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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. AHA! Well spotted Kata. I knew there was something that didn't quite make sense about him liking waterskiing. Wonder if he meant it as a joke..
  2. 'Mika thrashed on pitchfork' ..... it sounds like some form of terrible torture! Involving large fork-like implement! It should be the reviewer who is thrashed on the pitchfork - whatever it may involve...
  3. Carry on, carry on, don't mind me <sitting quietly letting images of Mika wedgie run through mind>
  4. :roftl: <nothing to do with this thread/conversation, but reading it and laughing lots and lots>
  5. :roftl: I had to laugh! As if any of us on this forum try and contain our feelings!!!! I'd say it's just the opposite, and I don't care if Mika sees it and thinks we are silly or just freaks out! He seems to have a great sense of humour and I feel sure he's happy we are all nuts....Tell your friend to get over here and share in the Mika love!
  6. What a great discovery your friend has made to be sure! Is she going to be joining us on MFC? And Akim, I like your signature, are you a Morrissey fan by chance, if so, :punk:
  7. Mika - breakfast - chocolate - messed-up hair........ Now they are great themes for a good Mika dream! Why can't I have dreams like that??
  8. Unconscious Mikadooldling is deadly though, especially with a jealous husband around the house - I've had to dispose of many an embarassing scrap of paper just lately:blink:
  9. In what respect was Mika compared to this...er...person??
  10. Yes, and the strings on Any Other World are Eleanor Rigby-like. But those people who say he is ripping off the Beatles' sound on these tracks make no sense, because it's not as if the Beatles invented strings and horns and stuff. It's more like Mika's classical influences coming through. It's like the chord progression on Happy Ending...i have heard a similar one on a piece of claasical music, if anyone knows which one I mean please post it as it's driving me mad...
  11. You are right about Scotland.. I so enjoyed watching their recent match v. Italy. (for many reasons! ) So refreshing after the dross of England's bunch of overpaid fatcats! I wish they had let us girls play footie when I was a school. I always dream I'm a great football player and they are fab dreams, I never want to wake up!
  12. Yes, why does he appeal so much to us thirtysomethings? I have thought a lot about this and still can't come up with a rational explanation! Although my husband just suspects I'm entering my mid-life crisis phase (grrrr).. My good friend (NOT a Mika fan, I'm sad for her) just says to me "But he's a BOY not a MAN!!" No, no, no, he is definitely a man I tell her but tbh I never really bother much about his age, in the same way I don't relate to my own age. I just love his persona and his attitude and his music and this transcends age.
  13. This is a truly great review from a person with obvious good taste, thanks for posting:thumb_yello:
  14. Now much a I really do honestly love football, and understand it, and everything....I have to admit that when I am watching any Italians play it my mind is not completely focussed on the game... Does anyone else think Mika would look great in an Italian national team football kit? He'd look a bit like Maldini:mf_lustslow: or Nesta! And blue suits him.
  15. Tell us the dream!! (I don't have nearly enough good quality Mika dreams, unfortunately, so I have to make do with other people's...! )
  16. Don't these people understand the very important difference between self-confidence and arrogance? Mika has lots of the former and that's good but I have never seen or heard a hint of arrogance or immodesty. Sheesh. Guess I shouldn't take this too seriously but it does irritate! could be a worse review - it could have been written by Liz Colville! Thanks for posting:thumb_yello:
  17. too right, it's just not even funny is it. Just deeply shameful and we should not and will not speak of it.
  18. Trust me, England would struggle to beat my kids' primary school team these days (or maybe they'd win 1-0 and Steve McClaren would describe it as a "workmanlike performance") - Poland could probably wipe the floor with them. <fights the urge to bring the England cricket team into this discussion too>
  19. I love football but I hate watching England at the moment, they are so frustratingly useless..I hope they have improved by 2012 but I'm not holding my breath!
  20. How shameful of you Mika Mad to use your innocent lttle children as an excuse for your Mikaweakness mwahahahaha..I never do that:wink2:
  21. Hey this was originally Steph's dream you know, I only gatecrashed it, go and stalk her!! <wakes up in cold sweat>
  22. LOL it could be like The Loveboat!! The LoveLoveMeBoat!
  23. <gatagordinha enters deep sleep phase and will continue dream when REM sleep returns...>
  24. ..trampling over Simon in their rush, they jumped on stage, donned the fluffy crocodile and monkey costumes handed to them by mika, and the bass and the guitar, and joined their hero in a victorious and most joyous rendition of "Paranoid" with Mika singing in his very topmost octave, at which point....
  25. "Simon, I just wanted to say, My pants are tighter than yours, you'll never staaaaand my fiiight...."
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