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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I'm liking the idea of a deal!! It'll be so funny if we all turn up at the gigs in these hoodies. I'm so tempted though.
  2. :roftl: Or in a rather fetching knitted cardigan.
  3. You could well be right - I hadn't stopped to think about that 'straight hair' shot being model-like, but now I'm wondering! I wonder why he doesn't mention it (if it is true) - he's damn fine model material and it would be nothing to be ashamed of! Cheekbones like those and the tall skinny factor and the exotic dark hair and eyes, how can he not have been approached for modelling??
  4. The apple/watermelon/potato/sex face is a giveaway, deffo Now he needs to perfect the pretending-to-look-at-wristwatch pose to have the full male model's repertoire!
  5. Is there a man alive who doesn't fancy Natalie Imbruglia?? I've never met one! She must surely be virtually the epitome of beauty judging by men's general reaction to her...
  6. [quote=KiteKat;565064 Never mind the watermelon pose, that tracksuit top is like Borat meets Keith Chegwin in Brookside in 1984!!! Possibly the worst thing I've ever seen Mika wear (sorry Mika...) which is a first as he can usually pull most things off! I'm not a fan of the open mouth pose although I understand why Mika does it. He looks much better either smiling or pouting or even better, just caught off guard and natural
  7. Ha , I didn't see you there Jack!! I wasn't going to be the one to mention THAT thread...if it's the one I'm thinking of (doh, I should click links before I type!!)
  8. I was thinking the same! The thread could head completely off topic, or at the wrong angle:wink2: if we aren't careful:naughty: However I think discussion of Mika's changing hair length is relevant. His longer hair was more feminine. His shorter style is less feminine. Didn't this thread start off as a discussion of Mika's feminine/masculine role projection and how this has evolved, or something like that? I think Jack will let us off
  9. Thanks for the translation. I kind of agree with the article, or the point of it. This is why I'm so glad Mika is releasing a ballad next here in the UK: we as fans all know he is versatile and talented but the wider public may still think he is a one trick pony and it's quite right that he should blow this theory out of the water now!! And at least they acknowledge his great talent - many don't, or won't!
  10. No way, I can't see Mika fancying a monochrome head, I just can't see it, he should get himself coloured in if he wants to get with the Mika!
  11. Only seven or eight weeks to go until Mika's second chart-topping single I have the faith!
  12. [quote name=Cautionary Wife;4430 Album review: Mika Life in Cartoon Motion (Casablanca) **** Occupying the top spot in the singles chart with the gloriously camp romp that is Grace Kelly' date=' Mika has so far justified his presence in all those "ones to watch out for in 2007" lists. But an album is the real test of an artist's viability - and it's one the Lebanon-born singer has passed with ease, delivering consistently well-crafted pop tunes that buzz with energy. Game, set and match MIKA!!!!
  13. I like her hairstyle in the second pic, might go for that myself, wish I could look like her too though:naughty:
  14. Aaah I can't believe it has gone!! I love this footage, I waited so long for it to appear and now it's been cruelly whipped away! Don't they know what a milestone this performance was for Mika and us fans????? Grrrrr.
  15. So you like skinny girls but not skinny blokes eh Freddie?? (I refer to the Mika-body-discussion!) (btw I don't class KK as skinny, she is just naturally very slim:thumb_yello: )
  16. I wonder what Mika's Dad's physique is like Men tend to follow their fathers with body shape as they age (in my experience) same as with their hair loss. (Oh dear let's NOT get onto Penniman family male pattern balding, PLEASE!!!).
  17. I'd rather see a little love-handle than a big six-pack:wub2:
  18. This one is disturbing - the chair-wielding one keeps on hitting him even though he's obviously already dead. All it needs is another smiley filming it on their phone to put on Youtube. Emoticon violence, very bad taste!
  19. Whatever that smiley is doing, it doesn't look like a case of consenting adults - the one in front looks a bit dubious! Should we be worried??
  20. He is probably just about right at the moment - I personally wouldn't want him bulking up any more, though he probably can't do anything about it, I mean, I can't imagine that he's pumping iron at the gym every day or anything! Or has he just been eating all the pies?? I often wonder who it is:naughty: But to answer Freddie's question, IMO yes he has a good body with shirt off, he has enough muscle definition, broad shoulders and a toned tum without the horrible obvious six-pack some people think is chickeny. (Why am I suddenly thinking of Peter Andre circa 1994?) I hope this discussion of Mika's bod doesn't qualify as Chicken-object talk! It's purely an anatomical appraisal:thumb_yello: I Respect Mika.
  21. i have to disagree there; I like him skinny! With clothes on:mf_rosetinted:
  22. Me too. I feel nostalgic for the days before he took his shirt off, when none of us knew about his chest hair (LOL), when he actually used to wear his braces to keep his pants up:naughty: Personally I think he looks better with as many clothes on as possible! (animal costumes don't count.. ) I do think the stripping off thing has attracted a new demographic and that's no bad thing for his career, but part of me really wishes he'd waited a little longer before unleashing Sexy Mika on the world! He was so unique and special in the 'early days' - he still is, of course, but...well I think most people reading this will understand what I'm getting at.
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