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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Somebody just had to ruin it and mention that!!!!!! Thanks tantastic:mf_rosetinted:
  2. Well done Mika for walking out! Why should he stay if he doesn't like the music? Some idiots will find any excuse to have a foul-mouthed hate rant against Mika, I think we have all realized this by now, but do we care? No. Kanye West more talented and original than Mika? Er, no. His current record is rapping over a Daft Punk track. Not original. I could do that. Rant over
  3. LOL, not with this song, but I've done similar things with other lyrics (not Mika's though), sometimes you just get a mental block, and it doesn't matter how many times you listen to it!
  4. Yes it is free from performing but I reckon a month is realistic, as he'll need to do a video for Happy Ending, rehearse for his Autumn tours, and then there's the week he's coming to my house on the Rent-a-Mika scheme. Mustn't forget that. I'll keep him busy.
  5. Why does Mika in that outfit make me really want to drink a pint of lager and black? I can't get it out of my head (I'm not an alcoholic, by the way, so it's not that! ). I think the colour purple just does strange things to me..maybe I have a bit of colour/taste synaesthesia.. (scg: I'm with you on the green trousers *runs away fast*)
  6. I've got an image in my mind of Mika going up to receive his numerous awards ( ) and a load of penguins and ladybirds and assorted animals jumping up and down in the audience and Fearne Cotton making an original quip about 'flamboyant Mika fans'. It has to be done!!
  7. Imagine the headlines if the inflatable had come down on top of him, classic! I wonder who had the Happy Birthday sign - anybody here??
  8. Yeah, that would annoy the hell out of plenty of people at the Brits!! I'm thinking of the look on Edith Bowman's face. It'd be great:biggrin2:
  9. "The last thing I wanna do is cancel gigs, and I wouldn't have either, if it wasn't for that meddling schedule, darn it!"
  10. HMV Digital website, can you get that? It comes with LICM as extra track (WMA format though). I got it in February when I bought the album from there, it's a fabulous version, I really love it.
  11. I feel so relieved for him! You could see on his face when Alexa Chung spoke to him at V yesterday how much he is looking forward to his break! I really felt for him. We all know that feeling you get the day before your holidays when you've been working your a**e off! I bet he's having a big lie-in right now as we speak.
  12. Thanks for the pics link Jemmalee! That bit in the write up though, "it's amazing how masculine his speaking voice is"...LMAO, what did this person expect, for Mika to speak like Minnie Mouse??? Honestly. Some of the fatuous cr** written about Mika makes me howl!
  13. I think I know already what my kids are getting me for Crimbo:blush-anim-cl:
  14. I'm totally confused, so Mika is playing the Chelmsford V today and on highlights tonight?? (I go away from mfc for a few days and I lose all concept of events in Mikaland:naughty: ) Wish I hadn't propped my eyelids open till 1.30am this morning watching yesterdays highlights (in vain!).
  15. The outfit is....... , he should wear purple all the time
  16. Me too, it's hard to imagine an edit, I'd prefer it untouched, but I've a feeling it'll be edited, at least a little:thumbdown:
  17. I'll be interested to see how much they cut out of the track for the radio edit, as the album version is at least 30 seconds too long (prob more) to be an effective single for radio airplay. Mika seems to be quite a fan of the three-minute-single thing. *wonders*
  18. Hi Karen, welcome to the club, I'm sure Blue Sky will add you.. Just remember, you are never too old or mummy-like for Mika - I used to think like this but I've got over myself now, LOL, and I just enjoy the ride and let it all hang out!!! (I'm 38 married mum of 2) You'll also find plenty of Queen fans here, there is a thread somewhere...
  19. Great:biggrin2: This to me is good news, Happy Ending will broaden his appeal, I think:thumb_yello:
  20. What about the free concert folks?? Any reports yet? i'm not impatient:mf_rosetinted:
  21. It certainly is, the military look suits Mika. (Hey Akim, you're back in town! )
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