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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I'm just happy to see him pointing out that other 'pop' artists are also heavily influenced by past genres and artists (as if this were news anyway!! doh!) and not just him! And that it's not a crime, as Mika-hating journos would have everyone believe, but just a fact of modern music, ie pretty much everything has been 'done' by now and it's truly hard to be totally original. To me, mika is as original and unique as it's possible to be within the limits of 'pop' these days. If that makes sense. That's why he's so fab.
  2. Thanks Akim:biggrin2: In my opinion, a fair review!
  3. OMG hot flush!!! Mika's legs! Doesn't he look 'mature' on the last picture (it almost feels right for me to fancy him on that pic! )- not liking the side parting look though, I hope it was a hairdressing malfunction and not deliberate!
  4. Click on the little button on the bottom right-hand edge of the 'video box' (whatever it's called!!), this brings up a menu list, and you'll see 'Mika' on three of the options.
  5. Come on North West fans, I can't believe there are only two going to Manchester so far!!! Manchester rocks and I know all the good pubs!
  6. At last I've found a word for me - KIDULT! Love it. These interviews are lovely thnaks for posting:thumb_yello: Doesn't he look tired though -sorry to bring that up again:blink: but he does!
  7. Yeah Manc, go to Manc Tia! You know it makes sense:naughty:
  8. Anyone else considering Manchester?????
  9. nicole, Doncaster has an airport now!! Don't know if they fly to Estonia though:blink:
  10. Can recommend Donny Dome - have been there (some years ago now though), there was lots of standing space if I remember, quite a big venue! http://www.the-dome.co.uk/events/mika.html
  11. Yeah me too!! Worse possible day to go on sale. And why is it always 9am?? I'd get up in the middle of the night, that'd actually be more convenient!
  12. Aaah I'm seriously stressing!! Supposed to be going on holiday Friday morning but need tickets for Manchester! May have to set off a bit later:naughty: If anyone gets spares for Manchester (and I don't get any), I will definitely buy, please bear me in mind!
  13. There is a media backlash brewing..it's just a good thing that his real fans Don't Care:mf_rosetinted: , if this example of 'journalism' is anything to go by!
  14. I see you!! Thanks. Like the pink streaks! Hope you've got over the disappointment (though that after-show thing sounded strange, no wonder Mika didn't want to hang around). Well done for publicising the fanclub though!!
  15. Blue Sky - sorry you didn't get to meet the man.. Can anyone tell me where to find the clip of Blue Sky at the awards...? Just spent best part of an hour trying to find it (I'm catching up with four days of missed forum - it's hard!) Thnx
  16. Perfect!! Thanks!! i'm sure he'll forgive you (ha Ha) Just needs the dog collar now (is that what they call it, it looks daft now I've written it..)
  17. I wasn't trying to imply anything..er..naughty or inappropriate! Although...*imagination running away to dodgy things..* Can we get a pic of 'Holy Johnny'?? Big Girl:wink2:? He'd have to be 'in character' so we'll give you a few days to arrange the outfit:naughty:
  18. Yes!! and imagine if you will the video (if Holy Johnny is a future single, which I hope it is) .... loads of fit men in priest's clothing jigging about with Mika in the middle...
  19. THAT'S IT! This fanclub has now officially gone completely bonkers!! :roftl: That's the maddest thing I've ever heard - but GOOD! At one point though he starts to sound a bit like a field full of sheep, quite disturbing. So thanks for that. I'm just popping back into the sane world for a while now while there is still hope.......
  20. Yeah that ruins the effect slightly for me. Can't he get some nice white ones to go with the all white outfits, if he will insist on showing us his pants all the time??
  21. He looks so fantastic in all white! Just give him a pair of wings and he could have come down from heaven:naughty: Who else can carry off that look so well? It's becoming his signature colour. Thanks for posting.
  22. I didn't know he had an A Level in Spanish. Does anyone know what his other A Level(s) were??
  23. Hey, my avatar has LOTS of personality, I'll have you know!!
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