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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. They've put a more prominent backing beat on it - almost an R n B sounding beat (which I think spoils it, there's more than enough R n B out there already ). The ending is much shorter and all mixed up - as someone else commented I think it was RAK1. Hmmm, the jury is out...
  2. Thanks deano for working so hard to get the forum sorted, we appreciate it
  3. Heard it today. :shocked: It sounds really different, the way it has been mixed. I'm not sure about it yet.. It's been cut down by around a minute and has a more upbeat feel to it. I think the album version is much, much better - but it still sounds fresh compared to a lot of the other stuff you hear on the radio.. Sara Cox (the DJ) said it has been getting a 'good response' from her listeners so that is the main thing really. Sorry I don't know how to record it for people or else I would have
  4. I must have it NOW:shocked: Hopefully not too many apple poses in it. Just one for good measure and comedy value:naughty:
  5. Grrr.... the Sara Cox listen again thing is STILL not working for me, not even for YESTERDAY'S show - all the other shows are working just fine, it's just flippin Sara Cox! It's a conspiracy:mf_rosetinted:
  6. Yes, where is he?? Forced to give out this info in his absence.
  7. That's the full album version. The single has been cut, apparantely.
  8. BBC Radio 1 : http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/listen/ Freddie said that Sara Cox (13.00 - 16.00) is playing it all week. There is a 'Listen Again' option, but it isn't working (for me at least) for yesterday's programme.
  9. Aagh, trying to listen to Sara Cox's radio programme from yesterday on the Listen Again player (Blue - yes, that's the one) but it keeps coming up with 'file not found' , but all the other programmes seem to be playing okay. Is this happening for anyone else? Will have to wait till tomorrow to listen live and maybe catch her playing HE again.
  10. Tut silly me, I've just made the classic schoolboy error...not reading all the options before voting...can I change my mind? I voted Something New Outside LICM but I now vote for the EP option. Just for the record (no pun intended)..
  11. I feared that would happen!! Haven't heard it yet... As you say, we'll probably get used to it. If it is shorter than the album version and that means more chance of airplay, then it is probably justified.. Probably - I will reserve full judgement until I've heard it!
  12. Full length? If so that's good, I was sure they'd cut it, I'll be happy if they've left it well alone..
  13. Is it a different version or just a radio edit?????
  14. Somerset is on again? That'll be 4 times in a fortnight, (and not even including ITV+1) Blanket Mika coverage is okay by me though:wink2: Is the behind the scenes thing from the Manchester gig? The one with the swan:roftl: Anyways thanks for the info:thumb_yello:
  15. My fave is JS Bach - especially his Brandenburg Concertos. I love Baroque music, it's something to do with the structure of it, and I really like the sound of harpsichord.
  16. So exciting! Next week! A reason to watch The Hits again at last - it has been boring the pants off me the last few weeks. We NEED a new Mika vid and the sooner the better . Thanks for the article/info/pics (the pics are so classic! )
  17. Final bump! Entry deadline is midnight tonight, if anyone is still wanting to enter.
  18. Perhaps is is in Mika denial. There's lots of Mika denial out there - still!! But come on, SOMEONE is buying LICM, and it's not just the MFC!!! Who are all these people? Closet Mika fans are everywhere.
  19. ilove mica and the mfc oh god i'm a genius:roftl: hidden talents:mf_rosetinted:
  20. For me it's always Meeks. Or occasionally Mikilutz (no idea why, it just pops into my head). And when I see his name in my head written down, it's always Mica. Soft and cuddly curly c instead of harsh kicking k . Big M is far too scary and threatening
  21. :roftl: Sparkly I could not agree more. He's too young even for a toyboy:naughty: but it'd be fun having him around. And of course there's no law against looking at least I hope not or I am guilty as charged:mf_rosetinted:
  22. Aagghh this is annoying, I can't get on the site, even though I've downloaded and installed the Flash Player thing AND rebooted. I will try again another time, someone with a brain needs to see to my computer first
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