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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. buy it again next week and it'll' be up to 23. Number 1 around Feb next year at that rate:mf_rosetinted:
  2. lol, every time I'm in the CD department of Asda or wherever I have to feast my eyes on the sight of LICM sitting there on the top shelf. Still. It makes my day. I'm easily pleased:naughty: God bless all those closet Mika fans here in Britain, for there are definitely LOTS:roftl:
  3. Mika rocks and that's just the truth:thumb_yello:
  4. bump Number 3 this week, up 2 places!!!! :biggrin2: It'll be in top 5 for rest of year now, I have no doubt.
  5. I thought the comp. might also be online but I looked and it isn't - how come yours only cost 12p, mine was £1.30:sneaky2: and if I win:mf_rosetinted: I won't even be using the tickets:roftl: so you'd all better start suckiing up to me now I reckon!!
  6. Yes I got that message too- rest assured in the newspaper it definitely says closing date 6th Sept (06/09) and winners drawn on 7th Sept (07/09). The text response must be a typo Good luck if you've entered
  7. Manchester Evening News is giving away 5 pairs of tickets to Mika cncert at Manchester Apollo on Tuesday November 20th. Can't scan the add, but this is genuine if you are at all interested in trying your luck. Question is (it's really hard:bleh: ): Complete the Mika song title, Love _____ A Sick B Life C Today Text GIG then a space and A, B, or C to 88821. Closing date 6th Sept. 16+ and Uk residents only. Cost £1 + standard network charge. Good luck if you try your luck. I've entered and would pass on the ticks if I won.
  8. Yes that figures! That's why I envisaged him just doing a simple vid for Happy Ending, just him at the piano with maybe a backdrop or some images cut into it. I don't think Happy Ending merits a frivolous video so I hope it doesn't turn into one!
  9. Aha yes, you beat me to it robertina! :wub2:
  10. I understand exactly what you mean by this hunnyangel, and it's the reason why i'm really not bothered if I never meet Mika. I mean, if the chance was there presenting itself on a plate so to speak of course I would like to say hello to him and everything..but I'm pretty sure too that it wouldn't live up to the hype and after all, just saying hello how are you , great show and having your pic taken with him is not exactly knowing him is it. So yeah, I know where you are coming from!
  11. Thanks very much for posting:biggrin2: I know it's a bit early to tell what it'll be like when finished, but I have to say I was hoping it would have at least a bit of Mika playing piano in it. Flying through the air:blink: yep could be a bit cheesy, I hope not!!!
  12. There is talk of an EP of six or so songs to be brought out sometime in the Autumn here in the UK, possibly with more demos on (the unmentionable ones:naughty: ??), but it's not confirmed, - it hasn't been announced on Mikasounds or anything, as far as I know. We don't know if this will be part of the Happy Ending single release or what. It's all a bit vague! Here is the link to an article Freddiesdouble posted up: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7465&highlight=article+daily+mail If you scroll down to the bottom of the article there is something there in red. As for a new album, no idea really!!
  13. That was so great last night, I recognised quite a few of you (Jemma, Yuppy, Bab, Sara and did I see Yopp??) even though I've never met ANY of you LOL, why do I find that so weird?? I had my nose up virtually against the screen and yep, I think I nearly saw a bit of Mika too My oh my he looked fine in that jacket and hat:mf_rosetinted: I'm annoyed, I'm going to miss the repeat and I have no recorder, good luck to those recording it as I'd love to see it again! :biggrin2:
  14. I love Under Pressure, it's a fab song, it always makes me cry!!!!
  15. Mika getting asked if he is gay by the audience = Bad Times Mika just being there and being Mika = Good Times
  16. Right:thumb_yello: What did Bowie sing??
  17. YES!!!!!!! I've been thinking this for ages!!!! He'd get ripped to shreds though by Alan and JLC but I think he'd handle it. (Imagine Alan - he'd be all a-quiver...!!) It would be MUST SEE TV!!!!
  18. David Bowie is great, he's a legend, I like lots of his stuff (not really his 90s/00s stuff though). My favourite Bowie tracks are Changes, Ziggy Stardust, Please Mr. Gravedigger (grim, but cracks me up every time when he sneezes), Heroes and I even like some of his 80s stuff, China Girl in particular. He has written some great songs and his voice is quite underrated too, he uses it like an instrument (or so my husband says, he's a much bigger fan than me!) Oh and he was hilarious in Extras - that 'Little Fat Man With The Pug Nose Face' song is pure comic genius (okay I know he didn't write it!!)
  19. Interesting thread! If I passed Mika in the street he would without a doubt turn my head (his height and build, mainly) but him being a good deal younger than me I wouldn't 'fancy' him as such, I would just think, that's a really good looking young bloke . It's the way he comes across when you hear him speak, his intellect, his good manners, his enthusiasm and talent and his sheer charisma that I find attractive but who knows if I would still think this if I knew him personally...? I'd most likely find him immature. Inevitable! But we don't know him and never will, so I think it's fine to be attracted to the things about him we can definitely see and experience as fans, and not to worry about what he's *really* like.
  20. Exactly dcdeb, couldn't have put it better myself (btw..Happy Birthday!). I admit though that if I were a teenage girl and my mum was into Mika I might think it was weird. It all depends on your viewpoint really!
  21. It's basically Beavis and Butthead - without the ironic humour and lewd comedy chuckling - i.e., very lame!
  22. Easy mistake to make. I can't keep up with it either. Thank God he's on holiday now:bleh:
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