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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Are we drinking?? I fancy a glass of champagne if there's one going.........
  2. I've never kissed a girl. Oh hang on no I have, but I was only 9. Does that count???? No for me it's the boys boys boys But yes, I'm gay As gay as a daffodil dear!
  3. Hi guys, you're looking hot today Grant, are you trying to shrink me dear??
  4. Hi Meddows :blush-anim-cl: *tries to hide signs of major crush*
  5. Eavesdropping is wrong - I'm here now Grant. Where has Albert gone??
  6. LOL I loved The Official Body Hair Thread. It was naughty but SOOOO funny! Do you remember when we didn't know if he had chest hair or not?? Oh innocent days!! I feel nostalgic..
  7. The dark side of Mika. Do you think he has an evil twin inside him like that woman from Heroes??
  8. That's funny Thanks. I love that pic of him Mr Mean and Moody. So he is setting trends for men's hair? Can we expect to see lots of curly headed males around this coming season?
  9. Another acoustic version of Grace Kelly??? Aren't there enough of those out there already? Please don't tell me Kleerup has done a dance mix of HE. I just can't imagine that - and after the Police cover thing I'm not sure I want to hear Mika technoed to death again so soon But thanks for the info.
  10. 11% .........GO MIKA!!! I sent my "friend" (huh) the link telling her to vote wisely. She voted for Daniel Craig. I should have known better...........(she thinks us lot voting for Meeks 100 times a day is hilarious and totally insane, btw..)
  11. Hmmm, well they have to be pretty thick-skinned husbands is all I can say! I think mine is in Mikdenial: "No, she's only pretending to be obsessed with him... " kind of thing.. Well it works for us
  12. You're hot too Grant wow I've never said that before, things are going tooooo fast!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Mika, I love your hair Honestly I do, and even if you had none, I'd still love it, and I mean that...
  14. The Grandma do!! I'm waiting for the blue rinse look next Mika... Do you think he wears one of those plastic Rain-Mate things on it in bad weather???
  15. Oh my.... I'm so embarrassed now, you guys are too dirty and too flirty
  16. :roftl: See you there, tea and biscuits at 4 o'clock and then Countdown. Mine is the chair nearest the TV, don't pinch it. Mika's ancient isn't he. I like his hair best slightly longer and natural, like when he's all sweaty after a gig. Not too tight curls.
  17. GMTIWB - see thread title for clue! Although I'm more of a AmbisexualMTIWB You may well see my unitard one day but you should know I don't do chicken on a first date. ooh you are naughty.
  18. Hi Keith .... It's just that I'm a little self conscious, I've only just come out and well I'm just not all that flamboyant in public Give me time.
  19. What? New GMTIWBs??? Hi Meddows I'm Ralph, the straight-acting GMTIWB. btw I'll have a unitard if it makes me look like Rufus W. but I'll only wear it in the privacy of my own bedroom...........
  20. "this is the way that we love, like it's forever - then live the rest of our life, but not together.." :crybaby: :crybaby:
  21. LOL that sounds like fun! I wish I could stay and chat now, but I must go pack, am going away for the weekend with the family - I must hide Ralph away for a couple of days and let Rach dominate, my husband must not suspect that I am a gay man It would ruin everything if my cover were blown. Have a nice weekend Grant!
  22. I think I'm developing a Repetitive Strain Injury But all in a worthy cause.
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