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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. OMG reading through this thread and related ones is making me so mad; I can't believe that because of the flamin' Fun Police's antics at Leeds so many people are feeling on a downer as regards the other gigs. My God if you can't have a bit of fun and a laugh before a Mika gig then when can you??? Kata - you sound like such a nice fun person it would be a crime to stifle that in Birmingham I am SURE it won't be anything like Leeds. That goes for the rest of you too, just go and enjoy it, lightning doesn't strike twice. MFC POWER I will be sending you good vibes:thumb_yello:
  2. Great! There is a direct hotline to the trouser action in Glasgow!! At least THESE trousers will be kept pulled right up tonight...it remains to be seen about Mika's:naughty: I'm sure the tartan ones will be fine, they looked great in the pic! I can see him filling them now in my mind's eye.....
  3. Great article! It actually makes the Elton John influence/comparison sound like a compliment for a change. And it manages to avoid the words > 'camp' and 'flamboyant' when talking about Mika - oh what a relief!!!!!!! I'm glad Ben Folds gets mentioned too, he is very talented and underrated.
  4. Hey, great to see so many more Mika Mums on here, we really need this 'group'.. I am enjoying reading all your raves 'coz it means I'm not going crazy after all. Well I am, but I'm not the only one! Whenever I start to waver and think "hmm, I am too old for this malarkey" I have a quick word with myself and ponder on the great benefits of being a Mika Mum: 1) It keeps people like me (ie approaching middle age - uggh!) computer and internet savvy (hours spent posting on MFC, learning forum slang, learning how to upload stuff etc) which can ONLY be of great benefit to our young kids as we can help them out and/or know what they are talking about; 2) Getting into Mika has made me more interested in current music trends in general so my kids think I'm hip and trendy and 'with it' (that may not be such a good thing in a few years when they become embarrassed teenagers, mind!) 3) It is good for my health as jumping around to LICM is good exercise. Keeps that osteoporosis threat at bay:bleh: 4) Mika love keeps our hormones flowing and maybe we need that at our age:blink: I know I do:roftl: Sure there are many more benefits of Mika-Life Crisis!
  5. gotta go will check out the trews tomorrow girls. I bet you are all so excited!!!!!
  6. chicken never looked so...chickeny!!
  7. oh where are those troosers??????? hurry up i have to log off in about 3 mins!! :roftl:
  8. Persuading the husband is the toughest job isn't it! The kids are a pushover, easy to convert to Mikadom, but the other half...well let's just say it's delicate. At the moment, mine goes very quiet at the merest mention of the M word. Hmmmm. Maybe I'm overdoing it???
  9. Might have known!!!! :sneaky2: I'm furious too. I'm sick of ebay. It's evil. Even if they were selling them for £1 each on there I wouldn't buy them on principle.
  10. Yeah good luck for the other gigs; hope this was just a nasty one-off (doorstaff are quite often total d***heads, we all know that) and that it's not some kind of evil Anti-Mika-Fan conspiracy:blink:
  11. CazGirl is the one for the job, definitely! I fear for Mika tonight... Only joking Caz:biggrin2:
  12. Exactly what I was wondering too! I think I can imagine, knowing how students can be.. But suppose it's not fair to speculate as we haven't heard ALL sides of the story yet..
  13. God I just feel so gutted for them. I just HOPE they at least got to meet Mika after and that the security d***heads didn't scupper that too.
  14. I just can't believe what I've read here this morning! I was so picturing them all last night at the gig and now this... What a total scandal. I'm so sorry for Freddie and Kata and the others. I hope we hear their side of the story soon (well no doubt we will..)
  15. Well I am married with two kids, 8 and 5, and I definitely identify with this club!! Officially I am a full-time Mum. In reality, these days, I am a full-time Mikaholic. There's not a lot of domestic goddess stuff going on in my house these days Please count me in; sometimes I feel like a complete freak and it's good to know I'm not the only one "pretending to do serious work on the computer" all day! (Well most of theday - I do still manage to tend to the children's basic needs!)
  16. Oh thank God he drinks pints. He is a real man. Now it's official.
  17. Thanks for posting this - I too would love to see Prince and Mika collaborate or on the same ticket. Prince is great, totally underrated if you ask me. But yes, Prince standing next to Mika would definitely be a comedy sight to behold:naughty: Cute pic of Mika - a nice bit of stubble there too!
  18. Yes, have a fab time, me not jealous at all, it's going to be I am sure!!
  19. I have everything crossed for you gals. Hang on in there
  20. Bring on more Mika covers, I say! They just serve to prove what a fab singer Mika is (as if we needed any convincing). I made it to the first chorus of this effort then had to turn it off but I think I did well to stand it for that long!
  21. <Thinking of dancing with Mika :wub2: > It's hot in here...
  22. I'm just trying to imagine G4 doing Mika songs...... Do you remember when they did Radiohead's "Creep"? I am still cringeing about that to this day! (Sorry - not a fan of G4...)
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