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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Hello Kieran:biggrin2: BBC2 Thursday 10pm, then the uncut repeat Sunday 11.30pm, please if this is wrong someone correct me.
  2. Yes, let me start with a little hypnotism: Come back to Northwest England Mika, Come back to Northwest England Mika, Leeds doesn't count, I can't get to Leeds on a Sunday night , Manchester, Manchester, Manchester on a Saturday night and if you can book me a stretch limo too that'd be nice
  3. I'm so pleased you got to see Mika Akim, and INSANELY JEALOUS!!!!! Loved reading your story. When is he coming to a record store near me, that's what I want to know, we have a nice brand new shiny HMV here in sunny Wigan, I can start queuing right now, it's no problem... Shame Felicia (I assume that's her) couldn't make it, is she very jealous?
  4. I have just had to pick myself up off the floor after a MAJOR swoon! Thank you JeyJen, I will now try and put my eyes back in! Possibly the most fabulous pics yet of Mika.
  5. Yes Sivan, you are quite entitled to faint, swoon, whatever, you are our heroine:thumb_yello:
  6. This is lovely news, what a sweetie he is, but we already knew that.. Did all of you who did the scrapbook put your mfc usernames and also your real names on your letters? (I did and glad I did now). I'm sure whatever form the 'thank you' takes - even if it's not individual -we will totally appreciate it. Not that we expect a thank you of course, it was our pleasure! Understatement of the year!
  7. The feet are sweet, yes, how could they not be:thumb_yello:
  8. I thought the feet were one of those things we do not discuss:mf_rosetinted:
  9. How freaked out do you lot think I am ... I am 38 and this is my biggest ever celebrity crush!!! I am mad mad mad and just a little sad! I should have left all this hero worship behind years ago but that's the Power of the Mika! I do think we need a Mika rehab thread, I think there is one somewhere <goes to bump it up>
  10. A panther. Mmmm yeah maybe. I see him more as a horse - a thoroughbred racehorse, a bit highly strung, energetic, stubborn, whimsical, beautiful, loyal, well bred, slightly aloof yet a faithful companion! :wub2:
  11. Yes it's the high hat I was just going to say that myself. Honest! :naughty: If you listen to the album on a media player where you can adjust the graphic equalizer thing you can hear all sorts of weird and wonderful things, it's my favourite thing to do now, deconstruct the mix of LICM! Certain tracks sound so different and fresh when you do this (I can't afford to buy Mika remixes so I do it myself, it keeps me off the streets.......)
  12. To my ear (not musically trained btw) his highest note seems to be a high G (Relax, Grace Kelly) and then F# (?) in Love Today. I would like an expert's view though. I am only relying on my knowledge of playing the recorder in primary school:naughty:
  13. A while ago I stated on a similar thread that I would never post on a Mika's Sexuality thread again because I didn't care, but just for the record and to make it official: I DON'T CARE I still reserve the right to fancy him, mind!
  14. Yes you are right, I was just expecting too much too soon, I am sure the physical release today will propel him right up there..
  15. I HOPE he makes it to No. 1...to be honest I was slightly disappointed Love Today was only 18 in the chart yesterday. I thought it would be top 5. Maybe I am expecting too much too soon!? I just really want Mika to prove all his doubters wrong by having five or six number ones in a row!! Nothing else will do! World domination!
  16. I bet there are a lot 'lurking', just too afraid to enter the oestrogen frenzy of mfc - particularly after some of the recent threads!
  17. Yes I know what you mean!!! We can be 21 in our heads though, and that's where it counts!
  18. Absolutely agree Shontih. Straight men who can admit other men may be attractive are themselves attractive for having the security to say it. I'm lucky in that both my Dad and my husband regularly comment on other men! And so they should! Great role models. I am really surprised there aren't more gay men on this site.
  19. I'll be there at the first hint of a loose stitch. Mika knows he only has to ask.... xx
  20. I really hope Mika has got as good a sense of humour as i THINK he has, if he really does read this load of pants!!!:naughty: I'm off now to finish off the red wine, bye bye pant-lovers of MFC xxxxxxxxxx
  21. I can almost hear that cute little (slightly nervous?) giggle now!!!!
  22. I'm sure he would control himself and stay ...er... nice and still and relaxed....
  23. Oh God my signature looks really dirty now!
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