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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Aww that day sounds just lovely! I especially like the piano lesson bit - fab idea, I'm booking him in for that. My kids would love it too. But then you just had to mention the high heels:shocked: and the daydream is suddenly shattered:naughty:
  2. Sorry! Naughty today. Off to find a serious thread
  3. Forget the maid's outfit, it's chicken tonight for tea and I'm getting rent-a-Mika to come and help with it. I hear he's not much of a cook though. <leaves thread very quickly>
  4. Watch out watch out there's a Freddie about
  5. I'm sorry but what exactly is erotic about Mika helping around the house???? We're not asking him to wear a French maid's outfit or anything. Ladies please!
  6. :shocked: No comment. Now back to the bob-a-job-related innocent fun, please.
  7. It's good clean fun!? Mika in paint splattered overalls, now what's that got to do with chicken?
  8. I need a hand decorating my landing and hallway. A tall chap would be very useful for reaching the parts I can't He'd have to make his own tea though as I'm not good at brews! Wouldn't want him kicking up a fuss over the cuppa quality.
  9. You took the oooooooooos out of my mouth:shocked: let this be a bad nightmare!
  10. I think Mika was referrring to Jade Goody in terms of her position in the celebrity media. Just my view. Mika always talks about not wanting to be a 'taboidy' person or be well known purely on the strength of media column inches. Jade Goody could be seen to be the antithesis of Mika in this sense. Didn't he say in a recent interview (can't think which one) "Who wants to be like Jade Goody? Not me" (paraphrasing). I hope it WASN'T just a dig at Jade Goody for the sake of it (though he wouldn't be the first!).
  11. Yes where did they get that third song of his from? He mentioned 'Big Girl' before he played The Gossip's record (hmm, a little predictable Mika ) The reviewer obviously wasn't paying attention.
  12. akim, seen your myspace thing:biggrin2: take a look:biggrin2:
  13. You're not! We know what we mean, we just daren't voice it too loudly on here or we may be lynched! Am I right??
  14. I think I know what you mean there Akim!
  15. Liking this idea avoca, and curly your banner is great, I like the pink.
  16. I love that alternative intro to Love Today too; it is a spine tingling Mika moment!
  17. Do you think he has knobbly knees? Hope so, I like them:blush-anim-cl:
  18. I am a lapsed pescatarian:blink: I was fishy veggie for 12 years (from age of 16) thanks to Morrissey:blush-anim-cl: , but when I was pregnant with my first child I absolutely craved meat. So I lapsed. <still feels the shame> I was definitely healthier back then though and often consider "going back"...
  19. Yes, definitely not in those very short shorts like the ones footballers used to wear in the 80s.....noooo! Not even on Mika!
  20. :blink: School in the 70s was Victorian wasn't it (I remember..). Me I'm a total right hander and footer. You should see my comedy attempts to kick a football with my left foot. Nearly as good as some England players!
  21. Can't wait:biggrin2: Seen your pics from the weekend's sewing shenanigans...brilliant! Looking good. Seems you had fun too. Sure Mika will appreciate the love that has gone into these trews. Particularly around that crotch:naughty:
  22. I haven't had an email one way or t'other yet. Just would like to know:biggrin2:
  23. Why keeping us waiting so long about the tickets????
  24. My son, he's 5, gets ticked off at school for singing Mika during lessons.
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