F1 party tomorrow morning - bacon sandwiches and beer on ice at 7am. Lewis had better come up with the goods!!!
  20. I have always really fancied Hugh Lawrie but I don't like his American accent. House is a good show though.
  21. Oh I say that's so British!!! You have managed to pick the single weirdest British sport there greta!
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