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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Thanks guys I'll have to just get them first and then see what can be fashioned from them. A bit of glue and some sticky-backed plastic and Bob's your uncle (does anyone but me say that anymore, lol).
  2. LOL yeah, but we marrieds get that delicious 'naughty' feeling that you are somehow 'cheating' on your loved one when you drool over Mika. *shivers with illicit pleasure*. Who am I trying to kid, it's a total pain at times!!!! But my husband is great, really, I'm lucky.
  3. I must get mine ordered!! Sarah - or anyone lol - can the hearts be detached from the string or whatever, as I want to make some into earrings...?? Hang on tho, I've just looked on the website and they look rather big for earrings!! I mean I am a fan of "Pat Butcher" earrings but I don't want to rip through my earlobes Oh well then, Plan B...
  4. There is a Real Fan inside me trying to get out. Members of my family just keep pushing her back in again. Painful!
  5. I WANT to believe you EnFa. Because that would be ... groovy, baby. Let it be true!
  6. Hmmm, I don't know when it started, it's always been there, but I only know it has got worse recently... No idea why:mf_rosetinted: This thread has got me thinking along all sorts of lines. .very interesting! Good therapy Thanks soangel, let me know what I owe you - I will be back for another session sometime provided it's cheap
  7. That's so hard to answer! But it wouldn't be therapy if it were easy:naughty: I will have to think about that. A lot I'm only attracted to reasonably straight-acting gay/ambiguous men. Not really the ultra-camp type. Erm.... and the thought of two men together is just *runs and hides, first therapy session is tough*
  8. That's interesting, because I'm not a girly-girl at all. So there's room in this 'gender description' for all types! Was your ex really gay? Did you know when you married him - or just suspect?? Sorry if that's too personal a question, you don't have to answer
  9. HollyD, have you considered the benefits of emigration???
  10. Recently I find I can only fancy gay men. Or should I rephrase that: sexually ambiguous men (ahem!). If my husband - who is not, I suspect, gay - so much as looks at another man as if to appreciate his good looks, then I am, shall we say, suitably impressed. Ralph x
  11. Hi, just welcoming you, you will fit in here very nicely indeed. Can you make a coffee last all morning, though?? I can My kids (8 and 5) are disturbed by my level of Mika addiction. Poor things. But they are fed and clothed and hugged and schooled, so I guess it's okay! Hope you have sorted the little scamp out titty!
  12. I think I might be, too But I'm not sure. Maybe it's a phase. I don't want to label myself just yet I don't like labels. But for now you can call me Ralph.
  13. ??? How did I miss this last night ? i'm slipping, oh the shame of it. My other half told me there was 'nowt on telly' last night and I believed him so I didn't even bother looking at the schedules. Huh, he KNEW It was obviously his own cunning plan to keep me away from Mika
  14. :roftl: Sometimes I think I'm the Only Lonely Drooling Oldling One, so it's nice to see there are more We have 8% folks! Only 2% more to draw level with Gyllenhall. That's how we must approach it, manageable short-term targets en route to victory.
  15. Yeah...! They do curtail the fun sometimes! Better go.. night
  16. This just about sums up how I feel about it too - I like lots of electronica/dance, but THIS just isn't a very good example of it! Apart from the Mika voice swoon factor of course (but even that is diluted... )
  17. Hello Mums Can't stay on, have to go speak to my husband at some point this evening() but just wanted to say how much I've just laughed at that little 'intrusion' earlier!! So funny!
  18. With language it's really a case of 'use it or lose it', and because Mika hasn't lived in France since he was 8 his level of fluency and ease of vocabulary retrieval will have decreased over time. Also, as others have said, he seems to lack some adult French vocabulary, for fairly obvious reasons. When you reach a certain level of competence in another language you stop translating in your head. I speak French, Spanish and Portuguese as well as English but to different standards; I've studied all three to the same level, but as I haven't spent much time in either French or Spanish speaking countries I am not very fluent in those languages in fact I struggle with them these days through lack of practice, and have to often 'translate' in my head first. With my Portuguese it's different, because I lived there 4+ years and gained a certain level of competence and fluency whilst there, so even though I'm rusty now in that language, it will always be above a certain level and will 'come' to me more easily. Complicated! Language acquisition is fascinating but complex. And imo Mika's English is far better than his French. His spoken English is perfect mother-tongue standard, at least to my ear. he doesn't struggle for words or expression, in fact just the opposite. He is probably so articulate BECAUSE he has experience of another language, there is a link there, as someone else suggested.
  19. My parents are on holiday in NYC and New England these next two weeks - I will ask my Mum if she saw any sign of Mika when they get back. From what you all say it will be a bit of a miracle if she does! I actually don't think it's a bad thing Mika is not breaking the US too quickly. Personally I'd be happy enough if he ends up with a really strong and loyal cult following in the US/Canada, even if that takes time. But then I don't live there; if I did, I might feel differently...? Obviously he already has a small (growing!) and loyal cult following here at MFC
  20. I agree that it improves with listening. I've had it in my head all day but I think that's more to do with the fact it's just a great song. I loved it in 1979, it reminds me of that time in my life so much. Yeah I'm sure he must've heard the finished thing before. He must be happy with it, or you'd think so. Would it matter if he wasn't?? They'd still air it. I wouldn't mind if Mika did it at his gigs - I'm sure it'd sound great, and he could put more of his own mark on it. There'd be no annoying Wap Bam Boogie* voices on it at least * Matt Bianco?? Oldlings help me out here!
  21. Apparantely Mika just sent his vocals to Armand Van Helden, and he did the rest. Don't think there was a Mika-only version beforehand.. Not even sure if Mika had any creative input into the sound of the track
  22. :shocked: Oh my Gosh, he is indeed sexy! I'd forgotten. (Mika, put some clothes on though.. )
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