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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. It must be coming on soon, well I hope so, I have about 5 mins left on here!!
  2. If it's gigsandtours there'll be a reference, ask your sis tomorrow. It probably depends on the venue as to how quickly they arrive. Mine are for Manchester same as Sarah Lollipop and they came in July.
  3. Did your sis get an order number/ref?? Can you track your order on the website? Or is there a phone number on the site for order enquiries? I'm sure it'll be okay but you sound as if you need your mind putting at ease.. I got mine through gigsandtours and haven't used seetickets so I don't know about their order system.
  4. naah he'll be off in his camper van somewhere.
  5. do you mean bab's avocados?? They always make me hungry, my favourite food.
  6. This is the height of Mika madness and geekiness all in one isn't it. I wouldn't be anywhere else
  7. Too right! I'm always picking bits of bread and ham and crisps out of my keyboard.
  8. What's up with them, can they not eat and type simultaneously? That's pathetic!
  9. Thanks for the link Hannah. I'm a footie widow tonight so what better excuse to wait around for a live blog feed:wink2: wish it would update though. I am not a patient person .
  10. That's funny because I saw MJ on TV earlier and had exactly the same thought!!! So it must be true
  11. countless zillions...everyone, deep down, loves Mika, they maybe just don't know it yet.
  12. What you say sounds logical. Alex did the nomination preview thing last night on C4 (by the way was Mika on that, because I missed the first ten mins...??) so I assume he'll do highlights links too.
  13. There are many, MANY closet Mika fans out there you know!!!! There must be, how else did he sell all those albums???? You just outed one! Too cool for Mika ....... :sneaky2: no such thing!
  14. ??? Strange phone calls and letters? I'm scared to ask!? Yeah well I've never been a prolific poster - I'm more of a big lurker and interested observer - but I too feel really nostalgic for the early days, Feb/March, it seems like sooo long ago, it was so exciting and the forum was different. It's still great, absolutely the only internet forum I can stand to be in, to be honest, so much better than all the others. Fab people, basically!!
  15. Hey guys, I have to go Can I trust you two alone together, Grant and Albert???? If you can't be good, be careful ok? Ciao darlings
  16. :mf_lustslow: You are way too pretty for a drag queen Grant!!!! But I can picture you all dressed up in your finest!!
  17. Grant darling (omg you look so sxy in that bow tie....... ), if your 'gay' ex was really totally gay, how was he able to 'be' with you??? Are you sure he wasn't a little bit bi? or are we talking turkey basters here? (*runs and hides, senses FD coming to close this thread down* )
  18. ROFLMAO I feel your cringe sparkly!! I feel it so much!! This is exactly the sort of thing I would say if I met him :roftl:
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