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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Second Album Syndrome?? We thought he had avoided it but it seems to have happened nonetheless. Even when you do a GOOD second album, there are obviously evil forces at work to thwart you .
  2. Rain is slowly gaining on OFB. What a difference a good video makes eh . But Rain is a real GROWER!!! 'Tis true. I didn't like the acoustic version he did at first, but the dancey version is now probably my favourite off the album even though I voted for OFB in the poll a couple of weeks ago.
  3. I want to hear the song first and then I'll say whether I want it to be released or not .
  4. Agreed. It would be a very ironic and bittersweet way for Mika to have another #1 song though. I'm not sure how I feel about it, especially since (allegedly) he didn't want Boyzone to have the song when Stephen was alive. I really hope that if he does let them have the song after all and it gets to #1 there is not in fact a Mika backlash if you see what I am getting at. Having said that how can there be a backlash when half the country hates him anyway . I'm curious to hear this song though now, even though I suspect it will be a somewhat cheesy ballad with a key change.
  5. A part of me agrees with this . I know a few fans from the early days - people who were regulars on MFC - who feel exactly the same as you and who just don't follow Mika any more. Fair enough. If I am honest I think Mika is treading a very fine line right at the moment with the staging of his shows, and I hope he doesn't cross the line and make the props and gimmicks and costumes and theatrics more important than the music. For me personally it has always been about his voice and his musicality, with the visual aspect/artwork/stage gimmicks very much secondary to that, and that's how it should remain because as you rightly say, he doesn't need to hide behind gimmicks; he is hugely and uniquely musically talented and that has to be the focus .
  6. Oh wow I was only thinking about that Boyzone/Mika thing the other day; I never thought the track would see the light of day though. It would almost certainly go to #1. Thanks for posting, what a find..
  7. It definitely sounds like underwear. My son always asks me why Mika is singing about underwear .
  8. I'm not so sure it's even down to that; I think there was quite a bit of promotion that went into the album. Although, we always see it from a fan point of view don't we, we see every bit of promo that exists , whereas the ordinary person in the street might NOT have seen all the promo. I don't know. I don't know what to think about that I just feel it's something else. I just think the record buying public in the UK don't generally get Mika, simple as that, and he doesn't have novelty value like he had first time around. Also, the competition in the pop market is much much fiercer this time around (and let's not forget WHO kickstarted the resurgence of pop in this country in 2007 :sneaky2:). The more I think about it though, the more I find it really depressing that the album isn't even on the TOP 40 anymore
  9. I know. Even though he is making steady headway in the US and is still popular in Europe, it makes me sad that the album just hasn't made much impression over here I just hope Rain can get decent airplay and boost album sales somehow.
  10. That's exactly how I feel about him too He is so different now from how he was at the beginning of 2007; sometimes it feels like that Mika and this Mika are completely different people and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a lot of nostalgia for the gawkier, slightly more earnest, less confident young man of three years ago. But that's all it is..nostalgia, because at the same time, I LOVE Mika's new found stage confidence and maturity. I love the fact I've been able to witness him develop not only as an artist but as a personality. Sometimes his new dance moves freak me out a bit in the videos but certainly when he is on stage the dancing makes perfect sense and adds a lot of individuality to his stagecraft. Nobody else dances like Mika, I think we can safely say that .
  11. Great review, a pleasure to read a reviewer who really gets Mika but not in a sycophantic way. Thanks for posting.
  12. Since when has Mika's stage performance been 'perfection'? I'd argue that it never is. There is always a hiccup or at least one high falsetto note he doesn't quite nail, or something. I've heard Mika's show described as many things but perfection has never been one of them..until now Sparks were great, I was terrified of Ron Mael as a small child though!! The eyes!! T4P
  13. WHAT were you doing tweeting him at 4am anyway?? I think this 'have a safe trip' tweet-back response has become Pavlovian. Think before you tweet, people
  14. Sorry, but I honestly cannot believe some people were tweeting Mika back wishing him a safe journey to the far East. He is in the middle of a North American tour. He is not going to be just popping off to Korea in the middle of it. Although..you never know with him, do you .
  15. I've just come across these videos too, they are fantastic. The duet with Emilie Simon is perfect; just how low does his voice go??? Wow, always a pleasure to hear the lowest part of Mika's amazing vocal range!
  16. Way way too expensive for me, but wow, what a venue; I would love to see Mika at the RAH one day.
  17. I have a bit of a strange relationship with his 'moves' at the moment. I really didn't like his dancing in the Through the Looking Glass thingy on TV (when he was performing in front of the mannequins), or in the BIOTG video; I found it forced and stilted and just awkward. And yet, I love the dancing in the new Rain video, and on the videos from the live shows in Canada/US. Perhaps it's when Mika is really into the dancing that I find it good to watch, when he is losing himself a bit in it. I agree he has a unique style, whilst obviously not being a natural dancer like Michael Jackson, or the likes of Justin Timberlake, even. I would love to see Mika in Strictly Come Dancing . Only theoretically of course, as it would mean his career was washed up if he appeared on there..but it's fun to imagine. I bet he would do a wicked paso doble and tango..throwing all those shapes, and attitude.
  18. I don't like analysing videos too closely, same as I don't like overanalysing song lyrics, but I can't help thinking that the mirror things in the forest remind me of a disco, especially the discos/clubs in the 80s that had lots of mirrors everywhere. I get an impression of Mika dancing on his own at a disco surrounded by strange people who don't understand him or who he doesn't identify with, and who may even be hostile towards him. There's definitely a feeling of being an outsider, being mocked or misunderstood, and trying to escape. However the fireworks at the end represent, for me, something similar to the 'I am not what you think I am, I am made of gold' sentiment. I haven't explained all that very well, probably because the idea isn't fully formed in my own mind; it's just an impression.
  19. I absolutely agree with you. Thanks for reminding me of Hungry Like The Wolf, it reminds me of that too.
  20. Mine is Grace Kelly for two reasons. 1) it was the first song of his I ever heard and therefore has special memories for me and 2) I genuinely believe it's still far and away the best song he's written to date.
  21. Thanks everyone for all the reports and videos and pictures! I'm enjoying hearing all about the North American tour and I agree with you Suzy that it ought to be front page here Watching some of the videos (notably I See you and Rain) from this gig I am really impressed with how good Mika's voice is sounding at the moment. LONG MAY IT LAST. Please Mika don't get ill, please please don't..*crosses everything*. I am even warming to his new 'moves'
  22. Of course you're allowed to not like it. We can't all like everything Mika does (I know I certainly don't ) and there's no need to justify it either . Sometimes I just don't take to certain songs of his, or indeed videos, and I can't always put my finger on why, either.
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