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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Hi, I'm ok thanks, how are you, how's Uni going?? Have you had any more exams?

    How is Latvia these days? LOL I still listen to PV now and again, and did you know they are on Twitter and Facebook now, and they even replied to Karen and me on FB (I think it was Maris) when we asked if they would come to the UK (he said 'We will do our best to come')I had a big fangirl attack LOL!!!!

    Is there no way you can come to any of the European Mika gigs..Vienna maybe? It's still a long way from Latvia though :(

  2. This is a very good point (the bold part) , and I totally agree. Although I haven't seen a live show performance of ISY yet (I even managed to miss it on the Baden Baden live stream ) I can imagine I'd like it more too, in that context. I find the album version overproduced, in the same way AOW was on LICM.
  3. That's cheesy! Kudos to you for admitting to that ??? Where did you hear it? Have I missed something? I probably have, I'm missing far too much these days .
  4. Blame It On The Girls playing as background track in the trailers for new CBBC programme 'Jinx' Also - not music as such - but on another kids' programme on CBBC, called Dani's House, there is a big poster of Mika on Dani's bedroom wall. Only sometimes it's not there, then it magically reappears again the the next scene . The mysteries of continuity . Or maybe Dani just can't decide if she likes Mika or not (a not uncommon problem among the general public, I think )
  5. Not one of my personal favourites on the album (in fact it's my most-often-skipped track ) BUT I do see how it could be a big single. It's exciting that it's getting noticed via Gossip Girl!
  6. I think Mika has certainly had plenty of sad days in his life but I'll let that comment go as it seemed a little flippant anyway, no big deal. It's a good review, and I for one can forgive the bit at the end about there being something 'missing'..yes it could just be that feeling of wanting more, which we all get, I think. My own theory on this might be a bit controversial ..but I think sometimes the general pace of a Mika concert is so frenetic (which is good....) that it doesn't always have time to sink in, if I make myself clear. I sometimes wish the show varied in pace a little more, with some really slowed down stuff (I tend to think he always rushes songs like Billy Brown, My Interpretation, Toy Boy even) to really give fans chance to breathe, literally and metaphorically. I understand that what Mika is aiming at, ostensibly, is a high energy whirlwind experience and there's no doubt he delivers that like NOBODY else can . In the future though, as he matures as an artist and has more material to draw from, I would personally like to see a more balanced show in terms of pace, and I think if we got that maybe we wouldn't leave the show with that slight 'oh, it's over ' feeling, quite so often. Thanks for posting Christine.
  7. Thanks so much Kaatje for the upload! Looking forward to seeing the part I missed last night .
  8. Lots of musicians get ridiculed on that show, often when they are actual guests themselves (at least then they can defend themselves ) it's part of the 'fun', and generally speaking I laugh along with it because it's usually just banter. Perhaps it's just me being ultra defensive of Mika because I'm a fan and I genuinely like and admire the guy...but whenever he is the subject of such 'banter' it always seems to have a nasty edge which does remind me of school bullies..and believe me I know all about them . I'm sure Mika HAS developed a very thick skin over the years, and an unshakeable sense of self worth, but I still do wonder sometimes what he thinks about it all, deep deep down .
  9. I found it annoying too, although I have to say, I would not have expected anything different from this show. I've been waiting for them to mention Mika for a couple of years now and I just knew that when they did, it would be in a snidey way . He is Mika, after all, we all know what the deal is with Mika by now don't we (at least we do in the UK ). I see Jazzy's point..Jupitus's demeanour when joking about Mika was not very nice; what I disliked most was when he asked Calvin Harris, "So you have met this Mika bloke have you?" (or words to that effect). His tone of voice made it sound like Mika was some freakish, mincing dog turd of an entity who either cannot possibly exist, or who should at least be treated with the utmost suspicion. I don't give a **** what Phil Jupitus thinks, really, because he is a bit of an idiot, but it does still get on my nerves a bit that people who have never met Mika assume he is a camp-voiced freakoid . But I don't lose any sleepover it .
  10. Is the so-called 'large' (lmao..) ladies size REALLY a 12-14????? 12-14??? :shocked: Do these people not know that the AVERAGE size of a British woman is size 16..??!! It seems Big Girls are only Beautiful when Mika wants them in his size 20-22 corsets on stage It's not good enough!
  11. Well I have voted yes, because I like the song and think it would be a single that would appeal to a very broad range of people. I have a slight hesitation knowing that it WOULD without doubt be compared to Father Figure and we would get the same old (boring) "Mika just steals things" comments in the press, but I think the song is strong enough to transcend that.
  12. They are running through the nominees for Best male on the VIVA channel right now. Just waiting for Mika..oh here he is!!
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