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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. imo Holy Johnny is way to good to be just a B-side, or even part of an EP. I think it will be on his next album and possibly a single, or at least I hope so. As for the demos, who knows. I don't like to talk about them really as it hurts my conscience
  2. I like all the new blogs too, but what's happened to the 'newsletter' Mika said he was preparing for us, in his famous thankyou message? I would like to know if and when we can expect this EP. I thought we might have heard officially about that by now.
  3. I REALLY hope he beats Leona. I am so sick of X- Factor people now. Even Shayne Ward, who I really liked when he won it, has been packaged into a load of RnB tosh. Come on Mika, real talent must triumph over Tosh!! PS I love Sara Cox now. My fave DJ
  4. Thanks Mireille, hadn't seen that. I've actually been laughing out loud at all the Mika articles on the Popjustice link - it may not be all good, but the way it is written is funny, and at least they are expressing a valid opinion in a non-nasty and balanced way (for a change..). If HE is appealing so much to all those people who have so far hated Mika's singles, we are on to a real winner here...I'm quite excited
  5. I agree - the actual ending, with him floating off ethereally into Space, reminds me a bit of the film Alien, when Ripley finally ejects the alien from the escape pod. Sort of. Obviously Mika is better looking It's just a bit weird. But I'm appreciating the weirdness more now and even the cheesiness doesn't bother me as much any more
  6. Perhaps it doesn't even have to be about love. The 'dream' could represent just that, a dream, in Mika's case his dream since he was 7 or so to be a successful musician..one moment everything is going great (the balloons rising) but sooner or later there are hard times when you feel as if you're falling, or alone, or unsure; however there are always people around you - friends, family, fans!! - who will lift you back up and restore your faith in your dream etc etc blah blah you get it! I'm sure Mika means for everyone to interpret the video in their own way, same as the song lyrics.
  7. I can't believe I'm one of the first four to be received - I NEVER send things off promptly, I'm usually a last-minuter!! This is not like me at all No-one ever gets an on-time birthday card from me!!! For Mika and the MFC I have obviously overcome my phobia of the postbox
  8. This bodes well!!!! Numero Uno here we come methinks..
  9. That's a good point!! We never want Mika to become predictable:thumb_yello:
  10. Okay, I've just watched it again a few times since my negative first reaction/impression last night. It is growing on me, but I still can't say I really love it. And it is hard to put my finger on why exactly, but when I think of the Grace Kelly video next to this, it just seems like a different Mika, and I think I miss the 'old' Mika a bit - even though I know he has many sides to his personality. However, the video is clever, offbeat in its own way, certainly will stand out from other stuff we are seeing on the video channels, and Mika looks great in it although that really goes without saying, and despite some of the cheesy posing (I blame the director for that) his star quality still shines through and lights up the screen. In fact my favourite bit of the whole video is the hands forming the star at the end...another subliminal message (after LT vid) for those people out there who still haven't cottoned on to the undeniable fact that that's what Mika is.
  11. :rocket: I win! Oh no the toys have come to life and are singing Happy Ending...it has put me right off! You can have him..
  12. But do you like it?? Hilarious in a good way??? Or in a too-cheesy-to-be-true way?
  13. No, get out, it's only a single...no room for you, sorry!
  14. :roftl: I've just read the other thread and it really seems as if we are in the tiny minority here Niki!! Everyone else has gone mikagasmic over it . Not even I can love everything about Mika (though I try...), but I will keep watching the video and hopefully I will find something I like about it..... .....apart from the fact I have bed sheets just the same colour as those...hang on, he is in MY bed!!!!!
  15. Admit it, you just hoped the whole video would be Mika in bed... Well that would do for me!!!
  16. I just don't think that cheesy suits Mika. He doesn't need to go cheesy as he has enough natural charm without all that. I dunno, the video is just a bit too childish for me. BUT...I will say this: I hated the radio edit of the song at first and now I like it. So maybe the vid will grow on me too. Maybe I'm just a hard nut to crack
  17. perhaps we should blame the director for that??
  18. Ok - deep breath - I'm going to be controversial too. I don't like it either. Sorry.
  19. Thank goodness someone else likes both Radiohead AND Mika. I'm a huge Radiohead fan. Lots of people can't seem to fathom why I like both. How's that?? Thom Yorke has a beautiful voice, one of the only other male voices (apart from Mika's) capable of sending a shiver down my spine! It does annoy me that when you say you like Mika some people immediately make assumptions as to what other music you must or mustn't like. Silly!
  20. That IS Mika isn't it? He's just got out of bed, hasn't 'put his face on' yet.
  21. This version is very slowly growing on me - I slagged it off a bit in other threads this week but I dislike it less now, and I always saw the reasons behind the edit - airplay, commercial appeal, etc. Still much prefer the original though. Did anyone hear Sara Cox raving about it yesterday??? She was basically saying to her listeners "You know you love it, you're surprised because you thought you didn't like Mika...go and buy the album!!" Okay she didn't say those actual words but that was definitely what she was getting at. Good for her!! I cheered
  22. In the album version it's more of a 'shuffling' beat I think - this new version is definitely more RnB, and yes, more commercial. If at the end of the day it gets Mika 'across' to a new section of fans then I won't mind.
  23. daisylou, no it isn't his sister singing, it hasn't been re-recorded, just remixed. greta - it's the original vocal from Mika but I dunno, his voice gets a bit lost in the mix, I think. That new backing track is intrusive. Just my opinion. blimey I am over-analysing this now!!! I'm going to let it lie BY THE WAY the Radio 1 link is working (for me) now..don't know if it'll work for people outside the UK but it's worth a try: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/ Go to Listen/Podcasts, scroll down and select 'Sara Cox in for Edith Bowman' (Weds) and Fast Forward to 1:20 mins...then just keep listening for the Mikster:biggrin2:
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