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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Just wish he'd shaved though, before the pic was taken. But that's just my own preference. Don't label me Prom dress and stubble, it's a style disaster.
  2. WOW! In more in love now! But don't judge me:mf_rosetinted: I always said his Mum looks like Liz Taylor. Well looking at this photo, Mika takes after her beautifully:wub2:
  3. *imagining Johnny Depp in a curly Mika wig and braces :wub2: *
  4. Really? I have it on my myspace but admit I wasn't sure if I should have done that. I think I'll remove it - to be honest it has played on my conscience a bit anyway. Grrr Youtube, it'll be the moral death of us all:naughty:
  5. Really? I have it on my myspace but admit I wasn't sure if I should have done that. I think I'll remove it - to be honest it has played on my conscience a bit anyway. Grrr Youtube, it'll be the moral death of us all:naughty:
  6. Good answers. Thanks for posting. A blast from the carefree Mika past! I agree with babspanky though. Fudging Naah not really but it was a nice thought while it lasted:naughty:
  7. I'm showing this to my kids tonight. They love Mika and also love Star Wars - perfect!! They call Grace Kelly the Lightsabre Video!! This will crack them up. I think they've always made the Mika/Darth Vader link. :darthvader:
  8. Beckar, the very fact you can't quite leave this thread means that resistence is futile, you are already clearly a perv.
  9. Perhaps if we jazzed them up a bit, with some cartoon-motion designs or something, they'd be more appealing to him.
  10. Do you mean, why comedy breasts? Or, will there be a message on the comedy breasts?? Okay well maybe they would freak Mika out too much. I mean cleavage is one thing, but........!
  11. Oh yes he must! For my eyes only, then....
  12. Morning Pervs! I'm thinking Comedy Breasts.
  13. Yes I totally agree!!! She used to be all poppy and then realised that RnB sells more and is 'cooler' ( ) and so she chose the Timbaland route. Please Mika never do this to us!! Not really anything against Nelly personally in fact I think Mika quite likes her doesn't he?
  14. The more stuff like this I read, the less I Care:mf_rosetinted: And the more I love and respect Mika:thumb_yello:
  15. I thought this was funny! Yes it's taking the mick but actually in a unintentionally complimentary way. I think someone has a secret crush on our Mika Seriously though he sounds great as Mickey mouse and Darth Vader! The talent shines through!! Told you he was good at impressions:naughty:
  16. I like the pics from this shoot (even the Feet Pic!) but how much eyeliner is he wearing??? he looks a bit too much like Kemal from Big Brother in these.. but still lovely.
  17. oh my word I've just discovered I'm a Perv. Mika's Pervert #12 to be precise! I'd even forgotten I asked to join - my mind is so perverted that it's affecting my short-term memory now:naughty: better get it on my siggy!
  18. Where have all the pervs gone??
  19. I did get your meaning I was just using the speaking-like-a-friend-in-interviews thing as an example of his articulate-ness (?? what kind of made up word is that? Mika , help!! ). Perhaps we are doing all those other lesser popstars a disservice here..but then again maybe not!
  20. Yes I see your point completely about the friend thing and I agree with you! It's his ability to 'come across' in interviews or at shows or in person (lucky people) sounding like a friend talking to you when he isn't our friend at all in reality, and yet we feel he is. That's not something everyone can do. Many celebs etc sound very forced and stilted and mannered when speaking to journos or press or whoever and it's hard to relate to them. Not so with Mika. omg I'm really warbling on about him today, I'm just having a really bad Love Mika day (moreso than usual, you know what I mean:naughty:) I'm shutting up now.
  21. I could sit and listen to him all day long, just speaking, about anything! He has that way with words that is quite rare and what's more he isn't arrogant or pedantic with it. It's a gift. It's what makes him a cut above your average celeb!
  22. :roftl: Thanks for that link Caz, I can't believe I missed that one, classic stuff. The Sexy Radio Voice... Not sure I can cope with Mika talking about testicles though:blink: Anyway, I'm straying off-topic, better head back to the Pervo thread:bleh:
  23. Mika would seem to be what teachers call an auditory learner. That is, he learns best using his sense of hearing (hey I am surmising here! ) hence he can play music by ear, sing in tune, has a very good ear for languages (and I am a linguist too so I know one when I see one!!); also, his accent changes according to what he is hearing, and I wouldn't be surprised if he is a good mimic/impersonator too. (go on Mika, do us a Jimmy Saville..... ) And of course he is extremely articulate. Having said that his visual side would seem to be strong too. He is endlessly fascinating...............
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