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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Maybe talk of lederhosen really should be reserved for the Perv Thread.. He's far too skinny and leggy for lederhosen, you are right! It would be disturbing. I've just noticed my avatar! Mika has started already!
  2. Wonderful pics I can smell the pheromones from here Thanks!
  3. Are there any good beer festivals in Germany in August violet sky...? We should invite Mika along to one and have a good old fashioned drinking competition! He could even get the lederhosen on if he so wished:naughty:
  4. Yeah, how 'big' does he feel he needs to be before he can afford to take a break? That's a difficult one to gauge. I also worry about overkill, backlash, etc. I mean I know we all adore him and his music but plenty don't, and maybe if he tries TOO hard it will be detrimental on his overall popularity. I dunno...
  5. It's the new R 'n' B or Drum 'n' Bass!! I wish he'd do a drunken interview too. I'd love to get drunk with Mika - it would be such a laugh. I bet he is hilarious after a few drinks. I'm sure he could drink me under the table though (it wouldn't be difficult..) Binge drinking = BAD:mf_rosetinted:
  6. Oh why did someone have to mention spanking? I was doing quite well keeping my thoughts pure and motherly towards Mika today and now it's all ruined:biggrin2: Shame on you DaMango:roftl:
  7. Yeah, he is obviously heavily influenced by tooth-on-ear music. A very underrated genre. A bit 'underground'. I'm surprised the music press hasn't picked up on this blatant pastiche yet. "Mika is a massively influenced by Freddie Mercury, Elton John, Scissor Sisters,Leo Sayer:naughty:, and Tooth 'n' Ear music "
  8. I'm just trying to work out what possible "interesting noise" a tooth can make rubbing against your ear.... This is why I love Mika. He is so weird and random and surreal at times. He makes me laugh so much:roftl:
  9. The thing I worry about most with Mika's schedule is the constant travelling to and fro, from continent to continent and back again, through time zones and everything. It's a well known fact that this alone can have a damaging effect on your immune system. However he seems absolutely determined to "crack" the whole world simultaneously and this seems to have been the plan from the outset - whether it was Mika's own strategy or his management's, I don't know. I'm not sure how wise this really is. If he just slowed down by sticking to Britain for a few months I'm sure it'd help. But then, there would be all the disappointed fans in Europe....and elsewhere... I'm afraid he has set this ball rolling and it can't stop now. That worries me! At the end of the day though he is young and basically healthy (I remember being 23 - I had a lot of energy and stamina, though at my age now it's hard to believe some of the things I put my body through!! ) so I think he'll survive. I'd like to think he'll take a two week break at some point in the summer, like normal folk do, I mean, there is a reason why we tend to do that! And his is a job, when all's said and done.
  10. Thanks! I knew it reminded me of something! Massive Attack's "Unfinished Sympathy" (is that the one you mean?) and also The Verve's "Bitter Sweet Symphony". Both very effective videos. BG does have a similar feel
  11. I'm Pisces - Opposites attract! I love Marmite, he hates it, it'd never last:mf_rosetinted:
  12. Voted (again:naughty: ), he is doing well! I'd like to see him at least overhaul Pitt. Glad he has now left Clooney way behind - never have seen the appeal of Clooney...way overrated. In my opinion.
  13. I agree with all of this, Jack. I too like the way all shapes and sizes and indeed ages are represented. As a 'Big Girl' myself I'd actually have felt insulted if the video had ONLY had big women in it, as if we are a class apart or a speciality group or something. And I like the way Mika is seen to be bringing colour and fun to a rather 'grey' location (no offence to anyone in that part of London by the way); I'm sure that must have been part of the idea behind it.
  14. I have to say I really like it, and I like the 'amateurish' quality to it which I think is deliberate! But it's a matter of taste I suppose. I think it manages to avoid being too over the top and - much as I hate this word - camp, which is good, because whether we like it or not 'Big Girl' is a camp song and is going to be pounced on by a lot of people for that, and I think this video is a good, balanced accompaniment to the song. It comes across as honest, if you understand what I mean. I think it's another smart move on Mika's part! He's just too clever.
  15. Hi Sonja Check out the thread babspanky gave you the link to (above) if indeed you haven't already, and you'll see I'm going to the Manchester November 19th concert, along with a few others (not enough others, may I just say!! ) I know Manchester well and will be glad to help you out with planning your trip! You can easily get trains from London to Manchester, it takes about 2 hours though it's a long time since I did that journey! That shouldn't be a problem for you. It's advisable to book trains well in advance for cost reasons, though. The Apollo is fairly central, just a short walk from the main rail station. Again, it's years since I went there though. (And don't tell anyone - shh - but I'm still a Mika Virgin so I can't really tell you what the 'done thing' is at his concerts unfortunately, except for what I extract vicariously from all the reports on here ) Anyway, stay in touch on the Manchester Apollo 19th November thread.... Rachel x
  16. Do some of us not like the video then?? Personally I think it's much better than Love Today, which I quickly got bored with watching. But not as good as Grace Kelly, which I will still be watching with glee when I am 95:naughty:
  17. Anyone else feel guilty even for watching it on Youtube?? But what are we supposed to do?? Please people, don't put it on your myspaces etc yet. We need to be a bit careful.
  18. Watching! Love it! Great video. I really like the 'natural' way it's shot too. Right- who are the MFCers we can see in it again?? vixenbbw I think I see you (from your description). Who else?? Need to watch again.. hee hee how exciting!
  19. Thanks esperia especially love the pics - the cover shot is just So how did you find the article - how was it surreal?
  20. Last night I dreamt I was at Glastonbury. A bit vague, but.. Maximo Park and Calvin Harris were playing on the first day, and at the end of their set Paul Smith (Maximo Park) started going on to the crowd how they shouldn't bother turning up the following day because there was only Mika playing, and "He is kiddies' music" ( ). he was being really snide. But then Edith Bowman came out of the wings and onto the stage and started arguing with Paul Smith and saying "No way, Mika is ace, he is going to rock the roof (?) off Glastonbury tomorrow" and she was coming across like the biggest Mika fan ever (as if!). Then Calvin Harris came on to do his set and he went on about Mika all the way through, and I was there watching thinking "Are he and Mika an item or what?" ( ). Strange.
  21. Vou dia 14 de Julho ate dia 28 ..e tu?
  22. obrigada pelas informacoes (embora deprimentes.. ) Entao vou ter de fazer uma grande promocao do Mika no Estoril? Nao me custa nada! Seria uma grande prazer!
  23. I cringe whenever I hear/read the Leo Sayer thing... Michael Hutchence though...that's more like it! Though actually I hate him being compared to anyone now. "His stage presence is stratospheric" thanks for posting
  24. Olá Sara e Daniela ( e os demais!) Tudo bem com vocês? Falta-me um mês para as férias em Portugal; queria saber se o Mika já é muito conhecido lá na vossa terra, e quais são as musicas dele que passam na rádio, qual a opinião dos jornalistas etc, porque sei que não vou parar de falar nele aos meus amigos e, se eles o desconhecem, vão-se fartar de mim!! Obrigada
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