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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Come on, is anyone going to be controversial and vote for looks?? Is this poll anonymous??
  2. Blue Sky, this is a great story, I love the way you won the tickets by tipping off the Japanese media about Mika! You see, there ARE advantages to being a non-UK resident Mika fan - you are a bit fewer and further between (at the moment) so more noticeable (we hope you'll be noticed anyway, but is it true japanese fans can be quite - er- enthusiastic??) Anyway if you are lucky enough to speak to Mika please put a good word in for his Mummy fans, he NEEDS to know about our raging hormones:naughty: and the effect he has on them! *feeling vicariously excited*
  3. GO MIKA!!! I'm so impressed with these sales stats but not surprised...still not sick of the album after playing it virtually every day since Feb...and it is obviously one of those 'word of mouth' albums..(USUALLY THE BEST) So much for all those "this is fluffy throwaway worthless pap blah blah that you'll be sick of after three days blah blah one hit wonder blah blah" reviews. AND HE'S SOLD MORE THAN THE KAISERS - GOOD!!!
  4. She has a really good voice and stage presence..just like Mika..it might just work! btw i really enjoyed looking at the links to other Sun articles especially the one about Mika wanting to create a whole custom-built village for him to live in:roftl: That's something I've always daydreamed about too! Mine would look something like Portmeirion in Wales (where they filmed The Prisoner) - okay I'm probably only making sense to Oldlings now and going offtopic a bit!)
  5. I think his reaction may be something like this: but then: and ultimately:
  6. THAT'S FANTASTIC!! You are so lucky! Lucky lucky lucky. Oh God I sound like Kylie:naughty: Of course you must go! Fly the flag for MFC in Japan
  7. Of course he will...because... He Doesn't Care:mf_rosetinted: and We Don't Care either:mf_rosetinted:
  8. Hi there There is a very similar thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4632 with lots of description as to what Mika is like in the flesh so to speak! Not that I'd know:bleh: never mind
  9. Wow these photos are amazing! An accurate representation of your night Daisylou from what I've read (!). Talk about up close!! You can see every eyelash and beard follicle! I love the look on Luke's face too, on his 'portrait'.
  10. She really has a great job that Big Girl!! I could do that!! I have all the credentials believe me, even down to the hair and colouring etc etc:wink2: and the rest!
  11. For this reason alone I think it best I never meet him - I would make a total fool of myself by melting all over the floor and ending up a gibbering wreck!
  12. :thumb_yello: Just watching the BBC local news (North West Today), they played Love Today as the backing track to scenes of the Festival.. It's official, Mika WAS Preston!! :biggrin2:
  13. I want one! I would put it at the bottom of my garden, it would be quite retro, kind of like the outdoor loos in the olden days. It would look better than some boring old garden shed AND functional too!
  14. I'l have to take all your words for it, as I know I'll never meet Mika, and that's okay - for one he is getting too 'big' now and for another I'm just not motivated/fanatical enough to go that extra mile so to speak! I can't blame those of you who are, though! Even if I did I wouldn't know what the hell to say to him:naughty: I will continue to admire him from a safe distance:naughty: ! I have no doubt he smells lovely though - you can just tell!!
  15. Thanks, I believe I was first to view some of them, you are a fast worker!
  16. Just bumping up the thread - the Mika Mums were sliding - a bit like our domestic chores eh girls:naughty:
  17. Pheromones?? I can imagine that Mika's pheromones are quite special!
  18. My mother in law is the biggest musical snob in the world:thumbdown: but don't get me started on her....
  19. Thanks for that Bab, as I felt a bit heretical saying it:blink: Well I've just had to watch it sitting with my fuddy-duddy inlaws, it was a nightmare as they slagged him off so much. And if it's true he han't been well, then it was actually a real achievement today.
  20. Great performance but I think his voice sounded strained. He needs to rest it, just my opinion
  21. Whaaat? He's been on already? I'm slipping! I was just waiting for 3 o'clock on the red button, I didn't think the main stage kicked off till then. Still annoyed I'm not there.
  22. I love your avatar - it could be the official Mika "I Don't Care" pose!!
  23. Hello and Welcome to our newest Mika Mum/Mom! I'm sure Blue Sky will put you on the 'list'. Kids are great aren't they for Mika-related excuses! I mean if they keep asking for the Cd you can't disappoint them!
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