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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. :roftl: Mika looks like the lovechild of Posh Spice and Freddie Mercury on that!!! Terrifying!!!!
  2. It just has to be Grace Kelly, it was the first time I set eyes on Mika and well the rest is just history, as they say. And he is so in it. Even if he pulls some funny faces at the beginning
  3. It also sounds a bit like Pick 'n' Mix. We know he likes sweeties! Come on MMMM help us out here
  4. I have another theory Does he perhaps know some Portuguese? pica-flor = hummingbird pica-pau = woodpecker picamica = strange exotic bird of paradise ???
  5. :roftl: 'pica' is a word meaning strange pregnancy-related cravings, for example, the urge to eat dirt or chalk or tarmac. Really!! What's Mica trying to say??
  6. Goodnight Ingie. Don't have nightmares about that pic of the lovechild. I know I will.
  7. IngievV is sincerely mad, I have always suspected it but now I know it for sure
  8. :roftl: Believe me I have tried my hardest to avoid this thread because..well, you know, but oh God, I have just wet myself, and I fear my sides may well have split. Please forgive me.
  9. Mika and Alexa strike me as being right on the same wavelength, as if they would make good friends, but looking at his body language I wouldn't say he fancies her or flirts with her. I get a different impression with certain others. Just my humble opinion and I will not elaborate! But what do I know? Zilch:roftl:
  10. This is fantastic, I can't wait to see it. Deffo first of many! Well done Mika :wub2:
  11. BIG LOVE TO ALL BELGIANS (except Sophie thingie )
  12. I love how you say "I have to live in Belgium" Surely it's a nice place? (Okay I'm sure you didn't mean it in that way lol) But it says a lot that you've never heard of this person...
  13. What I want to know is, why does Mika do this to us? Make a childlike, dreamlike, sweet little video...which starts with him lying in bed half naked making us think naughty thoughts. ? He's a devil He should not be allowed. And now I will make a supreme effort to be wholesome and objective again
  14. Hi ;-) I'd say the response has been mixed, from us lot anyway, although the majority seem to like it. I refer to the video and the remix. I think the song has been quite well received by radio listeners, perhaps moreso than Mika's other singles. That's the impression I'm getting.
  15. Yes you are so right I am sorry, Mika is not an object, I do repect him. *goes to sit on the naughty step*
  16. Lying next to him? ingie you have no imagination
  17. Yes he is, or was - he has retired now I believe. He knew Lewis was coming along, he knew there was no point going on:wink2:
  18. you may joke but I want to know why it is sometimes written MIKA. Personally it winds me up when I see it written like that. Why? It makes it look as if it is supposes to be some kind of acronym. Mika Is Kool Aright, or something equally crappy.
  19. perhaps if Mika offered to do a duet with her to further her career, they could call it quits. Can we see Mika branching out into reggae? I'd like to hear that actually. It'd be better than Lily Allen anyway.
  20. Yes, soft cuddly curly c in Mica for his lovely sweet private self, and cool kicking k in Mika for his edgy, pop-saviour musical geniusness. It just needs to stay that way!!
  21. I was going to say she could change her name to MILKA (as she is good at MILKING celebs for publicity) but then she'd have the chocolate people on her case:mf_rosetinted:
  22. I knew that would make sense to a Mancunian/Manc dweller!! I had an image of an angry Ian Brown in my head when I wrote it!
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