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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. This is frustrating beyond belief, my PC will just not download the Adobe Flash Player 8. WHY??????? Until it does, I can't vote
  2. I was around too. Am I the only one who wishes he'd done "Sue Lawley" instead? sorry that sounds a bit rude but British oldlings in particular will know what I mean!
  3. That was a bit karaoke but fun. Thanks. Wish we could see them better though.
  4. Oooh thanks Caz! I have often wondered what became of them , I liked the quirky looking one, just off to watch the vid now....
  5. Agree totally. Haven't been able to get on to this site to vote though . Will keep trying.
  6. Keep going, he will overhaul them all - he's already ahead of JT, that's pretty good!!
  7. Hello Charlie nice to have you here! I haven't seen your audition yet, missed it, but have heard all about it and would love to see/hear it on Youtube or whatever. Have fun on the forum!
  8. It makes me sad too. Mika really doesn't need that. His detractors are always on the prowl for ammunition and they've got it here! Some of the covers I've heard have been very good. I liked Mutya Buena's cover of the Tracy Chapman song, and others have been interesting and often very different from the originals. I was expecting an acoustic version of Can't Stand Losing You. Actually, it couldn't be further from that if it tried! Totally not what I was expecting.
  9. I've just heard it for the first time. I have to say, if it wasn't Mika, it wouldn't be too bad. It's different. But as you say Martine, to do that to Mika's voice is nothing short of sacrilege! You can just about hear that he did a great vocal, kind of in a Ring Ring style, but the remix ruins it. Blame Van Helden. And if it was Mika's idea too then let's just put it down to an 'experimental moment'. I really don't see an album of dance mash-ups on the cards for him or at least I will pray nightly that's not the case
  10. Never seen this before........ :wub2: Thankyou Avoca. This is a peach!!!!
  11. I agree with RAK1, there is something fishy going on! Mika should win this award no question, and I don't say that because I'm biased, and I actually like JT too. Isn't Mika one of the best selling artists in Europe this year, European (well, as good as), he's done so many great live shows in Europe this year, has been a major breakthrough star on the continent, etc etc. If there is any justice, he will win, but it's true that JT has the might of the US marketing machine behind him, so I feel I know what will happen, sadly . I'd vote for Meeks if I could!! It's very frustrating.
  12. Thanks - it'll be a nice little treat for me later
  13. At the end, the presenter guy (whatever his name is) is towering over Mika - can it be true, he is taller than our Mika, he must be eight feet tall. Random post, sorry I'm bored!!!
  14. Thanks I've been wondering when they'd get round to him. Unfortunately I will have to listen later, or tomorrow, on the internet. If later someone could post what time the track is played I'd be grateful, so I can find it more easily on the Listen Again thing?? - thanks
  15. Well said, this is all true; and there is certainly no way the real Mika is ever going to post on here now, if he ever did before or has ever thought about doing so. Now, no way Jose. It's ruined, all ruined!!!! No seriously, I know people have been making a joke of it, but there is a serious side to it as you say dcdeb (and freddie). Younglings take care!
  16. I hate that Sent/Read thing...it can make you paranoid if you're not careful!! I'd rather it just never showed up as Read! I bet he is lurking somewhere wondering whether to post and get embroiled in the Simon Cowell debate, seeing as he really has to keep on his good side for a while yet! Especially if he gets into Simon's boot camp! I agree with you about Cowell - I don't really like his personality BUT he is almost always right when it comes to who can sing and who can't, and I admire his honesty and the way he is never sycophantic or sentimental. And he did say Mika had a 'unique voice', was it? Well he got that right. But he worked with the Teletubbies I can't take that seriously when push comes to shove!
  17. I hope he joins up! There'd be something really satisfying about that, having someone who socked it to Cowell and survived on the forum dedicated to someone else who socked it to Cowell and survived!
  18. Mika is at Number 10 today :biggrin2: For a guaranteed watch today, tune in to the chart at 5.15pm and 9.15 pm ( I think that's right).. Sorry to start new thread but was just mega excited:roftl:
  19. Thanks for that info, now I will be able to spot you easily It sounds great! I won't be dressing up as such as it's not really my thing, but I will try to make a bit of an effort. I think I may have a purple theme. The friend I am taking would actually disown me if I wore fancy dress so I'm thinking of her too I'm worried about her actually, she really doesn't like Mika and I don't think she's fully aware what she's letting herself in for I know he'll win her over though! Anyone else taking a Mikasceptic along ??
  20. Aha Take on Me is fantastic, I fell in love with Morten after seeing that in 1985 or whenever But this has to be one of my faves - great song too - Sexy Boy by Air: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6W5ZH-JwSg A bit Mikaish too don't you think??? Perhaps he should cover it?
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