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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Yes it is! And not only that: it will be on the UK video channels around Bonfire Night (5th November, fireworks etc etc). Ooh very clever Mika .
  2. No that's not David. That's a laydee. He's the tall good looking one with the curly hair I'll take my rubbish jokes away now
  3. I'm struck by how many people are saying 'where's the rain in this video??'. I don't get it. The song isn't even about rain! It's a metaphor for flip's sake. The video has conveyed the emotion of the song very well and to have actual rain in it would, to me, be very cheesy. The fireworks work much better as a climax in the video. However having said all that I wouldn't have minded seeing Mika get all wet n stuff
  4. I LOVE IT. Thanks so much Droopsy for posting!!
  5. I wouldn't be so sure about that. A lot of Gaga fans seem to think Mika has just ripped off her own acoustic version of that song . I really like Mika's version but I do think he ought to have acknowledged Lady Gaga's own acoustic version when he was on Live Lounge (correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he did ) because on Live Lounge the artists tend to rework songs in a very individual way, and although Mika's version was great, it WAS very similar to Gaga's acoustic version although obviously very different to the version that was in the charts. That paragraph almost makes sense!!
  6. Aside from the frankly yawn inducing references to Freddie Mercury and the bullying (I'm with you on that one Babs ), that was an interesting read. I am glad to see Mika is thinking long-term about his career and realises that he is still very much on the upward curve. Also, I was glad to see him mention Depeche Mode; I don't recall him specifically referencing them before, but I have always considered them to be great exponents of the happy/sad musical thing Mika associates so strongly with. Thanks for posting.
  7. I agree that's a stupid comment to make. Of course Mika can sing I think what the blogger (I won't say journalist ) was getting at, albeit clumsily, was that on that performance of Rain, Mika was very slightly off key on some of his falsetto notes, as he sometimes is. I am a fan too (of course ) but I still notice these things... HOWEVER, to suggest Mika writes songs that he can't sing is just crass isn't it, and so wrong! I truly think Rain is a real grower and as others have said here, it will get played in clubs and pubs and will get into people's heads. It's the perfect choice for next single and at last it does look as if IS going to be second single, thank the Lord!! Hurry up and get it out before the Xmas rush Mika!!!
  8. That's sad about Dan, if it's the case. I thought he was a great addition to the band. Does this Jimmy one not sing well then???
  9. Precisely. I want to grab him and shake him and hope he sees sense on this because otherwise I'd rather see OFB dropped from the set, I like the album version too much for it to be done so poorly live. I admit I have only seen it on a video of course; the people who were there (like Mana for example) might have a completely different view of how effective it was.
  10. Definitely He needs (IMHO) to just focus on singing ONE of the vocal parts and let Martin and Erika do the others, instead of trying to do them all in bits. Much room for improvement, shall we say. But it was always going to be a challenge to do this song live .
  11. Was it good live? (silly question, your post says it all). How did they render the layered vocals??
  12. What's wrong with his neck???? Lovely pics, he looks tired but gorgeous Thanks very much for posting! I cut down trees , I eat my lunch, I go to the lavatoreeeeee
  13. I should hope so! Turkey solo, that would be very bad form . Why is this so hilarious :aah: I have stomach ache from laughing now!
  14. If you look very closely there is a suspicion of some mash there, on the right.
  15. I'm sorry but how badly carved is that turkey??? It looks like the cat has had it
  16. More turkey, Vicar? *gobble gobble gobble gobble*
  17. Me too, in fact I believe we joined on the same day suzie , but I lurked a while beforehand and I remember the Scissor Sisters thing now FD mentions it. Didn't realise quite how nasty the Scissor Sisters forum was though, I thought the SS fans had just come here cause of a deep love of Mika and not cause of the fighting on the other forum .
  18. Wasn't Andi a refugee from the SS forum?? I seem to remember that *peers back into the mists of time*. And a couple of other *old* names. Nah, Mika will be around forever, he's like Cliff . When he is 70 he'll be releasing dodgy Christmas songs and we'll all be spending our pension money on his gigs .
  19. Absolutely true, and something that annoys the heck out of me to be honest . Why is it that critics always focus on the few melodies of Mika's that sound a little bit like old songs, rather than celebrating the fact that he is a master of mixing old genres even sometimes within a song, and managing to come up with something that actually sounds uniquely Mika?? I think this journalist is hinting at that but doesn't go far enough towards acknowledging it. T4P OP (sorry I have momentarily forgotten who posted the article )
  20. Nice arrticle,thanks. I wonder what the charity thing is that he's preparing? Look forward to hearing more about that. Edit: Just realised it must be the thing in November here in UK
  21. I'll go away now and take my booby thoughts with me . What time is it in Canada 6.30am? Rise and shine you lot!!!
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