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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I'm just pulling up Mika's trews for you ladies -they were nearly on page 4 - sorry Wendi to deprive you of this pleasure today but I just had to:naughty: been dying to do it just the once!! GOOD LUCK with the trouser making this weekend you lot! I'm sure they will turn out fab. Looking forward to seeing the pics next week!
  2. I have a good friend who hates Mika, she calls him a freak, ugly, weird, a one-hit-wonder (duh??) and other, mostly unprintable, things - she basically thinks I have gone mad because according to her I "used to have good taste":shocked: She says she can't believe I spent real money on his CD. All the usual over-the-top vitriol which Mika seems to bring out in some people! But I just smile to myself and think, poor her, she doesn't "get" Mika, that's okay. It's her loss!!
  3. Eu ia ao Sudoeste se não fosse em principios de Agosto.. estou de férias em Portugal até ao 28 de Julho, é mesmo chato Se calhar vou ficar lá em Portugal...sou capaz de "perder" o passaporte!
  4. Personally I hope he's at home in bed.... ....getting some sleep, I mean!! He has been looking knackered of late, like on Graham Norton; I'm sure he must be feeling the strain a bit, and he needs to recharge himself for the upcoming British gigs! Please let him be having a few days completely OFF.... for his sanity!
  5. ¡Hola Meli! Welcome to the Mika Fan Club, have fun here!
  6. Obrigada Mary! Ontem registei no forum português (sou a Rafi)... quando houver mais 'movimento' e pessoal começo a postar...para dar uma perspectiva de 'bifa mikamaluca'
  7. I have gone for Over My Shoulder because there is a line in there that seems to me to be straight out of Close Every Door (Joseph) and every time I hear it I can't help but think of Jason Donovan and it puts me off (sorry any Jason fans, no offence meant:naughty: ). I also can't be doing with the children's choir on Any Other World (otherwise I like the song and Mika's vocal is lovely, but the choir makes me cringe a bit.) We can't be expected to love every song by an artist, even one we love as much as Mika! Not everything works for everyone.
  8. I was just going to ask if you'd hoisted Mika's trousers lately!! phew that was close
  9. I agree totally with this suggestion. The recent rubbish about Mika on Wiki has annoyed me, and it would make sense to have a proper, clued-up fan in charge of overseeing his entry details
  10. Don't worry folks it's obvious someone is having a (not funny) joke. <laughs ironically > I suggest we do the right thing and ignore it. Unless someone with Wiki editing powers cares to intervene. Everyone knows what Wikipedia is like:thumb_yello:
  11. Obrigada! mas na verdade o meu português devia ser melhor! Estudei na faculdade e estive 4 anos a viver e trabalhar em Lisboa, ja há alguns anos atrás, ja olvidei muito, nao há muitas oportunidades para praticar aqui na Inglaterra.. Vou lá de férias no Verão (Estoril) , e vou espalhar a messagem do Mika, podes crer!
  12. Olà , eu não sou portuguesa pois não pertenço a este thread, mas na mesma, parabéns por terem criado o site/forum português do Mika! Já dei uma vista de olhos ao site e já está tudo optimo! Muita boa ideia; o Mika há-de se tornar ainda mais conhecido em Portugal graças a isso! E peço desculpa pelos erros de português..
  13. Thanks Meimei for posting. The bit I don't agree with is this strange "nothing going on underneath to trouble musicologists" (or whatever it was). What exactly should be going on underneath, according to musicologists? In my opinion Mika's music has more "going on underneath" than most contemporary stuff; he has a distinctive arrangement style, use of instruments and of course all the nuances of his voice... "dumb" pop? I don't get this. If they mean accessible, then yes, but not dumb.
  14. Good luck with enlarging it Julie - if for any reason you can't do it, I offer to help you transcribe it, as I could read it fairly easily (maybe we could do a page each!). Me old eyes can't be that bad after all:naughty:
  15. Yeah the Ta-Dah annoyed me too, what was the point of that, totally gratuitous, as it doesn't really mention SS in the rest of the interview or did my eyes miss that grrr
  16. I can't see the nasal hair either. But he probably does have it. A bit. Nothing a good pair of tweezers couldn't fix!!
  17. Thanks JUlie for the pics/interview. Managed to screw my eyes up enough to just about read the interview....interesting, especially the thumb-chewing and the description of Mika at Sanremo...
  18. <goes to get microscope and study pics again>
  19. Nasal hair? Where? I don't believe it:mf_rosetinted:
  20. Yes I prefer the tousled messy windswept hair too, and the combat pants suit him, but then I think he could wear just about anything and look great...BUT..have to agree with daisylou...the no-socks look is a no no! Two words: sweaty feet!
  21. AVOCA!!! You are doing it AGAIN, with MORE pics that should have a health warning on them for all red-blooded females!! I like his trousers too. I think he is getting in some practice at wearing patterned ones, ready for the tartan trews!
  22. I've registered for the Sunday - I'm kind of local (Wigan) so have a slightly better chance than most, fingers crossed. I will get any local friends I can think of to register, never know, may be spare tickets around if we get lucky!
  23. Hello MikasaQT, welcome to the site , you're sure to find out all about Mika here, and don't worry as there are plenty of 'older' fans here (I'm one!) Have fun!
  24. "Mika dances slightly worse than Beck..." :roftl: Dancing prowess is vastly overrated in a proper musician! (Anyway I like Mika's dancing!) Good review thanks Meimei:thumb_yello:
  25. :shocked: Only got 91% !!! I'm appalled at myself. (I'm a perfectionist). Going to see what I got wrong....
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