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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Well I'm already married, but as this thing will not be legally binding then I'd be up for any offers:roftl: please note that if you "marry" me you will have to do as my legal husband already does and play second fiddle to Mika for the rest of eternity:roftl: Unless of course you ARE Mika. I feel a very silly thread developing here:naughty:
  2. Falo! Mas sou inglesa. My Portuguese is okay but lacks practice! Sometimes I post on the Portuguese thread for this reason! nice to see a few more Portuguese fans here though! (Sorry - offtopic)
  3. Good advice Freddie. It's something I've felt concerned about too. There seem to be loads of new very-young-lings on here now and as a mother I do worry too for this virtual family:wink2: Assume everyone on here is dodgy until proven otherwise:roftl:
  4. It's not so much the hatred of Mika that gets me about stuff like this; it's the depth of mysogyny and homophobia displayed which is horrifying! I'm generally against censorship, but....is it right to let this sort of thing be effectively broadcast? Maybe I'm just naive. Well done for removing it.
  5. Thanks for the link to little Connie singing (whoever it was, sorry, forgot for the moment - oh Blue Sky)- so sweet! I usually hate with a passion seeing little children perform like this BUT she is stunning, and very natural, let's hope she stays that way! Simon was dying to cry wasn't he.
  6. Yes, I would like to know this too - to have a definite timeline, as you say. He says he had to do the Miami demo stuff "in his vacations" so that was obviously when he was still at the RCM. But it confuses me!
  7. :shocked: Ioana are you trying to kill me? Even us Pervs should be warned before seeing THAT at this time in the morning. I just nearly choked on my Special K.
  8. I really object to the description of Mika as a "pastiche artist" by this reviewer. To me that just plain insulting! I have to say though that the vast majority of reviews from the States and Canada (at least the ones posted here) appear to have been very positive towards Mika's performances, which I find encouraging. Here in Britain there is still quite a lot of negativity towards Mika (in that he really isn't considered cool or valid by a significant portion of the media). I'm hoping he just blows everyone away in the Autumn when he does his next big tour here!! I'm sure he will.
  9. Please stop, you are winding me up now:roftl: , giving me ideas! I love the idea of a "lurk" in Manchester but it'd involve some serious duty-shirking at home and maybe even child abandonment:roftl:
  10. What a great review! Thanks Droopsy:thumb_yello: "the surprisingly mostly female crowd" ????
  11. I can advise you on what to do in Manchester Akim, it is my spiritual home after all...message me if you need ideas or help:thumb_yello:
  12. HI SUZY!! Welcome, and believe me, I know *exactly* where you are coming from as regards the Mikaholism:blush-anim-cl: I'm 38 with two young children, who shamefully are learning pretty quick how to look after themselves, since Mummy has gone completely gaga over a pretty popstar lately and isn't acting like a Mummy at all..And as for my poor husband....! So you are not alone! All I can say is, it keeps us young, at least in our heads... I feel like a teenager again and that can't be all bad (though it is frightening when I look in the mirror in the morning.. ). Anyway welcome to the club:thumb_yello:
  13. Because Mika knows Manc fans are Mad For It:naughty: (Showing my age, I was there during Madchester)
  14. I'll be there on the Monday ... but not sure about the shirt off thing. I like him dressed properly. Ha ha only joking, GET IT OFF MIKA!!!!!!!!
  15. Thanks to all you US people with your reports from last night. I've really enjoyed reading about it Glad you had a good time. How wonderful is Mika to the fans??? I can't believe it. Hope he gets well soon, I worry about him (motherly instinct to the fore today:wink2: ).
  16. I think this is a really great idea, go for it! It would give us all such a kick to see that flag waving, and I'm sure it would make Mika smile too
  17. I am a virtuoso, nay genius, on descant recorder Don't laugh - it's very underrated!! Henry VIII was apparantely a great fan! I do a mean version of 'The Entertainer' I wish I could play piano and guitar. I'm sure I could, as I do have an ear for music but I don't have the dedication or patience now at my advanced age:blink:
  18. My Mika-hating friend has agreed to come with me - she says she'll be on a mission to convert us all "back to sanity":sneaky2: Ha ha, too late for that I think:roftl: ! I'd like to see her try. She says "You'll have gone off him by November anyway". Poor deluded woman!
  19. He does do it live now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0VF33NbEUE
  20. It's actually my least favourite song on the album BUT.. I've seen youtube footage of him doing it live very recently (LA ? must be) and loved that version. He seemed to put so much emotion into it, and it didn't need the children's choir at all imo
  21. It's about time there was a health warning on him. I'm feeling quite weak and helpless now after watching that. Incapacitated for the rest of the day, and I'm supposed to be working in an hour. Now I have to drag my mind out of the gutter and my body off the floor and be sensible all afternoon. Sigh. Such is life as a Mika fan.
  22. I hate to be the one to break it to you Akim ( ) but I think it is actually not a typo!! I know that is disturbing as it is a quite vulgar (and schoolboyish) term but...look closely at the original text on the link. Hmmmm.
  23. Couldn't you just eat him???? Not in a pervy way...hang on, this is the Pervo thread so... I mean in a 'he is scrumptious' way. Yum yum yum yum yummy yum yum I need to go to Tesco now, I am hungry suddenly.
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