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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I was going to write something then, but i've just been hypnotised by your avatar, Ingie!!!! It'll come to me........
  2. The fact he is such a good linguist and speaks so many languages is one of THE sexiest things about Mika imo. :mf_lustslow: He also speaks the language of luuurrrvv:roftl:
  3. :mf_lustslow: WOW! he has overhauled the Depp, I can't believe the power of MFC!!!
  4. My son's middle name is Michael. I'm wishing now that it was his first name, so that i could shorten it to Mica, and call him Mica as a nickname, and shout "Mica! Come here a moment I need you!!" on a daily basis.......... This is what obsession means, and it's cruel to our children in many ways:naughty:
  5. She and Zane Lowe (is that his name?) were patronising and sneering at Glasto too; Lowe to Mika: thousands of people here, SOMEONE'S got to like you or words to that effect. grrrr Ha ha but it's funny too to see the looks of WTF Is Mika All About on their faces!! It just makes me love him even more!
  6. Hmmm. He needs to be careful what he says about Big people - pot, kettle, black etc! But Big Boys can be beautiful too:biggrin2: Thought I'd just better say that:bleh: No it's true.
  7. Yeah that happened when I voted too. Hope it has registered! The White Screen thing always freaks me out! Voted for Mika across the board - of course as if I needed to state that:naughty:
  8. Excellent! I've been watching The Hits all day (on and off) hoping to catch it - didn't even imagine it would already be in the Top Ten Most Selected! Well that makes it easier to see tomorrow:thumb_yello:
  9. Thanks for all your reports and pics from l'Olympia, I've had a big grin on my face this last half hour, reading through the thread! It's pouring down with rain outside but the sun is shining in my heart:naughty: that's the beauty of MFC!
  10. I'm thinking of making some jewellry for the gig - something really silly - if Mika likes his fans to make fools of themselves in public then who am I to argue? That's never been a problem for me!
  11. I totally agree. I think at some point soon Mika needs to show people (general public) his softer side musically. I think this is really important. I'd personally like to see Happy Ending released.
  12. Thanks for the upload Babs. (I can't seem to catch it on The Hits due to the fact that I'm not able to sit glued to the screen 24 hours a day just on the offchance!). I agree it is more polished and there's much more Mika in it, and I like the bit with Cherisse. I wish they'd left a bit more of the dance-off in it though as I lie that bit. And have they cut out carrinevie's little boy? Still trying to spot MFCers! I have a few.
  13. My daughter found the Big Hard One in my bedroom the other day (really) and she says "ooh Mum a cartoon book?"..(I'd had it out on the strength of our conversation lasdt week) ..you've never seen me move so fast to grab it off her:roftl:
  14. I wouldn't realise it was him until he'd gone way past me and round the corner and out of sight. Then it'd dawn on me: that was Mika and I missed him! That kind of sums me up in a nutshell, really:blink:
  15. Thanks Sara. I'm going out on a bit of a 'session' during the day that Saturday so I may be too pie-eyed to watch it, or more likely crashed-out:naughty: And I don't have a DVD recorder and my VHS is knackered so I hope someone will YouTube it.
  16. I have standing tickets for the first night, going with a friend who is most definitely not a Mika fan but hoping to convert her. I do not have high hopes (she describes Mika as a 'freakish entity'. I fear for her safety when she gets among all us lot:roftl: ). However at the moment it doesn't look as if that many people from the forum are doing Manchester but that may change yet, it's still early days. We'll just have to try and coax them! Even if just a few of us could meet up, it'd be good. There is an official thread for this with an RSVP list, it's probably quite a few pages down by now!
  17. So what did you talk about with the band?? Just give us a few 'topic areas'
  18. I found out (as did everyone) it was a 'free for all' at 5.45pm. Huh!! It would still have been hard and cutting it fine, but if I had known it wasn't a ticketed thing a few hours earlier, I wouldn't have needed a babysitter, and would have brought my kids into Manchester and met up with my husband and we could have all seen it. So a bit annoyed but never mind. There'll be other times, good things come to those who wait:bleh:
  19. Yes, thanks to everyone for reports/pics. I was trying hard to imagine you all there last night. Glad it was fun
  20. Sorry about the double post, the site is freaking out on me:boxed:
  21. Oh God Bexxy I'm sorry you thought that about Manchester! Perhaps you have to know it to love it:naughty: Anyway thanks for the report, it sounded great, and you are so lucky to have spent so long with the band!
  22. Oh God Bexxy I'm sorry you thought that about Manchester! Perhaps you have to know it to love it:naughty: Anyway thanks for the report, it sounded great, and you are so lucky to have spent so long with the band!
  23. That's okay dcdeb! Better twice than not at all:naughty:
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