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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. This thread is very naughty - and it is The Boy Who Cried Wolf, because ONE DAY, Mika WILL reveal his girlfriend*, and no-one will believe you. Mark my words!! :sneaky2: *That'd be me
  2. I hadn't thought of it like that!! *hatches plan to make Mika mine ALL MINE... ...oh alright then, yours too:sneaky2: *
  3. Dyslexia is much more than the inability to read and write properly; it can also affect the ability to concentrate, to sequence thoughts and numbers and events, to know left from right, to follow instructions, etc. Every case is different and some are more severe than others, of course. No idea how exactly Mika's particular dyslexia affects him, but I would be fascinated to know, as dyslexia fascinates me. I also believe that dyslexic people can excel in areas such as music, art and and spoken language, which would explain a lot in Mika's case!
  4. Yes, Wigan. Near enough. Hoping and praying I can convince my friend who lives in Manc city centre (for sleepover purposes!) to go with me but she loathes Mika (how then is she still my friend???) so I have my work cut out:naughty: Otherwise, husband it is. Hmmmmmmm A meet up would be good:thumb_yello: though we would be few and far between at this rate.
  5. Well...erm, yes, you are right, I hadn't taken that into consideration. But with the right bra product I believe a cleavage can nearly always be arranged!
  6. Sparkly - if your husband takes you to Manchester I may be able to arrange a little pal for him to play outside with while inside we drool at Mika: my own husband! hope this swings it for you:naughty: we do need more people going to Manchester though! *doesn't really fancy idea of Mika gig with husband in tow would have to be far too sensible*
  7. The perviest, of course:naughty: whatever that may be..
  8. I'm looking at my own cleavage right now v_v Mika, it's not bad at all! How about a "Post a Pic of your Cleavage" thread especially for him?
  9. It's the the TOP I like, it's just the fact I can see more of his body! I thought I'd better make that distinction:naughty:
  10. WOW! Now that's what I call a proper dream!! It was epic. I love how James Morrisson snuck in there
  11. He's so flexible and bendy:wub2: Truly amazing pictures. And shh don't tell CazGirl but I think the vest is PHWOOAAR (sorry couldn't find the lust emoticon!!). Does this make me a gay man:blink: ? Not that I'm labelling myself:naughty:
  12. :roftl: It's so hard being Sexually Ambiguous these days isn't it!!
  13. Welcome Ela, your introduction made me laugh! I'm always 'getting caught' looking at all things Mika on the computer. I don't know why I should feel guilty or ashamed though but I do:blush-anim-cl: You are very lucky to have a supportive husband - mine just thinks I have lost the plot and that my obsession is downright weird for someone of my age. Ahem!
  14. Blue Sky, I watched the MTV video and got a little vicarious thrill at 2:50 when he looks at you (melt) We MFCers are like one Consciousness in many separate bodies. We feel each others' emotions:naughty: That's a bit Doctor Who really isn't it. Anyway you know what I mean!
  15. :shocked: I have to agree. This truly is a work of art. Someone get me a big piece of marble and a chisel, I feel I need to take up classical sculpture:roftl: Just this one pic alone has actually made my day - thanks avoca, you've hit the spot as always!!
  16. You and Mika on a desert island oh dear you'd be a useless pair with your combined ocean/fish fear!!! Seriously though, I can't imagine being afraid of the ocean but that's the thing with phobia isn't it- one man's poison etc... For me, staring at the sea is the ultimate in chill-out experience. Next to staring at Mika, of course.
  17. Well I think that's the proof we've been looking for. Lisa Hoffman and now this. Is any woman, man, vegetable or mineral safe from this perv?
  18. you're lucky Ruth! My Mika-hating friend doesn't even know she is coming along with me yet:naughty: I will just have to convince her... otherwise I might have to take my husband...yikes:shocked:
  19. Is eating banana sweeties pervy enough to join the Perv club? If so, I'm in. And i've got curls too. Banana - now there's a pervy word if ever there was one:mf_rosetinted: It's absolutely disgusting. Mika, get it in a lyric.
  20. it's a bit of a leading question isn't it..I mean, most of us are going to think the same thing.. But keeping it platonic - well I'd just like to chat. I love his speaking voice and he is so articulate and thoughful about things, and the airport accent:wub2: and the laugh! Oh and I'd practise my French with him. And he could teach me Mandarin. And I would teach him Portuguese! Maybe we'd invent our own private language.
  21. it's a bit of a leading question isn't it..I mean, most of us are going to think the same thing.. But keeping it platonic - well I'd just like to chat. I love his speaking voice and he is so articulate and intelligent, and the airport accent:wub2: Oh and I'd practise my French with him. And he could teach me Mandarin. And I would teach him Portuguese!
  22. I think the medical term is delirium. Is there a doctor in the house? Yoppappop is as good as, isn't she?? Perhaps she could shed light. Mika=delirious. Come on, I thought that was common knowledge around here:biggrin2: I don't need flu to make me Mikalirious though.
  23. There are lots of them on here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2673 the official Mika dreams thread. Enjoy:thumb_yello:
  24. I'm scared. go and see what's behind the door...if you dare.
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