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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I feel nostalgic too:blush-anim-cl: , it feels ridiculous, but I do!! It's not that I 'preferred' the younger Mika, it's just pure nostalgia. A bit like when your kids are growing up...you look at old photos of them and it's like 'aww, they were so different then'..but you still love how they are now, in fact you love them more each day.. BLEEURGHH sorry, that was so mushy, I feel sick now. Apologies if anyone else feels queasy!! I'm not usually so sicko and sentimental!
  2. Thanks for posting. We definitely shouldn't take this too seriously, what this reporter (or his 'barfly') classes as deferential/fawning/sickmaking behaviour appears to be influenced by his opinion of Mika, well, we should be used to this by now - sigh, unfortunately! I think Mika is just a friendly person who is still getting used to the fact he is famous, and is maybe still a little ingenuous when meeting other famous people. Nothing wrong with that - I think it is refreshing. If Lily Allen did say that to Mika then so what. She can be a bit of a pain BUT she did put Cheryl Tweedy in her place, we shouldn't forget that!! Kudos to her for that!
  3. Now that's the kind of Futuristic Beer Delivery System I've been searching for!! LMAO it's insane! I'd even pay town centre beer prices to be served by those four:naughty:
  4. I'm telling you, one of these days...Boy Who Cried Wolf and all that...mark my words you naughty thread-bumpers you!
  5. WOW - I have just seen the photos of the projects in question here and it was literally:jawdrop: No wonder Mika was so impressed and touched. They all look far far more impressive and beautiful than I'd ever imagined and believe me I'd imagined them to be very good!!! We have some talented people on this forum... And Bexxy & RAK1, how are your arms still attached to your bodies??
  6. This is a very good point Christine. Or should I say several good points.
  7. Mika is a lucky man to have a(as yet unofficial:bleh: ) fan club as good as this, and I think he knows it. I want to go and listen to Love Today on a loop now :biggrin2:
  8. New version, or just an edited version?? Hope it's only edited.
  9. This is lovely:biggrin2: I'm happy he has replied and loved the gift and happy for all of you lot who were in on it/put it together. I wasn't in on it missed the deadline through my own stupidity:thumbdown: but I was in on Sivan's scrapbook and I'll never forget how lovely it was to see Mika receive it and appreciate it, so I know how you must all feel right now! Good old Mika:biggrin2: and MFC:biggrin2:
  10. Agreed. I never really approved of Big Girl as a single release. And I love Lollipop but think it would be a mistake to release that as a single. It should remain the cult classic that it is:roftl: Happy Ending, right tune, right time , in my opinion.
  11. Oh yes, the O song in my opinion must be heard!!!
  12. I have to admit that the picture caption Like Justin Hawkins Gone Nu-Rave made me LOL. I often wonder what Mika wears when he is out and about and wants to be incognito...hmm, maybe this hoodie doesn't quite do it!! I imagine it's quite difficult for him to go unnoticed, stunning as he is .
  13. Yes I was wondering that too - if the Happy Ending release will in fact be part of the EP. It'd make sense.
  14. yeah, let's go. We all know Bri loves a bit of fat girl plinkety plonk too!!
  15. That's right Ela. I'm off to fetch Brian May.
  16. Yes I get what you are saying and as I said before, normally I just laugh at stuff like this. Today though I've got my protective mother-hen head on regarding Mika. I just felt like sticking up for him And I do think these journos pretend sometimes to be funny and ironic and over the top, when really, they mean every word, nastily. We shouldn't underestimate how much some people really do hate Mika, much as it pains me to say it.
  17. I'm not posting this to alarm anyone, I'm just confused: why has this date disappeared from Mika's Myspace listing? It now has just Nov. 19th as Manchester. ??
  18. Thank you. I love you. How could I have missed it.
  19. Right on daisylou. How come everyone and anyone is somehow allowed to slag Mika and his music off every verse end in the press, and yet if Mika dares to show his dislike for someone else's music it's HIM being the t*t???? Grrrrr usually I laugh at this sort of thing but today I feel strongly!!
  20. Precisely:bleh: (btw, off topic here, violet sky your avatar is incredible. The specs just do it for me! )
  21. :roftl: Okay I give in, coz your avatar scares me!
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