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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. LOL yes a few but none so perfect as Mr. Penniman I'm afraid. That's the problem isn't it. Can you get yourself a lifesize cardboard model of him or something, it's maybe your best hope ?? I must just say, my daughter came into the room JUST as your Myspace page loaded....dumdadadidadeedum and all the semi-naked pictures..SHE GAVE ME THE 'LOOK'!! Oh the shame!! Talking of my daughter she is wanting the computer so I have to be off now, bye Holly have a nice day:biggrin2: and watch out for the Mika Urge!
  2. I've just looked at your myspace Holly and it appears you really are Devoted to Mika! Great pics on there! I look forward to seeing the tattoo!
  3. Then you can just flash your tattoo when the urge comes, and you won't have to even open your mouth!!! Tattoo? That's devotion, and yes, a bit Corny, but I'll let it go....
  4. I was just going to make a quip on this, but I will restrain myself.........
  5. I'm getting quite desperate for new Mika stuff. I still play LICM every day and it STILL gives me the shivers, but I want more!!! But no rush for that 'difficult second album' as we want it to be great, not brought out too quickly for the sake of it, so Mika's rationale with the EP seems to be wise.
  6. Sometimes the urge to say his name is like a physical thing which has to be expelled from my body (OMG that sounds disgusting!!) I just can't keep it in!
  7. I understand exactly what you mean violet sky and I agree. For me, subtle is sexier. He's still sexy, of course, but when I watch the Koko thing I think, God, he was irresistible then...
  8. I hate it when you get that irresistible urge to drop his name into conversation, or steer the conversations towards him, even when it's not appropriate but you just can't help yourself...then you get the 'look' from people and you feel foolish and obsessed. This usually happens with me and my husband (poor man..).
  9. I wonder what the critics will make of an EP of six sad songs from Mika:blink: They'll be bamboozled! They'll have to come up with some different adjectives for him other than camp, flamboyant, etc.. That'll be a challenge for them! As many of them are quite 'challenged' already.
  10. I agree with you on this; he appears to be a very instinctive and intuitive person in general, he adapts to his surroundings and the situation he finds himself in, I believe largely unconsciously so, though I can see why some might think it is a conscious and more cynical act..this is an issue I fear he is going to have to face time and time again in his career and inevitably he will split opinion! Well hey that's the way he likes it isn't it:naughty: In my view he is taking his cue from the different audiences he finds himself performing to, in the same way a good teacher tailors a lesson to suit the demands of a particular class, often without being able to plan ahead much.
  11. The way Mika just jumps up (a little too enthusiastically!) and carries straight on with it reminds me so much of when you trip over in the street, in front of a load of strangers, and it's SO embarassing but you just carry on walking as if nothing has happened and you just know everyone is looking at you and dying to laugh....and you want the ground to open and swallow you up...
  12. The shark/tyre thing is so funny but I know where he's coming from... I was swimming in the sea in Portugal last week and there was SO much seaweed in there..yuck. Every time a bit touched my leg I ws convinced I was being attacked by a jellyfish. This must have happened hundreds of times but every single time, my first thought was, "OH MY GOD A JELLYFISH"...doh, no just seaweed again.. The power of the mind!! It's just our primeval brains looking out for us!
  13. Lolliepop that's just about the corniest thing I've ever read... BUT I LOVE IT!!!
  14. Great thread, refreshing that we can discuss Mika's sexuality without discussing his sexuality! Jack's first post was very thought-provoking, and other peoples' ideas have been too, thanks. One word which always comes straight to my mind when I see Mika's early-middlish performances (Jan/Feb??) is fey. I don't have my dictionary to hand so I can't give any more description of that word but for me it is summed up in the Yahoo Extra Venue performances, and interview. When I watch these it almost doesn't seem like the same Mika we know now - whether it's the feminine/masculine subject/object crossover or just the fact he has naturally matured and changed over the last six months (he's still very young we mustn't forget..), or something more deliberate and orchestrated, I don't know. Whatever, it's a fascinating thing to watch. Mika is a true chameleon, that's for sure, which is one of the reason he is so appealing!
  15. :roftl: I certainly do a lot of dreaming!! I tell myself that because I am roughly the same size as Beth Ditto, maybe, just maybe.... :roftl: It's okay, I know, I know........ :blink:
  16. It's so cute to read about you guys over ther getting the Mika Buzz when out and about!! Even though he is more 'exposed' here in the UK, I personally still get all wibbly and lightheaded and expereince the urge to dance and jump around whenever I go into a shop and his music is playing! It's quite ridiculous. I feel as if, "They're playing MY Mika"..you know what I mean!! He still never fails to make my heart race.
  17. I'm a bit sad now because I've searched the thread and it appears I did NOT in fact contribute before with a shy and slightly guilty declaration of love. How can this be?? I was sure I did! I certainly remember reading it back in February......hmmm. Anyway..for the record...yes I fancy Mika:blush-anim-cl: and yes, I could technically be his mother:sneaky2:, aah well.
  18. Genius of you Holly D to bump this thread up; I have laughed myself silly reading all those long-ago shy declarations of love for Mika from some of the forums original members! You know who you are!! (Haven't come across my own yet, but it's there.. ) It's hard to believe that there was ever a need for a thread with this title, isn't it?
  19. OUCH! Cherisse could've had Mika's eye out with her drumstick!! Seriously, I'm glad (I hope) they are both okay!!
  20. I'm an 80s girl! My formative years. Isn't it scary though how it only feels like yesterday... For me the 80s is: Hair gel/hairspray, the smell of it. Shoulder pads in T-shirts - horrible. Flat shoes OR stilettoes and nothing in between Perms - not that I had or needed one! Gender-benders (Boy George, Marilyn, David Sylvian, etc) Stock, Aitken and Waterman Piano house and acid The Sony Walkman! Dallas/Dynasty I'll think of more when I've slept on it, it's late here! On the day Mika was born I was 14 years and 161 days old; I was on holiday in Corfu! Little did I know then..
  21. Chintastic! I love that word. In fact "chin" is a great word in its own right. Can't understand why Mika thinks he's a bit chinless. He's got plenty of chin, he isn't to be found wanting in the chin department at all as far as I can see. Maybe he's a bit body-dismorphic, ooh I hope not!
  22. He IS goofy, a goofball, whatever, but in the nicest possible way!!
  23. Me, me, me!! I'll do it. I'd drive him wherever he likes (er..not London though..that's scary..as long as it's around my home town ) and then we'd pull over for a while and get the sudoku out to relax a bit.
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