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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Do I have a slightly guilty conscience? This dream is indirectly about Mika but still laden with meaning.. Dreamt that I woke up in the night to find my husband was going crazy taking the computer to bits and talking gibberish and wearing this bright red shirt (not his normal style) and I say to him, "what's going on??" And he says "You tell me! How come the computer's memory tells me you've made 50,000 ( :roftl: as if!) posts on some Mika website? Is it that I don't dress colourfully enough?? Why are you so obsessed with Mika? And (this is the best bit) who the hell is Freddiesdouble??" He was really frantic, poor thing! At this point in the dream I actually woke up and found I was giggling to myself (I do this quite a lot apparantely). I feel terribly guilty about this dream though, my poor long suffering husband, maybe I need to give the Mika thing a rest and give him a bit more attention! It's obviously preying on my mind:shocked: !!
  2. I've got a big grin on my face from reading through this thread this morning - what a fab night for the MFC, I am so happy it went well especially for the Leeds Lot.. and Jennie.... how lucky are you??? Are you still pinching yourself?? I'm p***ed off that I couldn't get to any of these gigs this time but reading all about it on here really has been the next best thing, and I am SO going next time he tours wild horses will not stop me!!!!
  3. Wish I knew then I could plan my day around it (how sad:naughty: ). I think it's going to on via BBC interactive red button etc...
  4. I'll maybe consider ebay in future for tickets if the people selling them are genuine fans who can't get to the gig and are only asking cost price to get their money back - but this is different. To resell FREE tickets like this verges on the criminal. It's about time it was stopped. In fact stop it altogether (ebay I mean) I'm fed up with it!!!! I wouldn't buy them if they were on for 20p each, on principle! :sneaky2:
  5. I applied for tickets to go to this (it would be my first time seeing Mika) but had no luck. They are selling on ebay but no way; it was supposed to be a FREE event, so I guess I'll be watching on TV.
  6. Hi Akim, I was wondering if you'd noticed this thread yet! Welcome aboard the Dodgy Hormone Express (actually you're a bit young to be worrying about that yet, lucky you:biggrin2: )
  7. Someone somewhere pressed the Fast Forward button on my life!! That's how it feels anyway:thumbdown: no it's okay as I'm young inside:biggrin2:
  8. Hey Cloud don't worry, you are not alone in this, I forget my age all the time!!! If someone asks me it or I have to write it on a form or something I have to stop and think...erm..36, no.. 37 no sorry 38!! I used to laugh at my sister-in-law (who is only 2 years my senior) when she did this. I mean how can you FORGET how old you are? But now it's happening to me. Senile dementia here I come:naughty: of course in my head, I am 23 or maybe nearly 24....
  9. Just seen some of the pics posted by GITB - those trews are awesome and the man in them even more so! He fills them nicely. The tighter "around the ass" the better if you ask me:roftl:
  10. omg, I've just read that HE WORE THE TREWS!!!! couldn't get on here last night it was killing me wondering...even dreamt about it...what great news this morning!!! So chuffed for you lot. Right I will read through the thread and have a look at the pics :thumb_yello:
  11. wonder if Leezy has stopped shaking yet. I feel for her! I would be a total nervous wreck if that was me...I would need a VERY large drink - oops sorry you're not allowed at a Mika concert are you:naughty: back later to check on developments
  12. This is the MADDEST thing ever A load of people from (at least) three continents receiving text messages via a forum from some mad Scottish girls who they don't even know* who are giving a pop star a pair of home-made tartan trousers in Glasgow on a wet Wednesday night. :roftl: I love it!!! I'm so glad they met Mika and got the trews to him!! *Wendi I know YOU do know them!!
  13. Don't get me wrong, it's only SOME of the time I feel motherly towards him.... The rest of the time..well there aren't enough:mf_lustslow: s allowed on a post to do it justice!!
  14. we could make a relaxation tape for him with all our voices on talking to him soothingly (this is a joke, please don't anyone get any ideas! not after the tartan trousers etc! )
  15. What time is it in Aus Happikali??? 2.30 am or something? You'll be up all night waiting for trews news:roftl:
  16. lol yeah, it'll have to be a sub-group of this group - maybe not all of the MFC Mothers' Club members actually want to mother Mika! Some might just want to...well you know.
  17. or howabout Mika's Online Mothering Service (MOMS) ? I suggest whenever we see pics of him looking a bit peaky we spring into action...not sure how though:boxed:
  18. Fab version! I love it. Seen it on the youtube lists b4 but first time I ever listened to it, thanks
  19. So many rising pop/rock stars seem to say the same (in interviews) that the first 12 months when you become 'famous' are so tough and you don't know if you are coming or going and are permanently exhausted. It is part and parcel of it and probably worth the sacrifice in the end. Yes Mika is looking as if he is under pressure but as someone said, he has a great entourage who look after him, I'm sure he is fine. I'd like to give him a big hug too though:wub2:
  20. It's okay AGJG I didn't take it the wrong way...I was just covering myself in case the dodgy thread police (Freddie:naughty: only joking) got onto me:mf_rosetinted: aww but he does need mothering though. His Mum looks lovely, I'm sure she does a good enough job but we can be his onlin surrogate mums!
  21. By the way, I didn't mean to lower the tone of the thread by my use of the word "lust". It won't happen again! God knows there are enough 'dodgy threads' out there:roftl: We don't want this one to 'turn'... Just good clean Mikamum/mom fun from now on, I promise!
  22. :roftl: Yes! I go from thinking the above one day, to all-out lust the next. Is this wrong?
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