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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Oh no, Peer Pressure! As if you need any more stress!!
  2. :roftl: violet sky, where do you get these things???? (I've got to say, he's certainly now got Chicken Question Dodging off to a fine art - people's brains indeed!!! Whatever next? People's livers? )
  3. Course he'll get the joke. He reads the forum doesn't he?? He must know the grey ones are legendary. (Will the bear's boxers be custom made, though? )
  4. OK Got our posts crossed. Nice idea with the bear! Go for it.
  5. No Bear Factory in City Centre:thumbdown: Will you be driving to Manchester via the M60 Bexx? Trafford Centre is right on the M60 junction 9 and 10. Would be easiest to stop off on your way. there, maybe? Otherwise it's a bit of a difficult drive in and out of the city. As for public transport, the metrolink tram only takes you part of the way there, then they have shuttle buses. Would you have time?? (Is Mika getting a bear??? )
  6. I'm here.. Trafford Centre isn't particularly easy to get to from City Centre - the Metrolink tram system doesn't go there (major planning calamity that was!). I'm trying to think if there is a bear factory in Manchester itself... give me a minute
  7. Well, the red light district and the Gay Village are very close to one another...the Gay Village (Canal Street) would be very safe for anyone dressed in a basque I reckon, indeed welcoming:naughty: but take care in the surrounding streets!!! Naah it's not that bad - I don't think. Not that I'm well up on these things! No-one would dare mess with a Mika fan anyway (look what happened to Petro.. )
  8. Hi tamzi You might find this thread interesting - discussion about the story behind the song: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5888
  9. Aww this brought a little tear to my eye..it's so true!! I'm off to vote again now:naughty:
  10. Thanks Kath. Yeah they are fine - sort of in the middle of the affected area but not affected, if you know what I mean. Awful pics of Sheff and Leeds! Just been reading about your basque. As the Official Manchester Guide for you, I feel I should say, do please avoid the area around the Coach Station. Or you will be propositioned!!
  11. My parents still live in Barnsley but luckily not in the flooded area. It doesn't normally flood in Barnsley so it must have been REALLY bad. York's always bad though. Shame, it's such a lovely city. Still, you got out!
  12. Barnsley! That'd be the place which is currently under water:shocked: I love York! Great place.
  13. Yes the Squeaky Ring Ring is a bit of a shock!! I can't get used to it myself!
  14. btw Akim I have sent you my mobile number on myspace. I am now the official Emergency Tour Guide for this event.. I stress I'm rubbish at giving directions so I'll be as much use as a chocolate teapot, but the thought is there!! So who is going exactly..Akim, Sara, Bexx, Kath and Abby and..?
  15. There is a nice small amphitheatre venue in Castlefield in Manchester, which I can quite picture Mika playing at...that would be cool! But I'm just speculating here... Probably best if it's a normal indoor gig, given the weather forecast:naughty:
  16. OOh I'm trying to think of outdoor venues in Manchester:wink2: *puts thinking cap on*
  17. Don't know about 24hrs (though I don't sleep much these days..I think we all know why:roftl: ) but I will try to help, seeing as I can't be there grrr. Does this 'role' of mine entitle me to a special mention to Mika when (WHEN, not if) you meet him at the gig?? Seriously though, if you PM me I'll give you my mobile number just in case you panic on the day!!
  18. Sacha's - good location, very central, close to tram stop (wonder where the gig is going to be? ), close to shops etc. The Church St. carpark is a multistorey and literally around the corner from Sacha's.
  19. I agree Sparkly ^^ it is an example of rubbish 'journalism' - to simply state 'his new tunes didn't cut it' - I mean, didn't cut it for whom?? For the millions who have bought his album? Doh. Throwaway personal opinion, just rubbishy. Grrr, etc. Ah well must remember it's the Daily Mirror I suppose.
  20. Yes it's a real struggle to Not Care when you see something like that:mf_rosetinted:
  21. It's okay..I was only joking! You know it doesn't take much to get us worked up though - he could be giving his gran a peck on the cheek and we'd be going gaga, let's face it:biggrin2:
  22. Whoa Jack, have you had the magnifying glass on that pic or what?? Looks like someone IS freaking out:roftl: !
  23. He's kissing her but thinking of me - I look quite a lot like his Big Girl, if you don't believe me look at my myspace!!!!! :roftl: *In a world of fantasy and not caring*
  24. That one is giving me severe palpitations, I need to lie down.......
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