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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. That was funny to watch The Curls downloading first!!! btw why was my face pressed up against the screen:roftl: I'm so sad:bleh:
  2. Beautiful:wub2: :wub2: I love him in purple:mf_lustslow:
  3. Yes it'd be hard not to. I think it'd depend on whether my husband was sat on the other side of me though!! otherwise..yes a little twiddle might be in order. I love my hub but he hasn't got much hair left:mf_rosetinted:
  4. Sometimes that does happen though: a stranger next to you on a plane nods off and their head gets perilously close to your shoulder...now if this was me next to Mika and his head was lolling, in all good conscience (as a married woman) what would I do?
  5. :roftl: Is smelling another man's hair on a flight tantamount to adultery? Discuss.
  6. :roftl: Classic!! Thanks for that, my first LOL of the day! So cute...
  7. I was wondering who was going to mention the Mile High Club - glad it wsn't me:roftl:
  8. I bet he's one of these people who are always pressing the button overhead to get the steward(ess)'s attention, can you bring me this, that and the other, etc.. he'd drive me crazy! But if push came to shove, yeah, I'd hold his hand:wub2:
  9. I don't think I'd like to sit next to him on a flight, or anywhere near him - didn't he say that he hates flying and is a bit of a pain, and the cabin crew get annoyed by him etc?? He sounds like the passenger from hell!! I'd stick my earphones on and pretend I hadn't seen him:mf_rosetinted: okay that's a lie.
  10. Good work Freddie, you always go the extra mile for Mika and the MFC...
  11. the little triangular thing guitarists use to pluck their strings:biggrin2: To all the Ibiza gang: Pleased you had such a great experience and thanks for the fab reports and pics:punk:
  12. Personally I'm hoping the reports will say "Oh my God, he lip-synched through the whole set:shocked: !!!" Only joking. Or am I?
  13. LOL - you're lucky you woke up before he cancelled the show!!
  14. Apologies - I've just re-read your post and you're right, that's what you were saying - sorry for being a lazy reader!! and if I sounded patronising.
  15. Yes, people know where to find them, can listen if they want to (that's a decision of individual conscience), not much anyone can do to stop this. Fair enough. BUT we here on the forum shouldn't further divulge them, provide links, share files, upload onto our myspaces etc., because Mika (the creator of the works) has asked that we don't, and if we respect him, we should respect his wishes. Isn't that clear enough?
  16. LOL I love the way he's got his t-shirt partly tucked in at the front it's a pet hate of mine, I'm afraid if I were the girls there I'd have to tell him!! Or better still, untuck it myself:wink2: Thanks for the pics:thumb_yello:
  17. No, not confusing: very well said:biggrin2:
  18. Do you really think some people thought that, Jack?? I mean, here? Perhaps it's naive of me, but I hope it isn't the case.. And of course the hanging in the park is part of his convalescence. Fresh air and brisk walks!! Just the stuff.
  19. For my part, I do. Annoyed as I am (we all are) about the lack of communication and the haphazard cancelling, I really believe Mika will be completely p***ed off with it all too. But he needs to bite the bullet and make a statement of some kind to this effect! He would appear to be genuinely ill but surely he's still in possession of his wits..a little empathy with the fans is all that is needed.. I don't like the idea of him performing 'ill'. I wish he wasn't doing Ibiza or ANYTHING now until October. Sorry guys, that's my opinion.
  20. So have u spoken to Jerry just now, or are you sworn to secrecy???
  21. Just when I thought I knew every contour of Mika's face!!! *Goes to look at pics*
  22. Er:boxed: dark wavy hair ? same shade of brown eyes..? oh, and my husband has the same feet as Mika. Does that count??
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